Probably time to find a new site

Ever since they decided to totally fuck up this site so bad where I can't watch videos the way I want or watch and chat on It looks like after these few years it is time to go elsewhere to do my viewing and such; not sure when I am going to do it but it is going to happen. I can't even perform my reviewer duties properly any more because thumbnails are crap when trying to view them.… Read more

Posted by markpabear 6 years ago

Been listening to the Weekend a lot

We found each other I helped you out of a broken place You gave me comfort But falling for you was my mistake I put you on top, I put you on top I claimed you so proud and openly And when times were rough, when times were rough I made sure I held you close to me So call out my name (call out my name) Call out my name when I kiss you so gently I want you to stay (I want you to stay) I want you to stay, even though you don't want me Girl, why can't you wait? (Why can't you wait, baby?) Girl, why can't you wait 'til I fall out of love? Won't you call out my name? (Call out my name)… Read more

Posted by markpabear 6 years ago

More on copy right-very lengthy and not all there;

Legal Pitfalls in Taking or Using Photographs of Copyright Material, Trademarks and People Lien Verbauwhede, Consultant, SMEs Division, WIPOi Introduction Photographers and users of photographs face certain risks when taking and publishing photographs. This article provides an overview of the general legal principles applicable to taking photographs of copyright works, trademarks and people. It is written for photographers. However, most lawsuits are filed against the person who uses a photograph rather than against the photographer. All businesses that use photographs (e.g., in their… Read more

Posted by markpabear 8 years ago

Is it Wrong To Paint someone’s photograph and call

Many artists, particularly illustrators, will use just about anything as “reference” and “inspiration” for their paintings, including photographs. And most of the time, no-one will ever know just what photo or photos were used as a “reference” for a painting. If you think about it, whether they know it or not, artists use everything they see as reference. It’s called “experiencing life & re-creating it.” Just as writers (like myself) write what they know, so do artists with their paintbrush. But then there’s that bold artist who paints EXACTLY (without re-creating) what he sees from a… Read more

Posted by markpabear 8 years ago 1

YOUR PERSONALITY TYPE IS: ARCHITECT (INTJ-A) And now... now we wait. MIND This trait determines how we interact with our environment. 40% EXTRAVERTED 60% INTROVERTED ENERGY This trait shows where we direct our mental energy. 60% INTUITIVE 40% OBSERVANT NATURE This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions. 59% THINKING 41% FEELING TACTICS This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making. 71% JUDGING 29% PROSPECTING IDENTITY This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions. 69%… Read more

Posted by markpabear 9 years ago

Dragobete is Feb 24th just around the corner :)))

Dragobete in Romania Dragobete is a festive Romanian observance that celebrates love, romance and the spring season on or around February 24. Placing basil under a pillow is one of the different Dragobete customs in Romania. © Celebrate Dragobete There are different customs that are associated with Dragobete and these vary from place to place. It may also be observed on different dates, such as February 28 or 29, depending on the region. Many Romanians exchange gifts with their partners as a way of showing their affection for each other. One tradition associate… Read more

Posted by markpabear 9 years ago 3

Examples of rogue sites

Y/you are exposed to the public. Copy & Paste each of the below links to your web address bar, delete slave_bonni and type in Y/your x-ham screen name and click to see where it takes you. Now Y/you'll know why Master and i are leaving x-ham. i am told there are more rogue sites than these two but the point is made. i will miss all of Y/you. slave bonni AND Replace your user name to see your profile on these sites and like it is stated there are dozens of more sites out there that xhamster w… Read more

Posted by markpabear 9 years ago

Must read information about hackers/privacy/adult

This is slave bonni's Owner, Master G. I could go into great detail but BRIEFLY, A trusted friend informed me W/we, all of us have been compromised. Several years ago, my cunt, slave bonni and I were here with a different x-hamster screen name, registered e-mail address AND on another website which required this same basic information W/we all need to sign up at x-hamster. Well, W/we were compromised and hacked at this other site. W/we had a couple computer hacks calling U/us by phone to the point I had to change my land line phone numbers. You can imagine the work that involved just n… Read more

Posted by markpabear 9 years ago 7

Imagine If You Will

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle-ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area we call the 'The Bear Zone." LMAO :)))… Read more

Posted by markpabear 9 years ago

INTERNET LAW - Threats Sent via E-mail Constitute

IBLS INTERNET LAW - NEWS PORTAL PRINT Home INTERNET LAW - Threats Sent via E-mail Constitute a Federal Crime Email Article | Discuss IBLS Editorial Department Friday, May 30, 2008 Electronic communications, in particular e-mails, have become a valuable working and social tool in the XXI century. Unfortunately, given its immediate delivery and disguised anonymity, some conflicted souls are increasingly using e-mails to transmit hateful messages. Transmitting threatening messages via e-mail is a federal crime in the United States and carries a penalty of imprisonment of… Read more

