Sex With Strangers

Fucking Strangers It all started in my adventurous teens when my then boyfriend, Tom, after we became sexually active - that is heavy petting - asked me to travel in his car topless when driving down rough country lanes so that he could see my tits jiggling around. I was eventually persuaded to stay naked as long as possible or untill we got back to the small estate car park near where I lived where I would get dressed before going home. At first I was worried about being seen so he gave me a small blue towel to d**** over my shoulders when driving through town or the local villages. Howeve… Read more

Posted by odetojoyce 1 year ago 55


A MISSED OPPORTUNITY This incident happened early on in my sexual adventures, and is a regretted missed opportunity. Though I hasten to add that I have no intention of now ever rectifying this omission from my vast catalogue of experiences and sex related adventures. From an early age, I was a sexual libertine and slowly became more and more sexually adventurous, becoming, eventually quite well known as a girl game for almost anything. So much so that once, at a friendā€™s house, where a few of us would regularly meet up for an evening of fun and games where I, along with a couple of other… Read more

Posted by odetojoyce 2 years ago 47


In flagrante delicto naturalibus. This title refers to the time when one of my boy friends and I were almost caught at it by his parents. His parents were life time friends of my father as they were all from the same part of the old town. They also knew me and my siblings. Not only that, it was also potentially embarrassing and troublesome because I was in the same class at school as Ray's brother Mike, so had they actually caught us fucking they would have know my age. On this particular occasion, I had bumped into Ray in town and he greeted me with a really big smile. I soon found out why… Read more

Posted by odetojoyce 2 years ago 29

first experience

My response to a blog by a woman about her first time. My experience was somewhat similar to yours but with some minor differences; unlike your good self, on my part there was no family involvement, but I too attempted my first fuck at a pre-pubescent age although somewhat inadvertantLly. The incident was in the school summer holidays of 1964. Though strange to say I don't consider this event the start of my sexual adventures because I did not set out to do it, it just happened. Whereas the January of 1965 when I was old enough, and post puberty, to attend the youth club Christmas party/dan… Read more

Posted by odetojoyce 2 years ago 69