Let's play a game

I've always found "games" to be the best way to break the ice with a girl. Be it drinking, or stripping variety. Truth or dare is my favorite. That way you can slowly work up to the point where she "has to" take her clothes off. So let's play one now You can Truth/Dare me up to 5 times, only catch is, I get to do the same to you. if there is something that is completely off limits I will let you know, and you can do the same… Read more

Posted by shaved92 11 years ago 1

My Intro

I had been very close with my cousin growing up. We looked a like, she was close to me in age. When I turned ten she started to grow as a girl. Got tits, realized how much fun her pussy was, yet my balls hadn't dropped. One day when i was at her house when she was doing homework I went to find her brother. He was 16 at the time. I knew he had a playstation in his room that we used to play Madden on. I opened the door, and there he was on the bed with a playboy. He didn't hear me come in, so I closed the door behind me and walked up to him. He finally realized I was there and that seemed to… Read more

Posted by shaved92 12 years ago 2