When you find out your Gran is a nudist....

Mum and Dad had a fiery relationship when I was growing up. Lots of shouting, arguing, rowing was broken up by overly friendly make-up times with the obligatory get-back-together sex, which was always noisy and not always as private as they might have thought! However when I was 13, the marriage broke down completely and permanently. I stayed with Mum and Dad moved in with a teenage Mum on a council estate a few hours away. The long summer holidays approached and Mum decided to send me to stay with my Gran, Mum's Mum, on the Norfolk coast. Mum was 35 then and Gran was in her late 50s. I hadn'… Read more

Posted by ArgentUK 4 years ago

Granny love

My first time with a very much older woman came about with a friend of my Gran. Her sons had all moved away and she needed a hand to do a few tasks around the house, like changing some bulbs and putting a plug on something she'd bought in France. She had a great figure, slim and quite tall and fantastic looking legs. She wasn't busty at all and the main thing which showed her age was her hair, which had all gone grey. Her sons were all at least 15 years older than me and she was in her mid-60s. It was an enjoyable morning. She kept me working hard but she was good and fun company and we ha… Read more

Posted by ArgentUK 4 years ago