Threesome with Married Couple

This adventure occurred around 2010. My college class has reunions every five years, which occur in the late spring in the week after commencement, and I try to make every one of them to catch-up on the stories and reminiscences with my classmates. Ohio is full of small towns with small, liberal arts colleges where everyone lives on campus 24/7, and people get to know their dorm-mates and members of their fraternity or sorority as well as they know their own blood kin, and my alma mater is one of those schools. In other words, the reunion weekend is a big fucking deal, and the college schedule… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 3 years ago 57

Principles Before Cock or Not?

Assuming that Xhamster shall last and endure for a few years, and there is a strong possibility that people may read this several years after it is being written,it's probably best to state a few words of explanation. This Blog Post is being written in contentious and dangerous times in mid-summer 2020, during a surge of the Coronavirus Pandemic and the Trump-Biden election. To paraphrase Dylan, "the battle lines are outside arranging" in Portland, and possibly other large cities. People don't like each other, and politics are about as polarized as they have been since the Great Depression.… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 4 years ago 49

The CD'ing Life

A few years ago I got an offer to work on a temporary contract which would require me to move to New York City during the contract term. To make along story short, I accepted the offer, which paid very well, and would give me a chance to live in Manhattan for a while. The job was located near the financial district, and I rented a furnished loft on the Lower East Side, about half a block off Delancey Street and within easy walking distance of the subway station at Essex Street. The job was nominally nine to five, and since I was on a contract and not a permanent employee I got paid overti… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 4 years ago 21

Is Anyone Fucking Anyone Now?

I'm sure that I'm not the only person who is terribly frustrated about not being able to obtain sexual relief during the critical moments of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Is anyone meeting anyone out there in the real world, and, if so, are they doing it with a "I don't care a damn!" attitude which risks their health, or is there some way to safely fuck? Truthfuilly, I've been so brainwashed by the Warnings and Guidelines that the idea of meeting someone face-to-face is frightening, and the thought of kissing someone, and having his tongue and saliva in my mouth and body is almost sickening.… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 4 years ago 41

Remembering during the Corona Virus Shutdown

This is a short post, and not even particularly sexy or titillating. However, it is important to me to record this memory because I have for quite a while thought that my interest in transgender women was initially aroused only when I was in my late 30's. Since I have a health issues, asthma and middle-age in my case, which put me in the high-risk category to have serious complications if I catch the Virus, I've been pretty much hiding from the world, reading books, and thinking about how the world has been turned topsy-turvy in the last 4 weeks. I remembered this incident which occurred… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 4 years ago 23

A new and different way to orgasm!

One of the Gurls with whom I correspond frequently here on Xhamster has been urging me to get more involved in breast development, and nipple stimulation. I'm way too old to start taking hormones, and/or to even think about augmentation surgery, so I have been working on nipple stimulation. I've always noticed that when I manipulate my nipples, or when someone starts sucking on them, that here is a direct connection to some part of my body which tells my brain that "this is sexually stimulating," so I decided to concentrate on that sensation, and see if I could cum from nipple play without tou… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 5 years ago 30

Back on XHamster

Short post today, which is the first time I've logged onto XHamster in three and a half weeks. The knee didn't need surgery, didn't even need to have an MRI done, but the process required a lot of sitting around waiting for nature to heal the injury. I think I've watched every Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Matrix, Resident Evil, and Hunger Games movie at least three times each in that time frame, and have probably lost at least three lifelong friends after calling them stupid idiots for refusing to acknowledge that potus45 should be eradicated from the face of the planet. Facebook is w… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 6 years ago 24

Male Ego + Slippery Grass = Zero Fem Time

I've been down and out and haven't logged onto Xhamster for the past 72 hours, and am currently sitting in my recliner switching back and forth between Wimbledon and a rerun of the first stage of the Tour de France. It is a beautiful sunny, cool day, blue skies, green grass, and a time when every right-thinking person should be out enjoying the world. Except for those with a recently sprained ACL, of course. On July Fourth I went to a family grillout/barbecue, hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken breasts, potato salad, cole slaw, baked beans, corn-on-the-cob, watermelon, cherry pie a la mode, et… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 6 years ago 12

A Hard Night at the Hampton Inn

You folks who read these Blog posts know that my career as a Bed-hopping Cockslut had been experiencing a downtrend over the past six months because of cold and flu health issues, family obligations, business obligations, and the generally foul and evil winter of 2017-18 in Ohio. However, things took a definite uptick in the past three weeks, and here is the blow-by-blow story of it all. Around June first, I received an email from a man named Fred on a LGBT social site where I've had a profile posted intermittently for the past couple of years. I didn't take it too seriously since, althou… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 6 years ago 19

Cold winter without sex, + no more Craigslist!

