Question :)
How old were you the first time you watched porn?
For me I was thirteen the first time I saw porn. I found a old DVD in my oldest b*o's room and I had no clue what it was, the title wasn't that informative. I played the DVD and to my surprise it was porn and sadly after that I became hooked, LOL. Anyway, The first scene was between two women :) it grossed me out and I had to fast forward until I saw some hot guy fucking a very pretty girl, which was way more interesting to me. After that I'd search all my other b*o's rooms and found their porn stashes and corrupted my young little mind :)
For me I was thirteen the first time I saw porn. I found a old DVD in my oldest b*o's room and I had no clue what it was, the title wasn't that informative. I played the DVD and to my surprise it was porn and sadly after that I became hooked, LOL. Anyway, The first scene was between two women :) it grossed me out and I had to fast forward until I saw some hot guy fucking a very pretty girl, which was way more interesting to me. After that I'd search all my other b*o's rooms and found their porn stashes and corrupted my young little mind :)
11 years ago
I saw true porn when I was 18. I found my dad's porn stash lol.
A small detail but not least, the films were encrypted and I do not have a decoder at home. So I don 't see much.
It was only my dear friends that I could see some juicy scenes.
I find it funny now, these friends did not have the courage to save the movie as it was late at night and their parents were there!
En Françsis
J'avais 14 ans. Un copain puis très vite des copains me demandaient régulièrement d'enregistrer sur des cassettes vidéo les films porno de la seul chaine télé qui diffusait ce genre à cette époque.
Un petit détail et pas des moindres, les films étaient cryptés et je n'avais pas de décodeur à la maison. Donc je n' y voyais pas grand chose.
C'était seulement cher mes amis que je pouvais voir quelques scènes croustillantes.
Je trouve ça marrant maintenant, ces amis n'avais pas le courage d'enregistrer les films car c'était tard le soir et les leurs parents étaient là !
My intro to smut magazines was in 1978 when I found a brothers' stash of Penthouse mags in the bathroom. I was hooked!