Posted by markpabear 10 years ago

Website Disclaimers

A disclaimer on a website is essential as it serves to protect and limit the website owner’s liability by outlining expectations and obligations a person will agree to before using the site. At its core, it removes any warranty for the information provided and gives notice that use of the site is at a person’s own risk. One disclaimer serves the content for the entire site. Each page, however, should include a link to the disclaimer. Additionally, on pages that contain specialized information you may want to use an abbreviated disclaimer. For example, if you provide medical information you… Read more

Posted by markpabear 10 years ago

What remedies are available for infringement of in

f you are being wronged, you may ask the appropriate court to grant a Temporary Restraining Order and a Preliminary or Permanent Injunction to prevent and/or stop further infringement. Allegedly infringing items or articles can be impounded while the action is pending and may be ordered destroyed or subject to other disposition if there is an infringement. An infringer can be liable for actual damages plus additional profits of the infringer or statutory damages. Further, an infringer could be held liable for injury to business reputation or the dilution in the value of the copyright, pa… Read more

Posted by markpabear 10 years ago

Can you give me examples of works that qualify for

Copyright protection is available for original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression. What this means is the person seeking copyright protection must be the original author and he or she has to write, publish or record the idea in a way that can be reproduced. Scope of Copyright Protection Some examples of works eligible for copyright protection are: Literary, musical, graphic, and sculptural works; Motion pictures and other audio-visual works; Derivatives of protected works, such as a sequel (i.e. the Star Wars movies); Original compilations of facts, such a… Read more

Posted by markpabear 10 years ago

What is copy right briefly explained

A copyright offers protection for original works of authorship. Copyright protection affords the author of a copyrighted work with specific rights that the author can give or sell to others or keep for him or herself. The concept of copyright protection in the United States is set forth in the original U.S. Constitution which allows Congress to pass laws that promote and encourage the progress of the useful arts. This section of FreeAdvice primarily addresses newly created works rather than works created in the past. Such older works are generally governed by the copyright laws in effect… Read more

Posted by markpabear 10 years ago 2

Do patent, trademark and copyright laws apply to c

Patent, trademark, and copyright laws are not only enforced in print and media – they are also enforced on the internet. Though there is no single major law or governing body that oversees information transmitted online (as of the date this article was written), laws related to the infringement of copyright are still very much in force when it comes to websites, online advertisements, photos, and anything else posted on the net or having to do with computers. Understanding Copyright Rules Because the internet encourages such an unmonitored and vast exchange of information, copyright, pa… Read more

Posted by markpabear 10 years ago 1

Online harassment and the action that now can be t

Until a few years ago, the recourse one could take against having an explicit photo online without consent was limited to a civil tort claim. The good news is more states and social networking sites have enacted rules to address this situation. The most immediate relief may be obtained through the website your ex boyfriend, girlfriend, or ex-wife or husband, or other violator, chose to display nude photos of you. If the posting is in violation of the website’s user agreement and posting rules, the site will remove any embarrassing content upon proper verification by the victim. The intent o… Read more

Posted by markpabear 10 years ago

Cyber stalking info

State and Federal Stalking Laws Although stalking has been a problem for many years, only in this decade has it received adequate attention from lawmakers, policy officials, and law enforcement agencies. In 1990, California became the first state to enact a specific stalking law. Since that time, all 50 states and the District of Columbia have enacted stalking laws. The National Victim Center website provides the most recent text of all state stalking laws. Less than one third of the states have anti-stalking laws that explicitly cover stalking via the internet. California, for example,… Read more

Posted by markpabear 10 years ago

Ten obnoxious comments made to women and how to re

By Amy Odell and Lane Moore 1. “Are you on your period?” Response: “No, but I know a thing or two about what makes a person bleed” *flashes fingernails*. 2. “Why aren’t you smiling?” Response: “Because you’re talking to me.” 3. “You’re just upset.” As in, he is creating a rational argument with his man-brain, but you are creating an irrational argument with your ~*CrAzY* lady emotions! Response: “Right. I am upset. Fix the thing that upset me.” 4. “Why don’t you go buy something/get your nails done/have wine with your girlfriends so you can calm down.” Response: “I am calm but I’… Read more

Posted by markpabear 10 years ago


Definition - What does Avatar mean? An avatar is a personalized graphical illustration that represents a computer user, or a character or alter ego that represents that user. An avatar can be represented either in three-dimensional form (for example, in games or virtual worlds) or in two-dimensional form as an icon in Internet forums. Avatars are used widely on websites and in gaming. They are an integral part of Internet chat, Internet messaging systems, blogs and artificial intelligence Techopedia explains Avatar The term avatar as it relates to computer user identification was fir… Read more

Posted by markpabear 10 years ago

DMCA Notice of Copyright Infringement (explained)

DMCA Notice of Copyright Infringement The SERVICE PROVIDER of this website is ICF Technology, Inc., which has filed with the U.S. Copyright Office as the service provider of this website. Notice of any claim of copyright infringement related to this website should be provided to the following designated agent of the service provider: V. Brown ICF Technology, Inc. 800 Stewart St Seattle, WA 98101 Phone: (US) 206-374-0374 Fax: (US) 206-374-0879 Email: [email protected] In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (the text of which may be found on the… Read more

Posted by markpabear 10 years ago 1