Blog updates

Blog and pet gallery updated!… Read more

Posted by missxnyc 9 years ago 1

Back in NYC

OK subs... here's your assignment... Name this scene and the video Good luck more

Posted by missxnyc 10 years ago 2


Apparently a lot of you guys do not like real women watching u cum... well please be up front and let us know so we won't waste your time or miss out on other important things. Thanks… Read more

Posted by missxnyc 10 years ago 4

Europe 4 the Holidays

Seasons Greetings Pets and Friends I am off to Germany and then UK (London) for the holidays. If you want to pose in person and have my tribute/fee ready (600 Euro), contact me and set up a photo session! Bring toys and cock. Ciao!… Read more

Posted by missxnyc 10 years ago 2

Coming Again pets always please me... well some of them do (like Johnkyle). Alex... hmmm let's see how you can make me happy. Ericbitch.... you are on my sh*t list... you better get it together slut. :P OK, well I want all my luvlies to check out my diary. When the time comes, please vote for (or try out to become) my pets. It's the Miss X pet of the Year contest. While there buy a gift for yourself or someone whose horny... Get my Diary of Miss X movie. Ciao and happy holidays! http://www.iShootNakedMen.comRead more

Posted by missxnyc 10 years ago


What is the deal with all of these cams freezing up or screens going blank just before a big finish? At first I thought it was coincidence, but EVERY FUCKING TIME!!!??? Is there a trojan on my machine perhaps or is there something going on with the site. Other viewers see the entire show... and it appears I am the only one this happens to. Isn't it amazing right after the cumshot... the cam is working just fine. I have a feeling the site might be behind this. Anyone else experience this? Write me... I am done with cams shows because the fun is definitely not there if there are going… Read more

Posted by missxnyc 10 years ago 3

My Latest Interview

Kisses n Smacks everybody I just interviewed Canadian artist, Brent Ray Fraser. is my magazine and where you can find the interview! (2014 interviews) Enjoy and share… Read more

Posted by missxnyc 11 years ago

Be My Pet Slave...again

For those who did not get it the first you can. Go to my diary blog and download a personal copy of the pet slave contract. You know what to do after. Ciao http://www.IshootNakedMen.comRead more

Posted by missxnyc 11 years ago 1

The Perfect CumShot

Now this guy knows how to cum... I wonder though how much and how hard he would cum if I were strap on dildo fucking him... Hmmm makes ya wonder :P more

Posted by missxnyc 11 years ago

Blog Updates

I updated my other blog on my site. You have to go there to read it....Perhaps I mentioned "YOU"! :) http://www.ishootnakedmen.comRead more

Posted by missxnyc 11 years ago

In Germany and maybe more 2weeks

Hello I am back at home in Germany but only for a short while. We shall see if I have time for some other things :) ciao… Read more

Posted by missxnyc 11 years ago 4

Yes, I have a Personal DVD

A slut in Germany asked if my movie was ready because like many others it was not available for order on my blog. Well now it is ready after all that time...I finally finished a perfect edit of it. If you like bondage, mixed with stylish cfnm photography shot by yours truly then you are going to love my DVD movie, called "The Diary of Miss X". Miss X, that's me and I am a playful Mistress who indulges her love of art and male nudity. I shoot selfsuckers in public, guys cumming in public, guys in basements, tied up etc. I love every minute of it and now I put it in a documenta… Read more

Posted by missxnyc 11 years ago

My First Tribute Shots With Cock...Thx to Pet John

Go look... here's a taste (and he put his cute cock right up next to my smile)… Read more

Posted by missxnyc 11 years ago 1

Botched Cumshots

Can someone solve the mystery of the frozen cams? Each time someone is doing a show and they are about "finish"... make that CUM... their cams suddenly freeze!! Then after all is over.. everything is fine.... Hmmm a mystery indeed!… Read more

Posted by missxnyc 11 years ago 3

Shame on Racism

I recently had an encounter with a webcammer..who shall remain nameless... but let's just say he is of European descent( Speaks English, Italian, Russian, Danish). He indicated to me that he hated all people of color and that he was proud that I saved myself only for whites. Little does he know that I have dated black men, latin men, and asian men in my past. I have friends who are gay and lesbian and bisexual. So little did this small minded prick know that he was trying to warm up to the wrong person indeed. And speaking of small "pricks"...yes he was a tiny non-endowed specimen/creature… Read more

Posted by missxnyc 11 years ago 5

Luv'n the NEW LOOK Xhamster

To the Xhamster managers/makers, I totally luv the minimalist look with darker grey and shades in between. It's stylish and sleek! No other site compares. cam4 and that silly attempt at a website called chatorbate pale in comparison in so many ways! Bravo on the upgrades!!!!!!… Read more

Posted by missxnyc 11 years ago

The Little Cock Engine that Couldn't

This original poem is dedicated to all of you lame cocks who need to take notes from the real men on xhamster when it comes to GETTING IT UP...KEEPING IT UP and CUMMING like a real man! :P There once was a webcammer named guy who said he could do more than just "try" when it came to pleasing a Mistress... poor lad met with sudden distress as his cock sputtered with a whimper as it suddenly went from semi to limper. My poem for today... enjoy bitches! ciao… Read more

Posted by missxnyc 11 years ago 4

Skype Evening with MiSS X and slave male and his w

For those lucky few who have my skype. Tonight's the night. MMMM the lovely couple *(you remember with the bodybuilder boytoy) are going to be at my studio for a photo shoot. The photos are for them only but the live cam show on skype is for all guests to enjoy. I am going to be there directing and photographing. And yes there will be strapon play involved. I am not going to be doing any hands on this time, but you will see me working etc. Be there or be square 8pm EST USA 1 to 2 hour shoot depending on if we get everything done in time. Ciao enjoy If you are seeing this after th… Read more

Posted by missxnyc 12 years ago

A Good Cause

From time to time I like to help and give back to good causes. I found a good cause that you can also help with. I want ALL OF MY PETS and FANS and FOLLOWERS to go to my site and click on BLOG DIARY then click on the banner then donate what you can to help out a really good cause that wants to build an off-grid school. Read about them at the link and then donate! That shall make my day more than any orgasm :) Ciao lovelies http://www.ishootnakedmen.comRead more

Posted by missxnyc 12 years ago 2