How old were you the first time you watched porn? For me I was thirteen the first time I saw porn. I found a old DVD in my oldest b*o's room and I had no clue what it was, the title wasn't that informative. I played the DVD and to my surprise it was porn and sadly after that I became hooked, LOL. Anyway, The first scene was between two women :) it grossed me out and I had to fast forward until I saw some hot guy fucking a very pretty girl, which was way more interesting to me. After that I'd search all my other b*o's rooms and found their porn stashes and corrupted my young little mind :) Read more
Question ...
What would you rather have. If you found a genie who could only give you one wish but that wish has only two options. The options are; whether to be the best lover in the world with a twelve inch cock, or to have all your bills paid for, for the rest of your life? Read more
Question about sperm :)
If you eat sperm does that make you a cannibal ? :) Read more