Alexandra's Story - Two Years Later

September 7, 2014 marks the second anniversary of Alexandra's passing. She would have been 36 years old now. For those who aren't aware of her poignant life story, please read my two previous blog posts below:

Alexandra epitomized her favorite greeting: Love and Light. It may not sound like such a profound choice of words at first glance. Not until you take a few minutes to read about her difficult life, and how she fought tooth and nail for her very existence, accomplished so much, and yet still managed to will herself to be so cheerful and loving at the end of the day. You will quickly realize that those three simple words contain a powerful lesson for all of us who take our lives and our health for granted.

Personally, she taught me about inner strength and perseverance despite the long odds that worked against her. She was a fighter to the very end, and she wanted nothing handed to her. She was fiercely determined to earn her keep, and to make her life worthwhile and meaningful. She succeeded in spades.

If life were fair, she should have been able to overcome all of her many physical maladies, and live to be 100. We know, alas, that life is NOT fair, but she certainly gave it all she had, and all those who know her story have to be impressed and inspired, and deeply touched by her example.

So, I just wanted to drop by and acknowledge a life lived to the fullest, with bravery and a stubborn will to prevail. It is, of course, bittersweet that she only lived to be 34 years old. When she was born, the doctors said she only had a few months to live. She had other ideas, and she proved them all wrong, many times over, for as long as her frail body could last. The fact that she lost her mother in a car accident when Alexandra was only two months old adds to the tragic circumstances that she had to overcome.

So, where is the sweet part in this? She was in constant pain all of her life. Her final message to her father was to tell him not to be sad, because she was no longer in pain.

The other sweet part is that her irrepressible spirit still burns brightly, and her message and her valiant life story continues to move so many people. Hers was not a life lived in vain. The miracle is that she was able to replace her pain and anger with love and acceptance, and despite her condition, she managed to support and console so many others along the way.

So on this day, I don't look upon Alexandra's story in sadness, but I choose to celebrate her life for all that she taught us, and for all that she is. She wouldn't have it any other way.

Love and Light!

Published by billy69boy
10 years ago
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alibodge 7 months ago
true freinds are so hard to come by you need be happy of those 5 days matey
wizerone 10 years ago
a treasured person now having moved on
this was very nice bi;;yboy she will be missed
billy69boy Publisher 10 years ago
A beautiful, heartfelt tribute. I know Alexandra had a profound effect on you, as she did on so many others. Our lives are all the richer for having had the opportunity to know and love her. May her love and light burn brightly forever.
anon44 10 years ago
I think of Alex as my guardian angel. I miss her so much. I wish I would have had more time to get to know her better. I am so blessed to have had the time with her that I did & that I had the forethought, before her page was closed, to have saved our chats on my personal hard drive. I was not able to read them on the emotional for me. I read them tonight. She told me that we are more alike than I realize. She said we are not alone anymore...

Here is a snippet of what I wrote on her page when she passed: "...You gave me hope. You made a difference. I will carry your memory & that hope with me forever because of you & in honor of you. May you rest in peace. I told my mom to show you around Heaven. She will take care of you as she did for me..." I miss you Alex. Love & Light & "magical dreams" my sweet guardian angel...
alibodge 10 years ago
wonderfull if we could all be good enough to need remembered like this it would be a worthwhile world! didnt know the lady but she was something special
Magnificent tribute which you returned to your friend!

When you will find yourselves, she will not have forgotten you...

Love and light ... for you too !
cumhereoften 10 years ago
Every time I wonder why I have a guy friend with a cat avatar I remember Alexandra's Story :smile: