So this recent case over in the UK has left me terrified of further exploration of my fem side. I can easily see cobwebbed jackasses doing the same here in the States...doubly so in my current hyper-conservative surroundings. I feel lost, because chat isn't enough anymore, I want to be wanted physically, to feel that want in a partner. Yet now, I can't trust even those I might meet on so called friendly ground. Heh heh, just like my cis-female compatriots...who can we trust? Read more
Fuckin' vs lovemakin'
As a sissy/TG/CD/BI individual, I admit my porn tastes are rather eclectic. I am as fascinated by two girls scissoring as I am by two guys frotaging. Mostly because porn is where I am learning the arts. BJ...would have been a complete surprise save for porn. Honestly, learning there were guys wanting to fuck gurls like me would have been an unknown save for porn. That being said, even I know the difference between a general fuck, and being "made love too." Porn may be a health issue but why the is the most consistently popular search criteria "love making" across orientation lines. I le Read more
The truth
I am lonely. I just want to believe that I am providing something that can't be attained any other way. I want to be THE carnal desire. THE source of sin. In my own sexy, sex driven craze. I want this to be my legacy... Read more
The shell opens
I've always felt that my body isn't right. When I was five, I had a dream where a machine turned me female. I didn't feel horrified, violated, only curious. Read more