Nude day out

Attn: folks in the SEQ; Norhthern NSW areas: Putting a call out there to any women, men & couples (straight, gay, les, whatever) who are wanting to take tomorrow out to meet up at a beautiful beach in the Byron Bay area. A day of relaxing and enjoying the open air and ocean; nudity definitely something accepted but not a requirement. Would be great to have a group of folks who just want some freedom from the outside world for the day in a relaxed, open, and respectful environment. Any age is ok. Any sexual orientation. I am going tomorrow (Sat) morning so i thought why not try to share th… Read more

Posted by zemstarfyre 7 years ago

Nice Couple from Townsville

It was perhaps 4-5 years ago when i met a couple online. In their mid-to-late 40's at the time we struck up a good (and somewhat erotic) relationship. They would send nude pics of themselves and i would to them. We sent texts back and forth for several weeks. We talked about getting together one weekend and go to a nude beach together and so forth. Not to mention the long nights of mfm sex we would enjoy. It was so exciting and so so horny thinking about getting together one day. All i had to wait for was the the time to get away. In the meantime my imagination ran wild and fuelled many s… Read more

Posted by zemstarfyre 7 years ago

Washing Day

With my clothes being washed, its a shame i have to chill out alone and enjoy the cool air over my naked body as i wait for the first load. On these days ( though other days too), i find i become so aroused at the thought of being seen naked by the wandering eye of a neighbour. As i go outside soon to hang some washing out, my heart will race and my cock will throb at the real possibility of being seen.… Read more

Posted by zemstarfyre 7 years ago 1


I have been gettng so incredibly frustrated trying to find a friend or friends who share my sexual appetite. I tried dating sites but they are so untrustworthy that i gave up trying that avenue. If only there were guys or girls; couples or groups, who like to get to gether ocassionally who just want to be naked and like to get aroused in the company of others. I sit here now, alone with an aching cock, so incredibly horny...if only i could share this with another horny bod.… Read more

Posted by zemstarfyre 8 years ago 1

Something Quite Remarkable

This was Monday just gone and had just finished a 12 hr stint at work when I decided to relax beneath our beautiful sun. As it is around this time of the day, I have, or once believe I had, pretty much the street to myself. This is when I usually take advantage of this rare seclusion and "play" under the sky. As anyone knows who enjoys the freedom of nudity it does not take much to become aroused when naked and outside. As I lay on my beach towel out on my back yard (small as it is for a townhouse) I always get carried away just from the necessity of applying sunblock. I always spend way to lo… Read more

Posted by zemstarfyre 8 years ago 3

Alone again...

Tonight I'm sitting around checking out some of my favourite vids.....on xhamster of course. It's been a few weeks now but the split from my last gf has left me feeling like this ocassionally. Yes, you've got it....horny as hell. When I have a few spare hours between work and rest I get in this incredibly erotic mood. I can't stop playing with my cock. I stroke it and stroke it until I'm on the verge and stop. Then I start all over again. At the moment it is the one joy of my busy week. If only there was someone who would allow me to lay back as they ate my cock and tickle the underside… Read more

Posted by zemstarfyre 8 years ago

A HARD days night

Well, I got home from work not that lol Ng ago. I was exhausted. I started the night before around 20:00 so that made it well over twelve hours for the shift. All I needed when I got home to my empty house was to shower and go to bed. The whole week has been pretty much like this... Any way....I was standing under that refreshing stream of hot water, feeling it sooth my naked body. Aaaaahhhhh, so nice. I detached the shower head from the wall and washed the parts the vertical spray will not get. Under my balls and arise hole. I love that feeling....the way that particular water pressure seems… Read more

Posted by zemstarfyre 8 years ago 1

Shadow stroking

I work mostly night shift hours and doing so allows me the privilege of an empty office until around 5 am. When I get to work I turn the lights on (between 6pm and 10pm the office lights are off and the doors locked - only accessible via security card) and proceed to activate my work pc. While that is booting up I listen to some music while I make a cup of coffee. Last night I was at home checking some pics on a particular site (this one) and was getting quite turned on. I began to masturbate but soon ran out of time and had to leave for work. Cut to the office.... My cock still tingled w… Read more

Posted by zemstarfyre 8 years ago

Caught out

This was last week when the winter gave way to a few days of spring-like weather. It was around midday and I took the opportunity to go for a naked stroll around my back yard. At this time of day, and week, there is usually not much chance at getting seen by a neighbour. Sometimes the mere act of walking out in the open is quite arousing and this time was no different. Before long my cock was so hard and I felt I needed to very soon have to relieve the sexual pressure. The sun felt warm against my skin and I could see the reflection of my naked self with hard cock in the glass, sliding doors… Read more

Posted by zemstarfyre 8 years ago 3


I live alone mostly and needless to say find that there are moments - sometimes long sometimes brief - where I get so incredibly horny. I made a kind of g-string that I wear around the house that exposes my cock and induces erection. I may go out the back yard where there is a slight chance that one of my neighbours might see me. This thought in itself turns me on and find I quite regularly stroke my cock many times to the point of orgasm then back off then do it over and over again. If only these horny 'self' stimulating moments could be shared with someone else. Male or female, singles,… Read more

Posted by zemstarfyre 8 years ago 2

A Rather Naughty Night

This was sometime during the summer of 1985. I woke late in the day, around lunchtime (not unusual in those days following a long night of clubbing) and found myself home with my youngest step sister. Our parents had gone away for the night and would not be home until the following afternoon perhaps.i can't remember where my younger brother was or her sister for that matter all I can remember Was being so pissed off....had plans to hit the beaches as soon as I could get away and did not want to be bothered by babysitting duties ( I was 19 and she 15 or 16). Reluctantly I told her I'd stay but… Read more

Posted by zemstarfyre 8 years ago

Upcumming weekend.

I went to visit a gay friend of mine the other night after work. We have known each other for well over 20 yrs but he has only been 'out' for around 6 or so. I have never had a problem with the gay community or any concept of the gay community, in fact I think it's wonderful. The species needs some opening up of how complex and free we need to be in order to evolve our minds. Sexuality, in my mind, was never a black or white, male or female, straight forward kind of thing. I myself often get aroused at the sight of a naked man, not that much differently as I do to the sight of a naked or bea… Read more

Posted by zemstarfyre 8 years ago