Creepy People... What are their "motivations&


I have a theory... Well, actually I gots a fukin' SHITLOAD o' theories concerning C R 3 E P Y creeeepie CREEPY grotesque ugh, "people," nearly 99.999percent of the Oedipal cringing cowards who (what can I call it other than "stalk") routinely derive tremendous perverse and dare I say, ssooooo so so SADLY INFANTILE pleasure from the most morose, dickless, sub-sophmoric, pre pre-skewl-eqe grotesqueries and harassments... meant I THINK to scare lil' ol' me, but SO not havin' the intended efffect...? I mean what can i say?

if u R a grl, lemme guess: dudes have watched you do cardio, go to the beach, bend over to pick up a fucking pencil or whateverthafuk in gettin' "HIGH" skewl, etc...

am i rite? yeah. Now, what is with these pube-less, possible pedophilic, possers?

MY NEW THEORY: well, just so happens that being the only grl in the USA who can READ and refuses to be ashamed of either my literacy or my intellect, I found out an interesting tidbit. Dig this: according to recent, like REAL fukin' recent studies, most dudes are in essence dickless or microdicked demure lil' momma's bitch boys who do NOT crave DOMINANCE over grls, but would INFINITELY prefer to BE the demure docile BITCH (boy) in the relationship! I know. I know. I myself have ALWAYS suspected this shit is and always has been the friggin' case since the so-called dawn of (lol, dare I say it?) "MAN". Seriously grls, look at fukin articles (if u R a psych major and/or psycho chick like me) regarding PRIMATES such as Bonobos and shit like that... a****l behavior articles, peer reviewed ones if u r a NERD like ME... and so unashamed of being smart, deal w/it dickless dudes. Compare the behavior of Bonobos to "men". the fukin' bonobos have like ``98-99% the SAME fukin DNA as anatomically modern humans. . .
So... given that... lets postulate the motives of creepy lil' bitch boy lurkers... concerning these little itty bitty bitch boys who are just burning to crawl back up mommie's cunt and/or be told what to do: either they really wanna screw "MOMMY" or they want me (and or any other grl out of their leauge) simply because they want to be told what to do and they honestly (u know it grls if u went to a goddamn coed public high skewl EVER) have NO FUKIN' clue what to do... either sociall w/a woman or in the bedroom, or the backseat, or wherever i chose to pose them when i felt like humiliating them.
Call me a mean maternal precocious cunt but I found out real fukin fast that relationships w/guys go better when i tell them what the fuck to do, in no uncertain terms and, get this... After this one "guy" (he claimed to be a guy even tho his cock size said, lol , otherwise) fucked up on several occassions i half joked about how he was so fuckin' immature he was acting like my preskewl cousin, and maybe he needed to be spanked like him. LOL> i was amazed at how receptive he was (immediately) to the idea - tryin to be not so obvious but failing, as ALL boys do at subterfuge (sp?).
since then i have just done this: I AM THE BOSS. if i date a dude. I am in charge. they obey or i do whatever the fuck i want or feel like doing to them, given my lol fickle feminine nature and via fiat choose to punish them! it fucking works. I have no idea how guys were able to ever pull off the cultural ILLUSION of dominance! seriously. And perhaps even more perverse yet SO SO SOOO much more amusingly and serving to goad me on to greater displays of dominance, i quickly found that the more "MOMMY-LIKE" I am in my treatment of them the more they LOVE IT!!! as long as i don't make it too obvious (tho some guys dig THAT too!! lol)

so i guess my theory is just this: "men" do not exist. NOPE. BOYS exist in all shapes ages and sizes but they all want mommy. if u are harassed by a creep, the more MATERNAL, confident, and even scolding you are with these pricks, especially if in public and degrade their dicklessness profusely and (verbally) abusively, the less you need even consider "FEARING" them... the only problem is this. There are a couple of "guys" one is actually a dickless DADDY of actual k**s (hopefully not BIOLOGICALLY his) and he creeps on me. I think he LIKES the way I demonstrate at all times my utter CONTEMPT for him....
he's one fukin' pervo p**o? who knows? bonobo? homo? I dunno... he's the one I ain't figured out yet... as far as how to git rid o' the ugly fat fire-fighter actually fucker! maybe i will luck out and he'll set fire to himself accidently while trying to start his grill or something imbecillic like that... I can pray can't I!!??

Suggestions on how to RID myself of his 2 inch sub "man" swell o' pig nazi tard hell?
Published by dyprgrl
7 years ago
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paul1248 7 years ago
What do you find yourself wanting, gawking at, lusting over and fantasizing about?