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Male, heterosexual
Florence, Kentucky, United States
Female, heterosexual
English, Chinese
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About me

Horny, kinky and looking to have some fun. I love to flirt. I like to watch and be watched. I like to cam and chatting. I can be light and playful or very raunchy. I will give a girl a show without asking for the same in return but I would love to see you! The most exciting thing to see is a woman's face as she comes....that never gets old! Once I start to eat pussy, I won't stop until I am pushed away...sorry, it is a bad habit! If you want someone to share sex fantasies with or just a simple friend, let me know.
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Epicurus3 Host 11 years ago
to hotwifeAW : You are most welcome. I am honored you accepted. I confess that I am greedy for more of your charms you choose to share. You are so talented at stirring hot passions.
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hotwifeAW 11 years ago
Thank you for the invitation and the compliments XX
Epicurus3 Host 11 years ago
to hk55 : What a fantastic suggestion! She is amazing. Thank you!
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thanx x comment, Bianca Beauchamp, type it
in google images search bar.
lilith10 11 years ago
You know, I possess a very ambivalent relationship with certain sexual acts, too. In all honestly, I don't like performing oral sex. I don't like the way it feels and I normally don't actually enjoy doing it. However, the THOUGHT of doing it, and the thought of having just done it, makes me very, very aroused. Same thing with doing anything with cum. It is the eroticism of the act, not the act itself, that makes me hot.
Epicurus3 Host 11 years ago
to lilith10 : I used to be a professional bullshit artist...now its just a hobby.
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lilith10 11 years ago
*...with words.* Damn.
lilith10 11 years ago
Just reading that made me recall the times I've said just that, and I'm not gonna lie, I felt that little quiver of anticipation just now tingling just in back of my eyes. You have a very good way words, you know that? ; )

I've been thinking about that idea a lot lately, about the sexual thrill that arises from compromising your own values to some extent. I just got done talking with my therapist about it, actually. As it can amount to the (re)violation of myself, I have to undertaken carefully, something I did not do in going to that theater. In the future, however, I look forward to saying "God. I shouldn't be doing this!" and not completely melt down afterwards. That's hard to accomplish, though, as it requires tricking the mind into thinking it is doing something very naughty when, in reality, it wasn't necessarily naughty at all, if that makes any sense.
lilith10 11 years ago
to Epicurus3 : In my experience almost all politics are about identity politics, and most parties find success in exploiting this. Both the left and the right galvanize support by appealing to constituents' fears. The left hijacks the voice of large groups of people who feel disenfranchised; the right provides a voice to the people in who they first instill fear. Either way, they control the minds of the masses and rock that vote! I just am very pessimistic when it comes to the American public's ability to think for themselves.

I was thinking about this just yesterday in light of Iran's election. They had six major contenders. They always have. Granted those contenders must make it past the Guardian Council, it made me think about just how controlled our own elections are. Seriously: do we honestly have the ability to elect a third party? Is that really a reality? I don't think it is. We may not have a Guardian Council to vet who runs for office, but the the power of two party system we do have prevents us from really voting in change. I like how Pat Buccanhan once put termed it: its the Republicratic Party lol.
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lilith10 11 years ago
You're gonna have to give me awhile to dwell upon what you just wrote concerning the will! Very good; very thought-provoking
Epicurus3 Host 11 years ago
to lilith10 : You must realize that the left is not interested in empowerment. There movement depends on an endless supply of victims. I a right wing loony teabagger. We believe in the power of the individual. We are not interested in identity politics. That is why we are so vulnerable to propaganda that depicts us as racistbigotedmisogynistichomophobes. We will empower the individuals in these groups but not the collective group.
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lilith10 11 years ago
I just read about the controversy in the Military Times. I can't believe that shit. That video was motivating as hell.

And I noticed that Perry was never shown wearing the Marine Corps Eagle, Globe, and Anchor. That symbol is sacred, yet it is noticeably absent from all of her uniforms, even the ones that actually say "Marines." There was a little box up in the video, so I couldn't see if all of her uniforms were altered like that, but it appears so. To me, that shows a great deal of respect on part of Perry or whoever edited the video.

Naomi Wolf is a mindless leftist idiot. That video could be both a recruiting video for the Corps AND for feminism in general. How asinine.
lilith10 11 years ago
She really got shit for that video? Why??? That video is incredibly empowering. You would think a feminist group would like what she did.

See, I hate that crap. I don't appreciate it when a special interest group begins to align itself wholly with "left" or "right." When they do that, they lose all credibility. Grrrrrr.

That Katy Perry video is wonderful and it sort of made me tear up.
lilith10 11 years ago
The song in that last message from A Perfect Circle is by far not indicative of their best work. I just liked this variation of Led Zeppelin's "When the Levee Breaks' as I have used many of APC's music elsewhere in my profile. It is their first two albums that brought "Lilith" into my fantasies in dreams. Their music helped change my life. In particular their album "Mer de Noms" is worth exploring. Very powerful and unique music.

Should you care to explore their music, this song more than anything is what put me in contact with my neglected part of my soul. I think it has that quality for many people. Very powerful. The singer is same lead vocalist for TOOL, which is absolutely remarkable. Very haunting voice with incredible range.

lilith10 11 years ago
lilith10 11 years ago
... Wow! You understand me eerily well. You really do. I think you probably understand the meaning behind what I write more than I, myself, do.

Are you a psychologist, or just a poet?
lilith10 12 years ago
Why thank you for agreeing : ) Nice to hear from you, btw. I was off the site for awhile.
rose__girl 12 years ago
Passing by to wish for you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Shannon
rose__girl 12 years ago
Hi. Thank you for stopping by to read and comment on my Sexuality story. You know, I never thought of the analogy of sex to food, a good meal or a simple snack. You are absolutely right about that. Here's to wishing a fun weekend for you!
lilith10 12 years ago
Lol! My very existence lies squarely upon who accurate that blog is goddamn it! I must get it right. I must!

I will... but later. I think I want to spend a little quality time with myself for a change.
lilith10 12 years ago
"A rebel must claim her freedom...
The free have no need to rebel..."

I really like this. You are amazingly insightful Epicurus.
lilith10 12 years ago
I never thought of it in those terms. It definitely sounds more Eastern than Christian though.

I've always love it too.
lilith10 12 years ago
I won't address all of your comment right now, except to say it gives me a lot to think about. I just wanted to say that the way you described the inability of other's views to compromise your self-worth is something I more than admire. It is a special kind of confidence that permits me to dissolve my own ego in sublime submission.
lilith10 12 years ago
Your avatar is of a penis growing out of the ground with a butterfly perched on it. You're definitely mad! But, that also means you are definitely nearing the goal ; )
lilith10 12 years ago
I wrote it in my status because I am hoping it's possible too. And I am trying to convince myself that it exists before I go completely insane. Are you in the same situation?
lilith10 12 years ago
Ha! And your deft use of the written word makes me all a'twitter.
lilith10 12 years ago
You're always so very perceptive. Lilith is my long-ignored submissive side. She's grown twisted and nearly unrecognizable through my neglect, but she's always gnawed at my heart.
xandylee 12 years ago

I dont really know much about those kind of terms cause i guess we dont use it that much.
I am chinese and i went to china for a very long time but till to this days i still cant perfect the language.. i guess its because its not something i really want to learn the four tones of their language kills me...
thanks for dropping by the room.. have a good day
Aurorawebgirl 12 years ago
Gummi rings sound great, I have a video of me using POP rocks. Very hot. Kisses Aurora
bluntsblowin 12 years ago
haha i sure will~!~