My Intro
I had been very close with my cousin growing up. We looked a like, she was close to me in age. When I turned ten she started to grow as a girl. Got tits, realized how much fun her pussy was, yet my balls hadn't dropped.
One day when i was at her house when she was doing homework I went to find her brother. He was 16 at the time. I knew he had a playstation in his room that we used to play Madden on. I opened the door, and there he was on the bed with a playboy. He didn't hear me come in, so I closed the door behind me and walked up to him. He finally realized I was there and that seemed to add a new fire to his pleasure. This was the first real dick I had seen and couldn't take my eyes off of it. After a while he asked if I wanted to see what he was looking at. I was amazed by what I saw, but since I hadn't developed yet had nothing to do. He told me that one day my dick would grow and I'd discover how much fun it was. I asked what he meant and he said he'd show me if i "pet" him too. After a few minutes he jizzed and said that's what he meant.
My cousin had finished her homework at that point so I went to play with her. We were left alone in the basement so I told her what I saw, and she said she'd seen his magazines too. She then asked if I wanted to see the real thing. I said sure and she stripped down for me. After a little bit of me staring at her she asked if I was gonna take my clothes off too, it wouldn't be fair if she was naked and I wasn't. So i did, and this was the first "boner" I can remember. It was the first one she had seen other than her brothers so she asked if she could touch it. I said only if I get to touch you too. She grabbed my cock and the feeling of pleasure shot through me and I jumped, she thought she had hurt me and apologized. I said it was ok, then shoved a finger into her pussy and it did the same thing to her.
After a few minutes of playing I told her I had seen her brothers dick spurt and wanted mine to do the same, she wasn't sure what at I meant, so I showed her what he had done and she obliged. After a few minutes I jizzed on her and she jumped, she tasted my pre-pubescent cum only to spit it right back out. She then told me she had watched her sister do the same thing, although she used a toy. I was confused by this, and she said she would show me. We went into her sisters room and after a few minutes of searching found her box of sex toys. She showed me what she had been doing, so I said I would work the toy if she played with me. As I was dildoing her, I accidentally pressed the button for the vibrate feature and this sent her over board. She grabbed my dick harder and pumped faster. A few seconds later she squirted all over me and that made me cum onto her. We wiped each other off using her sister's sheets and then went back down stairs where shortly after I got picked up.
We continued to play for a few years until we got to high school. I miss playing with her tits (at least DD now) and she got knocked up. I'd like to re-visit our c***dhood, but haven't mustered up the courage to ask. Maybe writing this will give me the zest to fuck her again, although this time I will get the full experience
One day when i was at her house when she was doing homework I went to find her brother. He was 16 at the time. I knew he had a playstation in his room that we used to play Madden on. I opened the door, and there he was on the bed with a playboy. He didn't hear me come in, so I closed the door behind me and walked up to him. He finally realized I was there and that seemed to add a new fire to his pleasure. This was the first real dick I had seen and couldn't take my eyes off of it. After a while he asked if I wanted to see what he was looking at. I was amazed by what I saw, but since I hadn't developed yet had nothing to do. He told me that one day my dick would grow and I'd discover how much fun it was. I asked what he meant and he said he'd show me if i "pet" him too. After a few minutes he jizzed and said that's what he meant.
My cousin had finished her homework at that point so I went to play with her. We were left alone in the basement so I told her what I saw, and she said she'd seen his magazines too. She then asked if I wanted to see the real thing. I said sure and she stripped down for me. After a little bit of me staring at her she asked if I was gonna take my clothes off too, it wouldn't be fair if she was naked and I wasn't. So i did, and this was the first "boner" I can remember. It was the first one she had seen other than her brothers so she asked if she could touch it. I said only if I get to touch you too. She grabbed my cock and the feeling of pleasure shot through me and I jumped, she thought she had hurt me and apologized. I said it was ok, then shoved a finger into her pussy and it did the same thing to her.
After a few minutes of playing I told her I had seen her brothers dick spurt and wanted mine to do the same, she wasn't sure what at I meant, so I showed her what he had done and she obliged. After a few minutes I jizzed on her and she jumped, she tasted my pre-pubescent cum only to spit it right back out. She then told me she had watched her sister do the same thing, although she used a toy. I was confused by this, and she said she would show me. We went into her sisters room and after a few minutes of searching found her box of sex toys. She showed me what she had been doing, so I said I would work the toy if she played with me. As I was dildoing her, I accidentally pressed the button for the vibrate feature and this sent her over board. She grabbed my dick harder and pumped faster. A few seconds later she squirted all over me and that made me cum onto her. We wiped each other off using her sister's sheets and then went back down stairs where shortly after I got picked up.
We continued to play for a few years until we got to high school. I miss playing with her tits (at least DD now) and she got knocked up. I'd like to re-visit our c***dhood, but haven't mustered up the courage to ask. Maybe writing this will give me the zest to fuck her again, although this time I will get the full experience
12 years ago