Gay games at the gym 2
As I said, it was less than a week before I was thinking about going back to the gym… after what happened to me last time. Less than a week before I started feeling, well not exactly a desire, more a curiosity you might say, yeah, a compelling curiosity. Not that I would ever want that to happened again, any of it, no. But a curiosity, if you know what I mean.
I thought about the things I endured, the humiliation, the pain, the agony that lingered for days, in my butt, my chest, and in my mind, but my butt mostly.
It’s mostly the confusion I felt, feel, soiled and abused, over and over in my mind, details, details of, well, you know. See, every time I… I’d think, no that’s not it. I wasn’t sitting there thinking about it. The images of that one time, that one experience, they popped in and would roll through my mind when I’d sleep or try to relax. I had to think to keep my mind off them.
When I went to the bathroom… I’d sit dammit. Every time I went to the toilet, ever since that night. I felt like my bowels would dump if I pressed. Ever have the runs? You become afraid to even fart, because you don’t know what will actually happen? Well it was just like that, fearing what might happen. For weeks it was total fear. My solution… sit every time.
Hell, for a good, good being totally the wrong word for this, I had to clench my butt cheeks every step I took. I felt like I was losing it. My ass tingled and constantly flexed like it was blowing kisses. I know, nasty thought, I thought so too, but that describes it best.
Oh, and in addition to all this, I couldn’t make love to my wife, not those two weeks. Every time we would lie together in bed, we would kiss and cuddle, I would start to get hard, and my asshole would start to spasm. It wasn’t pain but it was dam distracting driving my erection away.
My wife Amy started asking me if I thought I needed to see the doctor. Maybe I was going through some change of life. I’ll say! But I couldn’t explain the change I had under gone to any doctor. No, I was convinced I’d get through it and put it behind me.
It pissed me off when I couldn’t get hard with my beautiful wife, and then I’d get hard, dammit each time, throbbing raging hard like I wanted, but while the thoughts of Frank and Jo crossed my mind. And because of this I’d wonder if it meant I actually liked it, what happened, or if I would, well, I just felt backwards and inside out. I’m a man! Why was this happening to me?
When I think about those disgusting things I did, even now nearly a year later, the thoughts make me wrinkle my nose in disgust, more so at first, but still some. See, when I’d passively generalized the thoughts I avoided focusing on details. Details like, well, I better stop before I get hard again.
I begin wondering, even though I’m telling myself NO, telling my dick to not get harder, asking myself, ‘If you’re a real man Steve, a real man, a real,” and my mind wanders while I harden.
But when I’m with a gorgeous sexy voluptuous woman like my Amy, red hair and pink nipples. Red bush and pink pussy. White skin, so white she almost glows in the dark. Gorgeous round rump, and the perfect B-cup tits. I can eat her pussy for hours, lick the perspiration from every inch of her flesh, and when we kiss she fucks my mouth with her tongue. She’s a wild-cat!
But after the boys had their way with me, I get hard as fucking iron at all the wrong times!
Dammit, you know how control dissolves to pitiful disgusting nasty lust for perversion when your brain gets sexually stimulated? I’m telling you, all you real men who think none of this could ever happen to you, because you have self-control and you’re nothing like me, well the truth is, temptation takes over your actions, your will power, your self-control… and, well, that’s when it happens, yes even to you.
So, I avoided the gym all that week, the following week too. The next Monday, two weeks to the day, I convinced myself to return.
I told myself, ‘It’s my gym. I’m a man and that won’t happen ever again. I won’t let it. I owe it to myself to stand up for myself, climb back on the horse, be a man!’ I hoped by taking back my manhood I would regain my prowess with Amy. Without it I was fucked!
I went to work that Monday morning. I was going to proving I am a real man! My dick may be average, but it is a man’s dick and not a girl’s clitoris dammit.
In my head I would hear them, Jo and Frank, telling me how big and hard my clit was for them. These are the details I didn’t want to tell you about. But, that Monday every time I turned around my thoughts were of them and their words. And every fucking time, my dick would respond like it was some alien creature driving me to do this. Telling me, ‘Go to the gym.’
After sitting in my car for half an hour, I entered, and went directly to the treadmill. I had secured my position, showing the boys I wanted nothing to do with them. Then I asked myself, ‘Why the hell am I back here?’ I questioned my motives. Although I did my best to convince myself that I was there to prove to myself, and them that I am a man and not gay in any fucking way, even though, my mind kept thinking of those gross details… and my dick would throb and swell and well, dam.
The guys were in a pack. That night there were four of them, two I didn’t recognize. They were chatting up some women in neon spandex exposing large bodied gals. I had heard the blacks talking before and sort of knew they liked meaty women. They claimed to like a woman with something to hold on to. My preferences leaned toward the more petite women.
These girls, black or maybe Indian girls I think, were leaving. I say possibly Indian because although they had dark chocolate skin and full curvy bodies, they didn’t have the Nubian round nose. No, these women had narrow hawk like beaks. But like black women they were beefy, maybe slimmer in the waist a little, but thick in the thigh area a lot. Not to say they were anything but gorgeous, just, I think, more of the Asian Indian look.
