One of the many drawbacks of living on your own is that when something appears to go wrong there is no-one to talk it over with for advice and reassurance.
So when my pension failed to go into the bank on the normal day my mind went into meltdown. I theorised as to the reasons for ages but failed to come up with a logical explanation, so I gathered all my info ready to phone first thing Monday morning for a rant.
Unusually for me I did a final check before the phone call, and THERE IT WAS, panic over and common kicked in, a closer examination of the calendar revealed a bank holiday week-end and the logical explanation for the payment dates.
Now I need to find something else the needlessly panic over.
Published by modelmaker
2 years ago
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alibodge 2 years ago
do0nt we all do that lol
modelmaker Publisher 2 years ago
Well actually Leomoore I have. There's another bank holiday coming very soon, I wonder if they'll do the same again.
MissLesley 2 years ago
Time to have a relaxing wank and make your limp cock cum
jollyboy111 2 years ago
yes its always nice to see ones immorally rewarded pension regularly add to ones garnered riches, it does help keep one in cigars, whilst the plebs winge on about the so-called cost of living crisis, toot toot , have another glass of finest plonk whilst you contemplate ones navel
Leomoore 2 years ago
So glad it was alright in the end.  Found anything else to panic about, i hope not.  