Exploring new feelings

I am going to go back now, back to just after my first wet dream when everything was new and exciting and maybe just a tad scary; a time when your wee wee (small boys had a wee wee) was feeling a bit strange when you were asleep and perhaps a bit wierder as you got a bit older. As you got older, the 'wierdness' became more normal and even enjoyable and more exciting. What was happening? And at the age of 10 years old, were you going to be bold enough to want to share this 'wierdness' with girls? At 10, the answer for most boys was probably 'no'. Among your own friends (boys) when changing after gym, swimming or in the showers, it was fairly obvious that we were all different. Some were bigger, some a lot bigger and some were smaller, some with a visible knob and some with a 'hidden' knob. Some of the boys, (the bigger ones) were happy about their size and regularly made quite a performance of 'drying' themselves with the result that they got even bigger. This was interesting and seeing what was happening to other boys wee wees made mine feel like it did when I was dreaming. Some of the boys even made their hidden knobs appear as they got bigger and I got a bit excited myself when I saw their wee wees getting stiff.
Swimming was the obvious area for looking at the different sizes of cocks and at around 11.1/2 to 12, most boys were showing their interest in girls in the obvious way; cocks were sticking out in trunks and girls were showing obvious pointed bumps on their chests. This was a difficult time for masters who taught gym, swimming, physical education, athletics or gymnastics. They had to control not only their classes, but also the raging hormones of their young horny pupils who were always wanting to get into the 'wrong' changing rooms! It was at around this time that my feelings also were changing - I wanted to be bigger and (having seen some of the girls in their panties, whether by accident or design) my cock was starting to bulge a little more. I also wanted to wear smaller panties! The weekend papers had adverts for 'posing pouches' and other such interesting male underwear as well as vacuum pumps. This was something for later years so at that time, I sent off for a couple of pouches and some small, very definitely, see-thru panties. I then waited to waylay the postman!
Published by broadsword2
5 years ago
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broadsword3 1 year ago
to toollkit : My old profile which xh won't let me access!
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broadsword2 Publisher 3 years ago
And tight feels so horny. Never tried leggings
broadsword2 Publisher 3 years ago
This was a long time ago!
broadsword2 Publisher 5 years ago
to toollkit : Was a long time ago!
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toollkit 5 years ago
wow  great story  , so risky  sending for stuff though mmmmmmm