Femme Fatale

I love strong women. I a have a bit of fetish for warrior women. I don't necessarily mean muscle women or dominate women. I mean women who know how to fight, swing a sword, fire a machine gun. I get hard as hell when I see women with swords or guns. But I am a bit of a connoisseur. If the woman looks like she is merely posing with the weapon, if it appears she does not know what to do with it or hold it, then it does nothing for me. (Pamela Anderson in Barbwire was very disappointing.) I want her to show that the weapon is a natural part of her. The warrior woman may be considered a slut, but she fucks who she wants, when she wants....she lives for her own approval and pleasure.
There was a time I was studying Tae Kwon Do and my teacher was this skinny gal who had the rank of third degree black belt. My rank was much lower...green belt. But I had studied other styles, so I was not a complete novice. She wanted to spar so we squared off in the center of the ring. Tae Kwon Do is a good system, but it heavily Dependant on kicks while neglecting hand strikes and infighting. I knew these weaknesses. When we received the command to fight, I, without hesitation stepped in quickly and delivered a reverse punch to her chest. Nothing fancy... just a reverse punch...the first punch you learn in Karate or Tae Kwon Do. This knocked her back (we were wearing protection) and the look of surprise in her eyes was priceless. I was awarded the point. We squared off again and when were released to fight we danced a bit and I did it again...same punch...same place. Now her eyes were smoldering as she contained her fury. Next go around she did not screw around. She did not let me inside and I saw her foot just millisecond before it slammed into the side of my head. She repeated this process until she scored the three points to win the match. I had a crush on ever since. I felt a bit of pride for inspiring the warrior to emerge and I felt a rush seeing the fury in her eyes. She won...but I taught her to never take the belt rankings for granted and always face your enemies with tenacity.
Published by Epicurus3
13 years ago
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lilith10 13 years ago
I loved this account! Kind of romantic. I think I told you in a PM about the guy I slammed to the ground when he pushed me against a wall? He had it comin'!
lilith10 13 years ago
I know how to fire a machine gun a little ; )