Back on XHamster

Short post today, which is the first time I've logged onto XHamster in three and a half weeks. The knee didn't need surgery, didn't even need to have an MRI done, but the process required a lot of sitting around waiting for nature to heal the injury.

I think I've watched every Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Matrix, Resident Evil, and Hunger Games movie at least three times each in that time frame, and have probably lost at least three lifelong friends after calling them stupid idiots for refusing to acknowledge that potus45 should be eradicated from the face of the planet. Facebook is wonderful for alienating and pissing-off the half of the world that doesn't agree with me.

While I was disabled (or should I say "differently abled?") I was being frequently visited by relatives of all ages who were bearing the relatives' burden of walking the ancestral figures large, powerful, and occasionally combative canine while the old fart was immobilized. This prevented me from logging onto XHamster and getting my usual minimum daily requirement of Transgender Porn and suggestive emails from other XHamster members. But, now I'm ba-ack!
Published by StarrSluttCD
6 years ago
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Moreticiacokx 2 years ago
And how was that first orgasm after your enforced  abstinance
Leomoore 3 years ago
Love the way you can laugh at yourself.  I feel sure you are not such an old fart.
StarrSluttCD Publisher 4 years ago
to xx1236 : :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  
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xx1236 4 years ago
bluehen46 4 years ago
I have been bin watching Grimm
xx1236 5 years ago
Agree completely with you about POTUS...!!
Just so glad you are better
explorer_3x69 5 years ago
Welcome back!
nusarera 5 years ago
Welcome back
bails1010 6 years ago
to StarrSluttCD : Hey there, well due to my dear late mother i have bunions which she graciously past to me, but that was just a contributing factor to my foot, worse part about it was a VA Podiatrist that ruined my foot , so hence fighting with the Veterans Administration was   daunting at best !!   I have to say that Shoulders are problematic in oh so many ways, knew a guide that had both done , he cannot guide any more and does not have full ROM even after extensive PT. hope you have someone there with after surgery, you will need assist for a lot of daily routine things, i would be there if I wasn't way up in the Hinter Land {Maine}    know a pound of advise is worth about as much as a pound of Air, but i would get a 2nd opinion, if it was me , thing i learned in dealing with my foot !! 
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StarrSluttCD Publisher 6 years ago
to bails1010 : People don't realize how delicate and intricate the musculo-skeletal structure of the foot is until they suffer an injury, or get something genetic like a bunion, and my goodness they can cause misery!   Glad you got compensated (malpractice?), but I'd much rather not have a significant injury no matter how much they would pay me.    The big hassle with the shoulder is the six weeks of immobilization post-op if I should have it repaired.   And, the high percentage of people who don't achieve pain-free full ROM is frighteningly high, too.  If  I'm going to get cut I want to be well afterwards!  
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bails1010 6 years ago
to StarrSluttCD : I completely understand, have had 8 surgeries on right foot due a Dr,s malfeasance, duly compensated but still puts a crimp in the attitude ya might say !! Hun you need me to come and visit and do all that stuff for ya, LOL, Dealing with a bad rotator cuff is difficult at best, worked in medical field for a couple of decades so i have a clue !!  Dealing with our four legged children when we are hurting is a PITA {Pain in the Ass}, been cold up here, cant put dawg sweater on the Freaking Dawg !! So he is missing he daily rides and walks !! Oh well Life happens !! So hope you feel better and have a great day tomorrow !!
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StarrSluttCD Publisher 6 years ago
to bails1010 : My sympathies about the "differently abled" right hand.  I'm now dealing with a probable torn right rotator cuff, which slows me down with the short stroke (it felt so grand, I used my hand!)  and am now trying to perfect  my long stroke (it feels so good, I used my foot!)  My doggie actually is massive,  so the  badshoulder is almost as much of a hassle as the bad knee.
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bails1010 6 years ago
Ps. in relation to watching movies, watched LOR both trilogy's 6 times, every Marvel  movie at least thrice and i think this country is way to obsessed with cars !!
bails1010 6 years ago
had joint replacement surgery on Right hand, puts a serious crimp in my time on xham !! and doing just about everything, only good is my massive canine is only 91/2 lbs, so walking him was the easy part , putting his fashionable Sweater on him was a whole new gig !!
olyhung 6 years ago
I’ll be in Sharon tending to my dad Nov 10-17... maybe?
olyhung 6 years ago
Hi there! Glad to read that you hate 45 enough to trash friendships - I’m in the same boat! He’s a fucking moron and those that defend him are collaborators in the war on democracy, further economic hardship for what’s left of the middle class and ruining relationships the US has fostered since WWII. Relationships that have helped promote American prosperity and security for over 70 years. If 45 supporters don’t get that, they don’t understand what has truly made America great. 
dart-1 6 years ago
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StarrSluttCD Publisher 6 years ago
to playmax223 : thnx! 
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StarrSluttCD Publisher 6 years ago
to JennieStarr : My sympathies.  A Back is worse than a knee.  At least I could turn around and reach for the TV clicker without yelping! 
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StarrSluttCD Publisher 6 years ago
to dart-1 : Need to figure out how to run my new camera in video mode!  but will happily perform for you with toys and joys when I do.  
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dart-1 6 years ago
eager to see   hot new pics or video  of you  sweetie 
Totally relate as I was dealing with a back issue that kept me out of action for a while:smile:
playmax223 6 years ago
Keep fighting the good fight lol