Why arent more of us naked?

When you think of being naked what do you imagine? Flabby bits of skin flapping as you step. Wrinkly body parts jumping out at you like a nightmare scene from a Tarrantino blockbuster. Unwanted erections of nipples and penis. Not the most glamourous of sketches I'm creating here, hey? The vast majority of human beings decide, from pretty young age, that they will cover up their body with clothes - sometimes worth more than their house or car. As a c***d it is drummed into us that clothes must be worn at all times. That our privates are exactly that, private. Yet, there are a few - ma… Read more

Posted by thehearts 12 years ago 7

Sexual Moods

Welcome to what is being dubed 'The Most Infrequent Blog In The History Of All Blogs'. I wanted to write about a subject that I have been thinking of for a while now. Sexual moods. Any of you guys and girls who are attracted to both genders (of which there are quite a few of you on here) I was wondering if you felt the same way as I do quite often. You know the way, you put on a bit of porn (lets say straight porn, for example) and you start to pleasure yourself. You start by being turned on by the girl, liking her tits, thinking her pussy is rather fetching... Oh look! He has a HUGE coc… Read more

Posted by thehearts 12 years ago 6

Web Cams

For a while now I have been interested and intrigued into the use of web cams when it comes to the act of self pleasuring. I have also found it easy to masturbate when watching videos of sexy individuals, couples or groups sticking numerous body parts into their willing sexual encounters. I guess any sexually aroused human being would also find this an east feat. However, put the same act onto a JPEG and I am less inclined to 'bash the bishop'. I wonder if I am the only one out there? Am I some kind of freak? Does the inability to wank myself off to a still image mean I am nothing but an ou… Read more

Posted by thehearts 13 years ago 3


Ok, so this isnt a story more of a place for thoughts and ideas. I have recently been looking into the whole nudist scene. I like the idea of being naked around others without the pressure or need for sex. I've always found that quite exciting. Anyone here who can share their experiences at nudist camps/beaches/parties etc? I'd love to know how others have got into the scene and what their thought process was before taking the plunge.… Read more

Posted by thehearts 14 years ago 11