So with some fan fair the ladies left, giggling and waving, teasing the four big black muscle men remaining in the place… there with me. They were working out, chatting, flexing, but with my headphones on I couldn’t hear a word. Every now and then one or two would look over at me and smile.
Frank waved. I waved back. I felt my dick tingle and swell a bit, but tried to ignore it. I was listening to John Denver tunes, a white man’s music.
A few minutes later he waved again, this time in a ‘Come here’ fashion. I pulled out my headphones out to hear what he was trying to say.
“Hay Stevie, come here,” he said with another wave.
I waved ‘No’ with plans to ignore him and resume running. I usually got thirty minutes in. I was already ten minutes over.
I asked myself why the hell I was still here. I should have ducked out when they were busy watching the girls leave. I was working on replacing my headphones when he waved again.
“We want to introduce you to our gang,” Jo yelled.
“No thanks. Maybe later,” I replied.
Frank countered, “We only wanna help you Stevie.”
“Help with what?” I asked, kind of wishing I hadn’t.
He replied, “Listen, we’re body-builders, doin this for a living all the time. Look at us. We run this gym.”
“And six other like it across town,” one of the strangers, a giant of a man, added.
The other stranger posed like you see them in those MUSCLE magazines.
“We know you’d like a harder bod Stevie, firmer, and manly. One you will be proud of the next time you take the family to the beach. Right?” one of the stranger explained.
I felt a little indignant. No, very intimidated. Who was this guy and why did he call me Stevie. I know why Jo and Frank did, but I planned to stop that. But who was this guy?
I hate that name… Stevie! My asshole brother used to call me that when we were k**s as he teased me and tortured me. I didn’t like it then and I hate it now!
“I don’t know you sir, so don’t call me Stevie! Nobody calls me Stevie, you either Jo, Frank!” I hissed in a tone a bit hire pitched than I planned.
I stomped my foot, fists on my hips, doing my best to sound like an enraged little Chihuahua in the pack of intimidated Dobermans. I remembered seeing that once, and hoped for dear life it would work for me. The thought did give me courage.
As I was barking at them, I planned to spin around and walk, don’t run, to leave the room.
It was Jo that spoke next. I half expected, hoped maybe, it would be Frank. He had always been my protector, well back when, well you remember when.
So, why Jo? What did he have to say? The jerk with the c***dish attitude.
Jo said, “Sorry, my bad. I spilled the beans to these guys about us. I assumed you wasn’t coming back after a week. Frank said I should keep it on the DL, but, you know…”
Frank added, “And we thought you was okay with Stevie, not wanting the nick Candy girl and all. But we won’t call you that. Sorry dude.”
I glared at him, at them. They both sounded sincere. How could I forget what had happened, but here I was feeling like, what the hell, its cook.
But Jo had told total strangers about my having… and what they… and who knows how detailed… and dam it all… I took a step back, not turning yet, but with the urge to do so and run.
One of the strangers said, “Fella, don’t know what you want us to call ya, but really, truly, we wanna be friends, help you get firmed up, more tone and defined. We can do that, help you do that. That’s why you come to the gym, right? And that’s why we is here man.”
“Yeah, but,” I couldn’t believe I had just agreed with this stranger who knew I’d sucked a black cock a couple weeks earlier, and here we were talking like friends. I did agree with him, but what could possibly come of agreeing, or chatting, I wondered. Besides, he had pissed me off! They’d all pissed me off! Why the hell wasn’t I still pissed at all of them?
I guess I looked defeated when I exhaled and unclenched my fists, dropping them to my sides. I dropped my gaze to the floor around my feet and kicked myself, figuratively for being a gullible pussy. That is what I felt like, a pussy.
“So this is the gang,” Frank said, sounding like he wanted to defuse the tension in the air.
I stood there, a little scared. For some stupid reason my mind wondered in a flash if these four big black guys had plans for me to suck their big black cocks tonight.
My dick jumped. I thought, ‘NO! Don’t be a CLITORIS! Be a DICK!’ I meant to shock my mind into remembering the shame and humiliation, but it didn’t work.
I was still a little scared, but a new feeling was taking over, a thrill. My mind kept wondering, this time if they’d cum in my mouth. Although last time they came in my mouth, they shot their loads right into my stomach. I never tasted a load of cum, just the residuals. I reasoned, what the hell was I thinking. I needed to get out!
Instead, I got hard. I bit my tongue hoping that would bring my body back to reality. I was thankful for the first time that I had a small enough dick that it didn’t look like I had a hard on in my shorts. Hopefully no one would notice before I got away, I thought.
I took a deep breath, planning to say my goodbyes, but just then Frank said, “This here’s Steve.”
“Geo,” Frank continued, “Steve, this here’s Geo, George really, but we all have nicks, see? His is Geo. I’m Frank, as in blunt and to the point, Frankly speaking, hehehe, actually Phillip. See?”
I nodded and said, “Hello George.”
