Number #1030303 fom my inbox. "no question you're a dirty bastard a sex a****l you were born to serve men be their objects their toilets their empty balls you have a beautiful body of cow beautiful and excellent ass lie on the bed all naked legs apart I would epilate the erogenous zones like your pussy with the clip, wax or razor then you will be four paws and I run the candle wax on your ass your breasts after I go off the candle and I put it in your big ass like a sextoy now you are sitting on a chair attached I will roll the roulette on your body starting with your tits while arrivi Read more
If we would make a porn movie together...
...what would be the title. I'm SO curious haha. I also accept funny titles with stuff I probably won't do. Surprise me! Read more
2017 and describe me with one word!
I could wish you all a happy New Year, but it's not like something magical will happen and remove all your problems. Like that "new year new me bs", "this year I'll do better bs", haha. I don't want to sound like a downer, so here is my small ramble about the number 2017. Not the year. Number xD Ever since 2017 started I always thought that the number looked waaaay to ugly. It's probably because it's an uneven number or whatevs ha. 2018 looks way better. Maybe because it looks curvier with that 8. Ha. Also, 2019 as a number looks good too (little curvy 9). Same for 2020 (almost curv Read more
What would you do if... were stuck on an island with me. But after 2 days, something magical happens; I suddenly have a cock! Wow, shocking! Haha. GO! Read more
Someone using my picture
It's really amazing how one of my xham friends (freshhhh yayy) noticed someone using one of my pictures here. Reaaaalllyyy good memory haha. The account is inactive, but I feel like spamming the profile. Who wants to help? Heh. I also emailed xham, so I'm curious if they will remove it. This is the account: The original pic is in #2 of my albums. Also, I'm aware these things can happen and I'm not really in shock or surprised. But I want to spam it. Lol. Hehe. DAMN YOU XHAM FOR DELETING MY PICTURE INSTEAD OF THE FAKE PROFILE. lol. Read more
Hannahsboobs fake?!
Is there anyone friends here with hannahsboobs? I can't access the profile, because it's locked (duh), I can't send an invite (duh), and I can't send a message (aduhh). More people found proof about her being fake, I can't believe "she" is still online at almost 3000 days. I compared the pictures from the links in this one: http://i66.tinypic.c Read more
Camasian is FAKE. *Proof in blog*
Sigh with some of you though, literally all these fake profiles and you still believe them xD Or maybe you're aware and don't care? Enlighten me. I already had doubts about this user, I'm glad it's confirmed! Whoop! User Camasian. Mannnn, this was too good to be true. Got some help from a fellow xham friend :) ( thanks once again!!), which provided me the information. I decided to message the person on Reddit (owner of the material is Escaflowne) and she'll try to take down the account. Read more
**Idiots of xham #16**
IT'S BACK. After a few months of no idiots approaching me, I finally caught one again. Not sure trolling or real but...sigh! His status: "It's me who decides what you have to do". Yikes, if he's trying to do like a BDSM thing, it's not working out right. He gotta learn a thing of two. Read more
Corina1995 is FAKE. *Proof in blog*
I think most of us know the user Corina1995, actually, some of my xhamfriends have her as a friend too. I always thought there was something "off" with that profile, it seemed too good to be true. That's why I added "her" months ago. To be honest, for a while I thought she was real too. I was right, there's was something "off". I stumbled upon this blogpost on xham: You can find all the original pictures here: Seems that the pictures "Corina Read more
Add me on Kik! My username is mhmmissy. Also, you sending me nudes doesn't mean I am obliged to send nudes back. I won't do nudes on there (except if I really, really, REALLY feel like it, lol). Just talking and whateverrrrr. With whateverrrr I don't mean swapping pics or videocall xD Could be anything, like swapping nice recipes for food (always welcome haha) or, whatever! xD Read more
*Weird things people offer* #1.
Alright, new category haha. After this he blocked me (on both accounts) and made his profile "only for friends". K. Read more
*Weird shits idiots say #5*
You might remember this. Or not. Anyways, after a while (maybe days or a week) he made a new account and approached me again, we talked in a good way. I was probably in a good mood and gave him a second chance and we also had "normal" talk but at some points it was like meh. Hm.[/im Read more
**Idiots of xham #15**
Ha. Also he blocked me after he said the last thing. Silly. Very silly. Also silly me for not giving out my information. So silly, oh god I'm so dumb not giving out my details. Oh oh oh. Ohhh. =__= Read more
Weird shit idiots say #4
Lets discuss this x) So this guy tells me the following: What the actual fuckkkk. So my question is, what do you think after reading this (+ the fact he made a blogpost about cheating with another girl) a) He got trust issues. b) He doesn't know how to fuck and get dumped by girls all the time, so he's kinda insecure about himself and like to talk shit to girls. c) Just an idiot. d) All the above. I don't care about the cheating, but with all that information I know about him, he Read more
Weird shit idiots say #3
Ehm. So I thought this was and not highschool? This random guy decides to swear at me (I've never talked to him before). And it's like he ran away, because he decides to block me so we can't even talk. It's basically a 40 year old guy saying something silly to a 24 year old girl, and then decides to run off because maybe he's afraid I'll hit his balls reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllly hard. Maybe. Maybe. He's probably trolling, but don't ever tell a person to kill her/himself. . Also he probably wants to make me feel down for some reason, but he doesn't know this makes me wa Read more
**Idiots of xham #14**
Actually I'm not sure if he's trolling me or not. I think he is (or got caught up too much in his fantasy), but he blocked me and I messaged him with another old account and he blocked me there as well. Givejizz is you read this, be a man and have a discussion with me about it. Read more
Weird shit idiots say #2
Just an example of how an idiot (no idea how he found me on FB) won't listen to me. Shows how much of a hypocrite he is. For me, Facebook isn't the place to get dicks shoved in my face and get contacted by people like that. That's what's xham is for. Ha. =__= Read more
**The idiots of xham #13**
When guys cry. Or at least, pretend to. Still sad *rofl*. Atleast he said sorry? xD Read more
**The idiots of xham #12**
Sidenote: I'm not 41 and engaged xD Hehe. He. Read more