When you find out your Gran is a nudist....
Mum and Dad had a fiery relationship when I was growing up. Lots of shouting, arguing, rowing was broken up by overly friendly make-up times with the obligatory get-back-together sex, which was always noisy and not always as private as they might have thought!
However when I was 13, the marriage broke down completely and permanently. I stayed with Mum and Dad moved in with a teenage Mum on a council estate a few hours away. The long summer holidays approached and Mum decided to send me to stay with my Gran, Mum's Mum, on the Norfolk coast. Mum was 35 then and Gran was in her late 50s. I hadn't seen her much over the years as Norfolk is well over 4.5 hours drive away. Mum put me on the train and I met Gran at King's Lynn.
British Summers can be unpredictable, a washout, cool, wet. This year it was wonderfully warm and sunny. Next morning, Gran said we would be going to Holkham Bay, which she said was like Studland Bay near where I lived. We parked up and walked to the sand, which was a good 1.5 miles away at least. It still early and there weren't many people about. The beach itself had long soft sandy areas and dunes behind that. Once we stopped, put up the beds and the windbreak, Gran started to undress. Not shyly, she just took off her clothes and lay down on the sunbed next to me. That was the point I realised Gran was a nudist and the point she realised that I didn't know. She said you must have been to the nudist beach with Mum and Dad, but I hadnt. I had no idea they were nudists, none at all!
My gast was well and truly flabbered! Gran told me that could join in or not, my choice, and given the strangeness of how it felt, I didn't get nude but stayed wearing trunks. I played in the sand, went swimming and just enjoyed myself. A few hours later, I was lying next to Gran and the beach was busier. Most people were fully nude. I confess to enjoying the view of the strangers and Gran next to me. I decided to take my trunks off and immediately I got an erection. I turned away and found myself looking at an older guy some 10m away who waved at me. I waved back and luckily things calmed down. For a while!
I met a lot of interesting people on the beach, some were friends of Gran, some were strangers. I found nudists were friendly, open, and being nude just made everyone equal. I wasn't judged as a 13 year old, I was just another nudist. I found out that my Mum had been a nudist with Gran growing up and she was surprised Mum had never taken me to Studland Bay, which I now knew was a nudist beach. When Mum came up to stay with Gran and me at the end of the school holidays, she joined in going nude and when we got back down south after that, we often went to the nudist beach then.
However when I was 13, the marriage broke down completely and permanently. I stayed with Mum and Dad moved in with a teenage Mum on a council estate a few hours away. The long summer holidays approached and Mum decided to send me to stay with my Gran, Mum's Mum, on the Norfolk coast. Mum was 35 then and Gran was in her late 50s. I hadn't seen her much over the years as Norfolk is well over 4.5 hours drive away. Mum put me on the train and I met Gran at King's Lynn.
British Summers can be unpredictable, a washout, cool, wet. This year it was wonderfully warm and sunny. Next morning, Gran said we would be going to Holkham Bay, which she said was like Studland Bay near where I lived. We parked up and walked to the sand, which was a good 1.5 miles away at least. It still early and there weren't many people about. The beach itself had long soft sandy areas and dunes behind that. Once we stopped, put up the beds and the windbreak, Gran started to undress. Not shyly, she just took off her clothes and lay down on the sunbed next to me. That was the point I realised Gran was a nudist and the point she realised that I didn't know. She said you must have been to the nudist beach with Mum and Dad, but I hadnt. I had no idea they were nudists, none at all!
My gast was well and truly flabbered! Gran told me that could join in or not, my choice, and given the strangeness of how it felt, I didn't get nude but stayed wearing trunks. I played in the sand, went swimming and just enjoyed myself. A few hours later, I was lying next to Gran and the beach was busier. Most people were fully nude. I confess to enjoying the view of the strangers and Gran next to me. I decided to take my trunks off and immediately I got an erection. I turned away and found myself looking at an older guy some 10m away who waved at me. I waved back and luckily things calmed down. For a while!
I met a lot of interesting people on the beach, some were friends of Gran, some were strangers. I found nudists were friendly, open, and being nude just made everyone equal. I wasn't judged as a 13 year old, I was just another nudist. I found out that my Mum had been a nudist with Gran growing up and she was surprised Mum had never taken me to Studland Bay, which I now knew was a nudist beach. When Mum came up to stay with Gran and me at the end of the school holidays, she joined in going nude and when we got back down south after that, we often went to the nudist beach then.
4 years ago