This is being written in the early spring of 2018, and it has been a long, slow, cold winter without much going- on in the way of pressing the flesh. Being a mature transgender girl has its perils, it's not all a case of just crooking my finger and having guys with hard cocks come running at my beck and call. I had dates set with three different xhamster correspondents, but each fell through due to complications cause d by the weather. In one case, a steady boyfriend, with whom I hadn't hooked-up since the autumn of 2017 was supposed to drop by my house for a session of catching up w… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 7 years ago 12

The Big One

This is another random story, and it involves a man with whom I've had an off-and-on sexual relationship for several years. There is an alternate bar not far from me which once a month has a Girls Night Out, and it's a pretty big deal for the Transgender community in this area. I haven't attended for a few years because of other commitments, but I used to go to the GNO three or four times a year, and the Christmas and Valentine's Day parties are usually pretty extravagant with live entertainment, drink specials, and of course dancing. I met my friend Ed at one of the GNO, he was an Admi… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 7 years ago 15

Odds and Ends and Gay Men

After the incident where I was rapde by the three men in the parking lot at The Grotto bar, I was depressed, filled with rage at many times, and quite fearful about having something similar happen. Once something terrible occurs, I think human nature dictates that we think back and realize how many times such events could have happened before, and how lucky we have been that most of our careless moves have been "no harm, no foul" situations. I quit going anywhere except when I had a posse with me, and dialed-down on my motel room, Adult Friend Finder, and Craigslist promiscuity encounters… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 7 years ago 5

An Unusual House Call for a Broken Appliance!

The brutally cold weather in Ohio during Christmas season 2018 reminded me of this incident which occurred three winters ago during a cold spell. The dishwasher in my house is installed on an outside wall, and an internal water supply line in the machine has a tendency to freeze when the external temperature descends into the minus five range, unless I anticipate the problem and turn off the emergency supply valve. I forgot to do that one cold January evening, the supply line froze and burst, and when the thermometer rose into the plus digits the line thawed and water flowed out onto my kit… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 7 years ago 20

Cock Dominated In a Motel

A bit over ten years ago I was surfing the internet and found a message sent to me on adult friend finder from a man who lived in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He said that he was going to be doing some work in New Castle, PA and would be staying in a motel not too far from me, and wondered if I'd be interested in getting together with him. Since it is my policy to always respond to all emails on adult dating sites, even the rude ones, I replied, and we struck up a correspondence. We exchanged a few photos, and tentatively made plans to meet at his motel. The night that we had scheduled was bru… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 7 years ago 20

Cautionary Tales:Not Sexy, but Can Be Helpful

This is another autobiographical slice of my life, and it contains real, not fantasy, violnce. If that offends you, don't read. The place is closed now, but back in the days when I was younger, sexier, and probably hornier, there was a place called the Grotto in the medium-sized city where I live. It was known as a pickup bar for Gays, TG's, and Lesbians, and was a place where the "rough trade" crowd hung out, the young, male prostitutes who would fuck a Gay man or let him fellate them for a price. I think that the Grotto became popular with the alternate lifestyle crowd because the… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 7 years ago 15

Random Stories Where I Get Fucked, Number 1.

My first Blog post was autobiographical, and historical, since it detailed my beginnings as a crossdresser. For the next few entries, I'm going to just post random experiences I've had in my adventures as a Sissy Slut. These are not in any chronological order. The incident which I'm going to write about in this entry happened around 2002-03, and is also autobiographical. I have had good luck with Adult Friend Finder and its allied sites. This is not a commercial for them, they have flaws and grub for money just like everyone does, but back in the early 2000's, when I was just beginning… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 7 years ago 8

True Confessions: Beginnings

The first real flesh penis which ever penetrated my ass belong to a M2F Crossdresser. A simple statement, but as with all such things there is a fairly complicated story which led up to the event. I was such a straight guy up until my mid/late thirties that it hurts to talk about it now. I was a high school and college jock, lost my virginity to a bleached blond in a whorehouse at at 17, served in an elite military unit which involved jumping out of airplanes, married and divorced to former homecoming queens twice, and worked in a high pressure business job which required a relatively hig… Read more

Posted by StarrSluttCD 7 years ago 28