Things that make you go HUMMMMM

As I write this, I wonder how many times I have tried to touch someone by leaving a note on the bio or drop a short message. Many accept my invitation for friends, but never hear from them again, or the others? We write, converse, and after a few days....they are gone, never to be heard from again....
doesn't that ask the question? WTF
don't you get PO'd when guys do that to you, but it's okay for ladies just to drop off without even saying FU before they go.
Let me know what you think?
Published by RCAF
9 years ago
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munkeygirl 8 years ago
As cliche as it may sound - we only have control over one possibility and that's ourselves... Reinventing how I use porn, sex and my sexuality are a major focus for myself for the next good while. I'd rather foster genuine communication with a select few vs giving my body away as I once had. At least in the online world the annonimity doesn't force risk of harm or unwanted outcomes. It's porn we join we see we cum and if you want it to be so - we conquer... But in the end, how you handle others dismissive behavior says much about what you crave most Cumming here... Wish I could say the game gets nicer or more fare... Keep being our awesome selves is always the best medicine xo
smallfurrycreature 9 years ago
Hi. This seems to be the nature of "friendship" in the Face...ok age. I've tried to make my friends list more relevant but after a while, gave up. Now I figure, if I comment a lot and send PMs to those I find interesting, a few of my friends will communicate too.