
※This sentence is Japanese. アルコール系の浣腸と聞いて先ずネットで広がっている噂は「入れると死ぬ」ですね。 アップしてある動画のコメントを翻訳してみても「死んじゃうよ!」って書いてくれる方も居て何となくウザいのでw書いてみます。 実際私達は30年程アルコール浣腸を常習的に行っていますが当然ながら死んでいません。 しかし実際に死んでいる方も居ることは事実で、これはアルコール濃度の濃い酒 つまりアルコール度数の高い酒を浣腸することにより死に至ったと言うしかありません。 他にもアジア人種特有の下戸(アルコールの処理が出来ない体)の方はお酒を少しでも飲むだけで死に至る場合がありますので浣腸してはいけません。 強い酒も最高で25度程度に控えるべきですが慣れてくると強い刺激も欲しくなり入れてみたくなるものです。 私や妻の場合ですが38度のブランデーは入れても5分以内に排泄し洗浄、またはアルコール度数が10度以下になるよう水を追加して薄める場合は問題が無いようです。 しかし、50cc程度でも5分以上排泄しないでいると腸の粘膜が爛れるのか腸内出血を起こし、3日ほど血の混じった下痢に悩まされます。 以下は過去に無理をした例 ・赤ワイン(10度)を1リットル浣腸 30分程度で酩酊し記憶をなくし泥酔、二日酔い、泥酔… Read more

Posted by mazo2 7 years ago 1

We love wine enema

I think people know who have seen the video, we love wine enema. I'll write a little about why wine enema. Enema came to be any alcohol, regardless of the wine only. I really like the color of red wine is either because most are similar to the color of the blood still. Asian is a race we are weak to drink to tell you the truth. It is careful not accept any alcohol in Asian race, not, because some people of good constitution can not be decomposed alcohol… Read more

Posted by mazo2 12 years ago

I will explain a simple KINBAKU.

We will introduce the art of image with KINBAKU familiar in Japan. Let me introduce "KIKKOUSHIBARI" The easiest way Tied in rope bondage BDSM techniques handed down from ancient times in Japan, is the most famous. Was named from the fact that seems to have tied means tortoise shell is similar to the pattern of the shell of the turtle KIKKOU. I learned in elementary school how this Tied in Japan. Well, lie is that you have around here ... Look for the soft rope if beginners first. I think for the Needle crafts rope is for beginners and the thickness 8 ~ 10mm in diameter may be… Read more

Posted by mazo2 12 years ago

Are you interested in BDSM and Kinky Japan?

We translate from Japanese to English when you look at the Kink world. However, it is translated correctly is not it at least mostly wrong translation? There is a word in the world of erotic erotic, it is a technical term. In English, some in Japanese, there are also a number of single nickname also. Equal to the slang or jargon this is called. I would not find if you do not find in Japanese If you are interested in BDSM and Kinky Japan if ... I note here that I have the correct Japanese translation so. Try to search for it when you have to copy and paste. Caution!… Read more

Posted by mazo2 12 years ago

Hello world

We are a couple who loves Kink. And, it is a couple of fellow masochist. "MAZO" in Japanese pronunciation of masochist We are so MAZO2 in MAZO two. Let me first say I We can not use English at all ... I write a sentence using the translation system so. We do not know the world because it is raised in an island nation in the Far East ... So, I want to know the world more. Kink and probably not border on love and sex, right? There should have absolute peace ... I want to lead everyone in the ideological transformation of us. And I want to see what is… Read more

Posted by mazo2 12 years ago