Dragobete is Feb 24th just around the corner :)))

Dragobete in Romania

Dragobete is a festive Romanian observance that celebrates love, romance and the spring season on or around February 24.

Placing basil under a pillow is one of the different Dragobete customs in Romania.
Celebrate Dragobete
There are different customs that are associated with Dragobete and these vary from place to place. It may also be observed on different dates, such as February 28 or 29, depending on the region. Many Romanians exchange gifts with their partners as a way of showing their affection for each other.

One tradition associated with superstition is for women to eat salty bread baked by the eldest woman in the household and place some basil under the pillow. It is believed that the one who does this will dream of their future husband. Another tradition is to wash oneā€™s face with snow for happiness and good health.

Public Life
Dragobete is an observance and not a national public holiday in Romania.

About Dragobete
Dragobete is a festive Romanian holiday that is associated with love and the arrival of spring. According to myth, Dragobete was the son of Baba Dochia, a woman who marks the return of spring. The day is also known as ā€œthe time when birds are betrothedā€ because during this time of year, birds generally build their nests and mate.
Published by markpabear
9 years ago
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MrsAnaC 9 years ago
to markpabear : I would like that :smile: We were not friends before, I came across your profile from your popular blogs and +followed you since xD
I would like to add to your romanian friends count, LOL :smile:
You keep saying " :smile:) " and that made me think you might be romanian too.
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markpabear Publisher 9 years ago
to MrsAnaC : This is not some one else's blog it's from a website describing Dragobet :smile:) Just curious were we friends on here at one time??? From time to time xhamster mucks up and I tend to lose friends ............lol and favorites as well??? I love the concept of Dragobete; I have a few Romanian friends, I always try to learn about the culture of my friends around the world as I have many I have also traveled around the world courtesy of my military days :smile:)

If you like we can become friends on here :smile:)
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MrsAnaC 9 years ago
Hey there.. I must ask, did you share someone else's blog about the Romanian custom holiday, or why are you sharing this? I am quite sad to say that I cannot see your profile anymore as you've hidden it :frowning: