It was calm, not a ripple in the milky turquoise water I found myself threading in. The temperature a refreshing cool against the hot sun hammering on my head, as I take a deep breath and submerge myself I’m swallowed by the subterranean world on stilts of century old bark. Different shades of Algae the predominant living organisms amongst the barnacles securely fastened on the sides of the brick walls just below the waterline. I seem to have been swimming underwater forever, making Read more
Cum Diaries: Whilst out meeting clients at a Coffe
Somehow I don’t think tea was what she had in mind as I walked into the tiny dark set apartment. The back of the government high rise block was exposed viciously to the elements. Balcony at waist height six floors up made me clench my ass tight as I peered over the black thundering sky into the traffic and cold hanging smog. To say I felt unsafe and not in my element was the grossest understatement of the year. On my wrist I wore a time piece that would be the combined salary of a few Read more
The neck of the J.P. Chenet
It’s a cold windy night, and its immediately visible from the goosebumps on her arms and her pointy nipples painfully brushing on the thin white blouse she was told to wear. She followed the instructions explicitly and was already slightly tipsy from the J.P. Chenet wine she was told to buy. Mellieha Bay was the name of the bay she was told to go to, specifically the third beach. A cold and windy night not a BBQ group in sight. Completely deserted. Had it not been, all the more fun and excit Read more