Sexual Moods

Welcome to what is being dubed 'The Most Infrequent Blog In The History Of All Blogs'.

I wanted to write about a subject that I have been thinking of for a while now. Sexual moods.

Any of you guys and girls who are attracted to both genders (of which there are quite a few of you on here) I was wondering if you felt the same way as I do quite often. You know the way, you put on a bit of porn (lets say straight porn, for example) and you start to pleasure yourself. You start by being turned on by the girl, liking her tits, thinking her pussy is rather fetching... Oh look! He has a HUGE cock, like at that helmet, oh, that shaft is nice. So are his balls...


That isn't what I came here to watch.

Instantly your mood has changed. From straight porn to gay porn within two mouse clicks. Before you know it, you've shot your load into a wad of toilet paper (or into your hands for some of you dirty b**sts).

So come on, how many of you does this happen to? How often? Does it make you feel you've 'wasted' a cum or does it make you enjoy it more, the sheer spontanaity of the whole experience.

Let me know!
Published by thehearts
12 years ago
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Dicklover999 1 year ago
Love watching gay and bi porn! Wasnā€™t always that way,but since I started watching it, I canā€™t stop!
thehearts Publisher 11 years ago
@gtz039 - Thank you for your reply mate. I have different moods for different days. Sometimes I can just go about watching 'straight' porn to find that actually I just want to see two guys going at it. Other times I think 'I'm going to watch some cock tonight' then end up wanking to a girl playing with herself. The mind, and the sexual power of the mind, is a very powerful force!
thehearts Publisher 11 years ago
@autolcyus - You are totally right and I completely get you are saying about straight men watching other straight men having sex. There has to be a certain level of intrigue in all of us for us to be able to "tolerate" viewing another guys dick in the most intimate form. You see, thats the thing. In the locker room you are always likely to see a bit of dick, probably soft. In porn, you know you are bound to see a dick in the most intimate of acts and in its most intimate form - erect. You have to think that there is something hard(excuse the pun)wired into us that allows us to accept seeing this or that we are not merely straight or gay... that we are all born curious and something (probably society) dictates which way we swing. Maybe.

I'm probably just ranting.
Autolycus 11 years ago
I know what you mean, about seeing something on screen, and you think to yourself, "There it is! Perfect!" And then, just as you let it fly, the camera moves and instead looking at the thing that triggered you, you end up looking at the back of a couch, or someone's elbow. But you get over it.

But in response to your question, I often wonder how many straight guys secretly enjoy the presence of cock in their porn.
Think about it. If a man is 100% without doubt absolutely straight the very thought of another man's cock is supposed to be repulsive.
If he thought another man was looking at his cock in the toilet he'd have a problem with that.
The last place on earth he'd ever want to be is in a gay bar, and yet he kicks back and gets turned on by watching another (naked) man have sex with a woman. What's the naked man doing there? You're straight! Why doesn't straight porn aimed at straight men just have women in it?
I'm gay. For that reason my porn only has men in it. If it had a woman in it it wouldn't be gay. It'd be something else.
I'm not sure if I'm making sense here. But I do wonder about the role of the naked male in supposedly straight porn.
I do realise that women watch porn as well by the way. But then you'll get me started on why straight woman should watch gay porn if all they want to see is cock. It's common sense, isn't it?
thehearts Publisher 12 years ago
Completely understand that point Jack. Cumming at a pivotal point in the scene seems to trigger a better orgasm. I'm pretty sure that is psychological but still sexual moods and urges are mainly psychological but bring about a physical reaction.

I also understand the point about "saving" a cum. Sometimes wanking off to a vid or pic just seems like a waste and you'd rather enjoy the moment of climax with a significant other. Toilet paper doesnt have that same level of human contact...
jack-the-sparrow 12 years ago
I get where your coming from, I can often get distracted from what I set out to achieve and that always depends on my mood. I don't have ceratin sexual preferences and is all dependant on what mood i am in at that moment. I might feel like watch teens or mature ladies then something in that clip or video will set my brain racing and i will venture off looking for that or search for something dirtier.

I can be watching a gorgeous girl giving a guy a blow job and the sheer erotics of seeing a nice smooth cock sliding in and out of her moist mouth does turn my attention to the cock and all of a sudden role reversal is upon me and something is telling me I would mind that cock instaed of her pussy.

As far as 'wasting a cum' I don't feel like that so much but I do like to cum at a poinient moment at the peek of my arousel. I don't like cumming to just any old part of the scene and strangly if its straight porn i enjoy cumming with the guy at the climatic point of the clip.

I do sometimes feel like i have wasted a cum shot on porn in general when someone else could have benifitted from it.

Like i often wank to porn but dont cum because i want to save it for my girlfriend, i'm sure she's not that bothered but i prefere to save it and cover her in it that waste it into a piece of tissue.

Not sure if i went off the point of the question there but thats how i see it anyway Lol
