Camasian is FAKE. *Proof in blog*
Sigh with some of you though, literally all these fake profiles and you still believe them xD Or maybe you're aware and don't care? Enlighten me. I already had doubts about this user, I'm glad it's confirmed! Whoop!
User Camasian. Mannnn, this was too good to be true.
Got some help from a fellow xham friend :) ( thanks once again!!), which provided me the information.
I decided to message the person on Reddit (owner of the material is Escaflowne) and she'll try to take down the account.
Pretending to be Escaflowne. Clearly suggesting it's Camasian in all the pictures and videos.
Also she got a whole list of all social media accounts (for example twitter below), this doesn't include xham ;)
User Camasian. Mannnn, this was too good to be true.
Got some help from a fellow xham friend :) ( thanks once again!!), which provided me the information.
I decided to message the person on Reddit (owner of the material is Escaflowne) and she'll try to take down the account.
Pretending to be Escaflowne. Clearly suggesting it's Camasian in all the pictures and videos.
Also she got a whole list of all social media accounts (for example twitter below), this doesn't include xham ;)
7 years ago
Now if we could just also do something about these multiple times a day friend requests from spam sites.....