What he doesn't know

My boss at work doesn't think much of me because of the rumors at the office about my being a cuckold - I am and a few of Nancy's woman friends who work in the office know for sure. Anyway the boss is a hard ass who thinks he is in control of his wife but I know differently. I fact I'm in collaboration with her to keep hubby in the office or have him go on out of town trips so she hook up with other men. He called her one time and she told him how she missed him while screwing her boyfriend - she has three other guys now. She and Nancy often double date and enjoy each others company. The… Read more

Posted by girlieguy 12 years ago 3

Frustrated cuckold

No, i'm not frustrated that I'm a cuckold i know that i don't have the size, stamina, or load to satisfy Nancy and agree to our open arrangement. Rather, i'm frustrated that i am never allowed to be home when Nancy is entertaining a man. No, Nancy isn't shy; she'd very public about our open relationship and about her boyfriends and casual trysts. And she has sex with her Aunt and woman friends present and even enjoys having pictures and movies made. Now, Nancy flirts openly and in front of me. The other night she started flirting across the bar with a younger, athletic looking man. He ca… Read more

Posted by girlieguy 12 years ago 9