Omgyes - For women

So his week I discovered another website called omgyes. You've probably heard of it as it's had a bit of publicity due to a very well known actress admitting she has a subscription. Basically the site is to provide information and tips requiring female self pleasure. It's target audience is primarily women but I don't think there is any harm in men using the site to better there knowledge of women's anatomy and how to best use it. I've only been on there a few days and I have to say I love it. The discussions and videos are so open and informative is makes a refreshing change. Just to be… Read more

Posted by Poppy_uk 7 years ago 3


The bright morning summer sunshine burns though the window. I rub my eyes as I awake from my slumber. The fresh crisp white sheets are hot against my skin. I roll over onto my back and throw the covers off. The cool morning breeze from the open window flows over my body. I feel the hairs on my arms stiffen, the goosebumps rising all over me and my nipples contract as they react to the air. I feel one of my breasts with my hand and gently squeeze. My forefinger and thumb then find my hardened nipple and gently pinch it. The resulting pleasure awakens me a little more. I become aware of the t… Read more

Posted by Poppy_uk 7 years ago 18