In Praise of Panty Bridges
You might recall that my wife had put on, well, so much extra non-muscle that looking at her did not make my cock swell like it did back when I decided to scramble up the entire rest of my life (including leaving my first wife) so I could fuck her all I wanted (sorry ladies). Ultimately I solved that issue by taking up with another woman ("the other woman") who was as stimulating to look at as anyone I had ever seen. Problem solved. Mission accomplished.
Except it wasn't. Long story. Anyway, I came clean with my wife and she got REAL mad and clipped (ouch) my wings (read about that a little further on if you want). As much as I really miss and still long for my incredible love affair of seven (7) years, now my wife understood that all those extra pounds really needed to go. (I married her at 125, she topped out at 186). (Sorry ladies). (And YES, I had attempted to talk about this to my wife a number of times before I gave up and found my lover).
Now, three years later, my wife is taking me seriously, and she has lost 45 of those flabby badboys. Frankly she is looking un-fucking-believably fantastic (again) especially for a gal that just turned 60! I mean, OMFG. But I digress. (I'm too chicken to post photos of my wife here, sorry).
So the other night, as we were spending quality time horizontally, I noticed her panty bridge was back! That absolutely, totally made my DAY. Shoot! It made my DECADE. It made me so happy I decided to celebrate the occasion by posting a gallery of panty bridges here on my profile so everyone would know exactly what I was talking about.
Viva the Panty Bridge! Yay!!
5 years ago