Things that make you go HUMMMMM

As I write this, I wonder how many times I have tried to touch someone by leaving a note on the bio or drop a short message. Many accept my invitation for friends, but never hear from them again, or the others? We write, converse, and after a few days....they are gone, never to be heard from again.... doesn't that ask the question? WTF why? don't you get PO'd when guys do that to you, but it's okay for ladies just to drop off without even saying FU before they go. Let me know what you think?… Read more

Posted by RCAF 9 years ago 3

Would you

Age: 59 Location: Last time you had sex: Favorite position (s)? Do you think I'm hot? Would you have sex with me? lights on or off? Oh lights on! Would you have to be drunk? Would you take a shower with me? Would you leave after or stay the night? . Do you like cuddling afterwards? What's my best feature? Condom or skin? Will u supply ur own condoms or should I? Do you like oral sex? Do you like anal sex? Sex on the first date? Would you kiss me during sex? Do you think I would be good in bed? Would you use me as a booty call? Do you lik… Read more

Posted by RCAF 10 years ago 3

Another hot day

Here I am again, horny as hell, and wondering what to do and where to go...any mature ladies out there want to make any suggestions.… Read more

Posted by RCAF 12 years ago