Long long ago

Many many years ago, when I was a soldier, I was stationed in Luton Bedfordshire in a quiet area with just a few neighbours. On this particular day the k**s were out front playing and my youngest got into a scrap, well as he has a medical condition it was important not to get into physical scuffles, so I went out to separate them. The lad in question rushed at him and I put out a hand to prevent contact, he bounced off my hand and landed on his arse, just as his mother came out her door. She confronted me and it took a bit of time to explain and calm the situation down, but eventually it did,… Read more

Posted by modelmaker 2 years ago 5


Just sitting here reading and the radio is on, it's playing "Unchained Melodies" and Oh the memories it evokes, happy days cycling around southern Scotland with the family, meeting Steve and Jean, a lovely couple in their 20's, she became my first crush, just a pity I have no-one to share the memories with. (Feeling sorry for myself)… Read more

Posted by modelmaker 2 years ago 1


I do a lot of story reading, on here and other sites and it seems to me that the spelling and grammar is getting worse. I wonder if it's because of poor education, or the use ( or mis-use ) of the gadget that translates from the spoken word to the written word. It is such a shame as it does detract from the storyline, sometimes to the point of deleting the story and searching for another. Or am I just getting old and totally out of touch !! I know my efforts are nothing to write home about, (see what I did there) but I do try, some would say "Very trying"… Read more

Posted by modelmaker 2 years ago 11


One of the many drawbacks of living on your own is that when something appears to go wrong there is no-one to talk it over with for advice and reassurance. So when my pension failed to go into the bank on the normal day my mind went into meltdown. I theorised as to the reasons for ages but failed to come up with a logical explanation, so I gathered all my info ready to phone first thing Monday morning for a rant. Unusually for me I did a final check before the phone call, and THERE IT WAS, panic over and common kicked in, a closer examination of the calendar revealed a bank holiday week-end an… Read more

Posted by modelmaker 2 years ago 5

Missing Photo Sets.

Now it's probably just a coincidence but, The vast majority of my photo collections were with captions, and they have all gone. The few that are on there now have none, and none in the photo section have either. Is this connected or just coincidence.… Read more

Posted by modelmaker 3 years ago 4

Driving Lessons.

This bit of fun took place during my years as a driving instructor. I'd been teaching this young lass for a while and we got on well, and I learnt that her boyfriend lived over the water in Liverpool and was a train driver. By this time we'd had sex several times, ( that started because she said I had lovely hands !! ) and she mentioned she was going over to see him after her lesson, so I offered to drive her there, she'd drive the main roads and I'd drive the motorway bit. We got onto the M53 and headed for the tunnel 10 miles up the way, I mentioned it was a perfect chance for a blowjob, she… Read more

Posted by modelmaker 3 years ago 7

The American with Camera

During one of our Naturist holidays there was a coach load of Americans arrived. One was a very large woman who had a small umbrella perched on her head held on by a headband and four vertical rods. Quite amusing but a great body, lots of it wobbling all over the place. Another was a guy who took a shine to her ladyship and lots of chatting up was done over the days. He mentioned one day that he'd love to take some photos of her so we all went to the beach where he took some shots, and then suggested we retire to the apartment for some some "intimate" shots She was all for it so off we went. O… Read more

Posted by modelmaker 3 years ago 6

The Tease. ( Cuckolded )

I read a lot of erotica, but don't have the imagination to write any, so anything I write about is fact, previous experiences. Background,,, Many years ago in a previous marriage, I came home from work one day and my wife mentioned a programe she'd watched on telly about naturists and was interested as it wasn't what she'd expected. I had been banging on about nudism for ages but she; at that time, decided I was just a perv. Long story short, we made enquiries and a nice couple came along, had a chat and invited us to a meeting in the Northgate Arena Chester. We went and the most memorable pa… Read more

Posted by modelmaker 3 years ago 8

Driving Lessons

Another true experience I had was when I was a driving instructor, there were actually several "pupils" who let me into there knickers but this one in particular was wonderful. She was in her late teens, tall slim but with amazingly large tits, and soo beautiful. We were doing an ordinary lesson, there had been no hint of what transpired, we were doing country lane driving to teach her how to anticipate problems around the next corner, such as fresh cow pats or straw floating in the air, I then jokingly commented that "this is where instructors bring their pupils to have naughty fun" and out… Read more

Posted by modelmaker 3 years ago 5

Step Mom

This is a true account of an experience that I had some years ago. I promise you it's all true and an amazing time. My parents were divorced and I lost contact with my father, I cannot recollect why I needed to but I decided I wanted to reconnect with him. Believe it or not I actually used one of those witchcraft boards with the alphabet and numbers around the edge (don't know how to spell it) and asked it where he was. It gave me the name of a village not far from the town we lived in, so I wrote him a letter, sealed it then a covering letter to the local constable of that village and posted… Read more

Posted by modelmaker 3 years ago 10