1 - DIAMANDA GALAS I feel ashamed about how this artist is not worldwide known as the greatest female singer ever. From the mid 70's, when she started, Diamanda always has offered to us her peculiar vision of how deranged yet still fragile our human race is. From her 1982 album "The Litanies of Satan" until the recent works in contemporary art and neoclassical music, her voice still stands, terrifying and beautiful. Thank you Diamanda. Recommended song: "Tragouthia Apo To Aima Exoun Fonos" from the 1984… Read more

Posted by dani_bullone 7 years ago 4

1O PORNGRIND SONGS for your Sexual Appetites (Sele

I love porn. I also love music. This gave me the impulse to start a bunch of playlists for your personal pleasure that i will gradually upload, each time selected by different musical genres and tastes. I haven't planned how many of these so-called "playlist" will be posted but hey! i'm not neither a dj or Francis Grasso. Also, if u don't like my songs well... fuck u. I choose to start with a porngrind selection cos i can't think of another genre (well, sub-genre) that could describe our community in a straighter way. Porngrind is even the funniest shit i've ever heard so... it's time to… Read more

Posted by dani_bullone 7 years ago 8

The Path to Enlightenment

Ohhh, look at all the pathetic black-clad wannabes running off to buy the new Shining album. Yeah. Within the framework of our scene, this shit’s the latest thing. Something to take a stand for, right? Something new and oh so evil. I mean, shit! What could possibly be more true than suicide, right? What you ignorant little fucks don’t seem to be getting though, but oh so very few of you seem to realize at all, is that this is no fucking joke. Far too many of you haven’t questioned yourself nearly enough to deserve to pretend to feel at home with this music. And honestly, most of you are… Read more

Posted by dani_bullone 7 years ago