If you want more Milf, Asshole, Teen, Asian, Black, Bondage,Fucking etc pictures, from my favorite collection, you can ask for them here. Then I'll upload 20 new in a gallery. Read more
List of lowlife's stealing pictures.
Those listed here, are by 100% chance thieves. I only list those I'm absolutely certain about having stolen and using others pictures. One of the girls I met here, whom I talked really nicely with, had some very high quality pictures. I don't want to miss trust people, so I just thought she had a good camera. We had some really nice chats, but today, I felt something strange was going on. She was telling me she really wanted to suck my cock and flirted a lot with me. I told her I was not interested in that way. I went to her profile and did a reversed google image search. Read more
A new fantasy I would really like to live out some
Now as you can see from my profile I LOVE when women get a huge, loud and shaky orgasm. It's most likely my biggest fetish. I've always like to watch women ride a sybian. It's one of the best sex-toys you can get. My fantasy is, to sit behind a woman and hold her down so she can't get off the sybian. Why she just enjoy herself I would rub her in oil and massage her clit and breasts, really fondle them in my hands. When she orgasms I would hold tightly around her so she can't get off, bite and lick her neck and feel her breath go out of control. Just feeling her body tremble as she begs to g Read more
Men and their cocks
I'm sure everyone come across this subject eventually. Why are the majority of guys unhappy with their cocks and why do they absolutely have to exaggerate with the length and girth?? To get the obvious question out of the way. What is my own cock? It's 6.1 in length and 5.3 in girth. I measured it today to answer a lovely friends question. As you can see I'm quite average. By saying that I most likely lose interest from 40% of the female browser and since 50% are lesbian that means I have 10% left. Not sure that's correct but it feels like it sometimes. Why would that even be a problem Read more
Ask me 5 questions about anything.
Okay guys. If you know me or want to know me, here's your chance to ask me 5 questions which I will answer honestly. You can ask me anything you want, sexual stuff, personal stuff, if I find you attractive etc. Read more
Dislikes about xHamster
Alright then lets see here. This is a small list of things I really can't take when it comes to xhamster. 1. People who steal others pictures to use them on their own profiles. It's utterly disgusting to do that. If you want to make a profile and chat with other people at least show your own body so you don't cheat/fool those visiting your site. I've noticed it quite a lot. I have watched porno pictures since I was quite young and seen quite a lot of them. I've come across so many profiles by now seeing pictures I remember from other site etc. 2. Fake breasts/plastic surgery and a swa Read more