Young getting older 3

My computer entertainment was growing! After purchasing magazines and with the WWW now around, I searched for new items of interest. My love of bulging cocks was soon satisfied when I found pictures of big cocks filling out very small and tight panties. They were very horny and my prick was soon very hard and stiff. I was dribbling precum into my panties, making a very visible wet spot. It was so difficult choosing what to look at next. I chose pussy ad found not only pictures but videos. Beautiful, horny pornography. I wanted to see cocks shooting spunk and big pussies! I was not disappointed… Read more

Posted by broadsword2 3 years ago 3

Young, getting older 2

So, where do you go without a mobile phone, a tablet or a computer? A computer, small, cranky and unreliable might be within reach. Then, when it breaks down, who do you ask for help? If it is, maybe your parent's prized possession - trouble!! I can't remember all the mags I purchased. Parade was the one I bought most regularly, hoping to find pics of public hair or maybe even as cock or two and a good horny story. Page 3 girls were always worth a look, even in black and white!. Then, along came Playboy! With cocks and pubic hair. The public hair was mostly trimmed and the cocks, although per… Read more

Posted by broadsword2 3 years ago 9

Young, getting older. 1

How young are you before you start to grow older? How young before you start to feel different? Somewhere in my blogs, I relate some of my feelings as these things happen but they are so strong and there are so many confusing ideas attached to them. A lot of you, (like me), will have grown up when there was no internet, no mobile phones to be owned by everyone from age right (maybe even younger), no web sites showing videos and pictures of couples doing things together that you could only see it you were an adult. Now, there is always someone who knows how to find these things on tiny bits o… Read more

Posted by broadsword2 3 years ago 3

A growing fetish

I am going back again, to just after my first wet dream. Still wearing pyjamas and not really knowing what was going on when I woke up with stiff patches in my trousers, but knowing that my wee wee felt slightly different, I wanted to explore this new feeling. My mind had started thinking about this 'different' feeling during the days when I had the time to consider this and at those times my wee wee again started to feel different. I was becoming excited and I needed to wear clothing that would allow this feeling to grow. I hadn't yet started to buy fetishistic male underwear so turned to the… Read more

Posted by broadsword2 5 years ago 23

Exploring new feelings

I am going to go back now, back to just after my first wet dream when everything was new and exciting and maybe just a tad scary; a time when your wee wee (small boys had a wee wee) was feeling a bit strange when you were asleep and perhaps a bit wierder as you got a bit older. As you got older, the 'wierdness' became more normal and even enjoyable and more exciting. What was happening? And at the age of 10 years old, were you going to be bold enough to want to share this 'wierdness' with girls? At 10, the answer for most boys was probably 'no'. Among your own friends (boys) when changing afte… Read more

Posted by broadsword2 5 years ago 5

A bigger bulge.

Pumping my cock was becoming an obsession. I loved it and just the sudden thought of pumping would make my cock start to swell! I always prepared my cock by using hot water first to improve the blood flow and squeezed and stretched for about 20 minutes by which time I was semi hard and feeling very horny. Some good lube and my prick would slide into the pump and the seal would ensure that I would feel the vacuum immediately without any leaks! Being horny was also a good start as I could increase the vacuum fairly quickly. My cock would grow and swell both in length and width and I could see t… Read more

Posted by broadsword2 6 years ago 6

Bigger feels good.

Having decided that I loved wet dreams, spunking and peeing in my panties and having a visible bulge in pantyhose or wearing cocksheath panties, I wanted to be even bigger! I enjoyed the feel of my stiff cock in tight panties or preferably being visible under jeans. I found an advert for a vacuum pump and after some deliberation I sent off for it. Trying to catch the postman before anyone else was not always easy but at last it arrived! The only safe place to start using it was in the attic and although I couldn't inhabit the attic every night, there were several times a week when I could 'van… Read more

Posted by broadsword2 6 years ago 5

Panties to pantyhose.

I was still only just a teenager but after having wet dreams, I wanted to see what was happening when I was dreaming. I realised that ordinary pj's were not tight enough to encourage my cock to get hard as I went to sleep and to keep it stiff as I dreamed! I started to wear ordinary (but fairly tight) underpants and enjoyed feeling my cock growing as I started to sleep. Dreaming from then on was hornier and I woke up with a bigger cock and my underpants either wet and sticky, or hard and stuck to my knob, probably three or four days a week! I discovered that I also needed a wee when I woke up… Read more

Posted by broadsword2 6 years ago 10

More growing bigger

Trying to keep my growing cock inside my shorts, I realised that the young girl who had been inadvertantly (?) showing her panties was coming over to me. Noticing the bumps on her chest now that she was standing next to me, my cock got even harder and I am sure that my knob was visible as I tried to pull my shorts down over it. Her short dress was starting to uncover her panties and I no longer cared whether she could see the growing knob bulge (in pants) sticking out below my shorts; they weren't very big! She asked if I would go round for tea with her and of course I accepted. The weather wa… Read more

Posted by broadsword2 6 years ago 13