just watch the pain olympics

so I watched like 5 seconds of a dude chopping his penis off why would you chop your penis off? that disgusting that's like me cutting of my clit, why would I cut off my clit? why would a guys cut off his jewels?… Read more

Posted by SexyKat11 11 years ago 1

How much is too hairy

You don't have to tell me twice that hairy pussy is awesome, but how much is to hairy? too hairy for me is hairy arm pits, tits, ass, and if a guys wnts me to suck his balls then he has to have his balls shaved so you tell me how much u like… Read more

Posted by SexyKat11 11 years ago 5

how to avoid shit while doing anal?

so this is kinda of weird question but ive always wondered just how you avoid getting shit on the guys penis while anal what kind of preparations should you do? I would like to know before I try anal please can anyone answer my question?… Read more

Posted by SexyKat11 11 years ago 5

public materbation

so one of my things is that i like rubbing clit in public i know ist werid but thats one of things usally ill do it at the mall and my best friend would be there with me to tell me if someone is coming by but this time we were at the Food court and she was to busy munching on her honey bun that she wasnt paying Attention so guess who cathes me, the security guard!!! "Ma'am what do you think your doing?" he says "Um i was just reaching down my Pants cuz my thigh itches" i lamly say "Listen ive been watching you for 20 minoeuts now and i dout you've had a itch for that Long. Why dont… Read more

Posted by SexyKat11 11 years ago 4

loseing my virginity

my ex would say things like oh baby im gonna give it to you so hard, it's gonna hurt, your gonna scream you know shit like that he pulled his dick out and I tried so hard not to laugh his dick was fucking three inches!!! it couldn't even penetrate lol so technicly im still a virgin lol and his dick stank, and he kept trying to make me suck it needless to say it was most unsatifying we borke up and haven't talked since and im okay with that so losing my virginity wasn't magical or life changing it was utterly hilarious… Read more

Posted by SexyKat11 11 years ago 4