It is a weird thing

Social media in general is an odd place to inhabit, full of lies, players and the disillusioned. So transfer that to the world of bdsm and it is magnified. So just a thought to all those blokes who think I or anyone else who changes their mind that they are a tease, not at all. We are just aware we can all be anything we want to be online predator and prey alike, it is not always ease to know which is which.… Read more

Posted by tcm73 5 years ago 9

So I am a pedant

I get loads of messages on here, as it would seem, so do most if not all, other women. What drives me insane, is the seeming inability of English speakers to use their own language. Sending messages that I have to (should I have the inclination) dechyper, is a waste of your time and mine. Text speak is for sending texts and not for writing messages, that to me, don't make sense. I do realise that my spelling is not the best, and that makes me some what of a hypocrite. However at least I do try to make myself understood. Rant over. On a totally note, Happy New Year… Read more

Posted by tcm73 9 years ago 30