Creepy People... What are their "motivations&

I have a theory... Well, actually I gots a fukin' SHITLOAD o' theories concerning C R 3 E P Y creeeepie CREEPY grotesque ugh, "people," nearly 99.999percent of the Oedipal cringing cowards who (what can I call it other than "stalk") routinely derive tremendous perverse and dare I say, ssooooo so so SADLY INFANTILE pleasure from the most morose, dickless, sub-sophmoric, pre pre-skewl-eqe grotesqueries and harassments... meant I THINK to scare lil' ol' me, but SO not havin' the intended efffect...? I mean what can i say? if u R a grl,… Read more

Posted by dyprgrl 7 years ago 1