Omgyes - For women

So his week I discovered another website called omgyes. You've probably heard of it as it's had a bit of publicity due to a very well known actress admitting she has a subscription.

Basically the site is to provide information and tips requiring female self pleasure. It's target audience is primarily women but I don't think there is any harm in men using the site to better there knowledge of women's anatomy and how to best use it.

I've only been on there a few days and I have to say I love it. The discussions and videos are so open and informative is makes a refreshing change. Just to be clear it's not a porn site despite some nudity. I know there are some great videos on here for women but this is different. These are normal women discussing there bodies and how they pleasure themselves in private in open which is just unheard of.

It does cost to join and that may put a lot of people off but I would recommend it if you fancy it. There is a free preview available if you want to get an idea of it.

I'm not trying to sell the site or anything but just wanted to share this discovery,

Let me know if you are a memeber or know of similar resources.

Love Poppy x
Published by Poppy_uk
7 years ago
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tom_13 7 years ago
Useful thing to know :smile:
fannylicker57 7 years ago
Plenty of dirty old men out there who will help you 'discover' your body lol
dinopix30 7 years ago
Sounds like I need to check this out! :smile: