Ever notice that there are a ton of sexy females in the porn industry .... here today replaced tomorrow, and there are only a few men; They get to have all that and more ..... to top it off, most are actually average or smaller sized guys ... that I don't get. I mean if you are going to make films with only a few guys why bother with these small guys ..... guess they fit in the frame and the ass better ;) lol Read more
Once upon a time
Once upon a time it was to be all about the money and the power so I had my own business, 12 years of seasons tickets to anything ..... paid off the house, the vehicles, the land .... the dreams were in lock .... That's some thin stuff in reality. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to have no house payment and a rental to collect on so I don't have to submit myself .... Serious dominant male trait, but that hasn't made me more attractive to females, and we are talking just sexual as well as emotional; Neither in any mix. I'm so big and in shape ... and no not the puffy arm and leg gym bag va Read more
Ranting about my cock and vasectomy
Dick size, I'm pretty big .... 9" and so thick I can barely get my hand around it, and yo, I actually have to stroke it. Sooooo I watch little white and little black dick supposedly shredding the pussy and ass ..... right. Maybe a little dick that's named Big or indicated as bbc is what women want to play with, who knows, but at least on here once in a while even a porn star wants to get a really big cock. It was bad enough 12 years ago when my now ex and mother of my 4 c***dren talked me into a vasectomy ..... it changed my life .... it created massive anxiety .... my doctor, an Indian by Read more
Just some fantasy
Thoughts from Fantasy 1) Lashed down with your ankles bound to your wrists, face down and ass open to me. Wearing the beaded crotch thong I made you for the occasion, I lean forward and inhale deeply the scent of your slowly simmering lotus blossom, each petal as important and as sensitive as the other, mmmm I taste you then caress the inside of your thighs, straining against the straps you feel my tongue press over your bud as I begin to vibrate the beads on you pussy with my wand ..... I would make you cum out of your mind for me and release your deepest desire. Read more
Kundalini (Sanskrit kuṇḍalinī, कुण्डलिनी, About this sound pronunciation (help·info), "coiled one"), in yogic theory, is a primal energy, or shakti, located at the base of the spine. Different spiritual traditions teach methods of "awakening" kundalini for the purpose of reaching spiritual enlightenment. Kundalini is described as lying "coiled" at the base of the spine, represented as either a goddess or slumbering serpent waiting to be awakened. In modern commentaries, Kundalini has been called an subconscious, instinctive or libidinal power, or "mother energy or intelligence of complete Read more
Pumps and Vacumes
Yes, love to use a pump; I'd love to get you all swollen and sensitive, pump my big thick cock up too, put me swollen and pumped into you swollen and pumped, suck on your clit while sliding my fingers into your ass with my thumb rubbing just inside your pussy, making you cum hard for me, breathing your juice deep into my sinus .... taking you primal over and over again. Read more
Great site for bondage positions
it's actually a ridiculously high priced site but the free links and rigging illustrations and stills are great for figuring things out. I am personally going for thigh cuffs strapped across her back with wrists cuffed to thighs ... mmmmm collar and gag on, no mercy ;-) http://www.restrainedelegance.com Read more