CUM DIARIES: The Regal Girl of Venice Part 2.
It was calm, not a ripple in the milky turquoise water I found myself threading in. The temperature a refreshing cool against the hot sun hammering on my head, as I take a deep breath and submerge myself I’m swallowed by the subterranean world on stilts of century old bark. Different shades of Algae the predominant living organisms amongst the barnacles securely fastened on the sides of the brick walls just below the waterline. I seem to have been swimming underwater forever, making my way under bridges crossing narrow canals and wider ones. As I glide weightless I make my way into a secluded canal alley way. The doorway is barred with wrought iron however that’s just till the waterline and I’m underneath that. Something tells me to go inside and I’m more than eager to comply. My head breaks the surface of the mirrored water line, although I’d been under for a time, my breath comes to me in a normal manor. As my ears peak out of the water I can feel a draft that turns my head towards a faint noise, a familiar noise however un-expectant in these circumstances. My eyes are met with a lush garden. I could hear the faint noise but not where it was coming from. The Voyuer inside me propelled me forward, excitement and fear in every step as I inched step by step forward the noise grew louder, the grass in between my toes tickles as I dragged my feet over the lawn fearing of lifting them and breaking my silence. I’m about a meter away now, dense foliage separates us as the path curves to the direction of the longing-ness that has pulled me all this way. To say that I’m hard would be an understatement, as I gaze down for a second I realize that I’m completely stark naked. I enter into my standard crouching tiger hidden dragon stance and peer through, using my hands like a gynecologist would to get a deeper view. My eyes were leveled perfectly with what seemed like her knees slightly parted, it seemed like a pretty exposed place to perform such lurid act. Just ahead from the balustrade was the one of the major highway canals, anyone rowing in a romantic gondola would get a more than what they paid for, especially once I joined in on the act. It seemed like a Murano glass sculpture in her hand and she was waving it like a magic fucking wand.
8 years ago