He took my hand and squeezed very firmly, “Geo, I prefer my friends call me Geo. You is my friend, right?”
I said, fearing he’d crush my fingers, “Yes, friends, Geo it is.”
He asked, “What you want me to call you if not Stevie, friend?”
I answered, “Steve is fine.”
Jo said, “And this is Tiny.”
Tiny was the biggest guy in the group. I could see his nickname was obviously a joke. He was head and shoulders taller than me. Must be six eight or so I’d guess. He must have been over three hundred pounds. Although he had a gut, it didn’t look like there was any fat on him. His skin was as black as coal, and his lips and gums were deep blue it appeared to me.
Jo must have seen my confusion because he explained, “As in Tiny Tim, not the singer but the cartoon character. So what ya think his name really is? Tiny…”
I said, “Tim,” and Jo put a finger to his nose smiling like a Cheshire cat.
Jo continued like we were playing charades, “And my name is George also, like Geo’s. George Iglesias to be precise. My dad’s from Mexico. So why ya think I’m Jo?”
I looked from one to the next, until I was back to Jo, “Why?”
“Well,” he said with a big shit eating grin, “My initials. See?”
I didn’t.
Geo said, “Couldn’t call him George, cause dats me, see? So, G for George, I for Iglesias, G… I… Jo. Get it?”
The lights turned on and I had to chuckle at the effort it took to get here. I was about to ask permission to leave when Tim, the big guy, asked, “So, why can’t we call you Stevie?”
I looked around again hoping Frank or Jo would bail me out here. No luck. I finally said, “Well, I it’s a little feminine for a guy, and my brother...”
Geo said, “Say no more. Dam bros dat tease their kin! Steve it is.”
Jo asked, “Whacha doin next Steve? We done our workout and was talking bout hitting the sauna. Wanna join us?”
Frank elbowed him. I felt the question stir my groin, but goosebumps popped out all over my arms and a shiver crawled up my neck at the same time. I must have quaked a little, because they all looked conserned.
I said, “No, I think I’ll, I might, ah, no thanks, not tonight. I need to ah, to lift some weights first. You all go. Enjoy!”
Tiny said, “Yall go ahead. I’ll spot Steve and follow ya later.”
They all bumped fists, whatever that means, and headed into the back.
Tim said, “Okay, flat on yo back, here” as he patted the bench beside him. I stood there like a statue.
He said, “I’ll get you some weights you can handle. Don’t worry, I’ve been coaching for years.”
He went to the wall with the rack of free-weights, and returned with a dumbbell. It had one little weight on each end. Although they looked pitiful, I realized he was serious. I sat on the bench and laid back.
He moved to straddle my head. His thick thighs were so close to my ears I could feel the heat of his body. His thighs were about as thick as my chest. No, I’m serious, huge!
He lowered the bar into my hands, and while still cradling it with his own fingers he said, “LIFT Steve, that’s it, up up good. Now down.”
He repeated this with me ten times, until my arms felt like rubber.
He had me start a second rep, and as I pushed he rattled on, “You know Steve, you are kind of a pretty boy, and Jo was telling us… nine… and… teeeeen… good boy, doin great. Take a breath.”
All the while, even as I rested, I was looking up the legs of his shorts, into the shadows where something massive and dark lurked. Dam my curiosity. It grew, my perverted curiosity that is, especially as I listened to him telling me I look pretty. So what was Jo telling them?
It was time to start again. And again as I began, Tim started his chatting well aware I couldn’t speak while pressing the weights. He was right. Although they looked small, three sets of then presses and my arms were burning. So were my lungs.
“So,” I heard him say, “was it true what Jo told us?”
I about dropped the bar across my neck. I didn’t, I couldn’t answer, not that. Tim hooked the bar just in time to save my life and while still forcing me to do the work, helped just enough to see I got the bar up, arms fully extended.
“Six, good, four more and we’re done here. See, I figured,” Tim went on as I resumed pushing, “Jo was full oh shit, but then Frank called you over, introduced you, and well I reconsidered maybe they wasn’t. Full of shit that is. Eight… come on, you can do it. Feel the burn boy. Dam their story was HOT, about how you… nine… sucked on their big black cocks like a cum slut. Almost, push it… push that bar you bitch!”
I was having a real hard time with the weights, unable to focus with this distraction, and dam my dick was getting hard. This was it, the last push and I was almost there. I hissed as I did my best, but the bar refused to move any more. Tim using two fingers gave the bar just enough lift to help me to the top.
As I lay there panting, Tim said, “Wish it was true.”
I couldn’t care less what he was saying. I was finally finishing. I had done it! My arms felt like they were on fire.
Tim took the bar. He was still straddling my head. I was taking deep breaths and could taste as much as smelled the musky odor of his thighs and crotch. His air filled my nostrils and throat and made my head swim. I had my eyes closed as I stretched my arms out and worked them in little circles to work out the ache.
Tim said, “They should have given you a counter sign, in case you wanted some loving. Then if you wanted to be a cum slut, dam the thought makes me horny, some sign to show you is wantin to be submissive. Sorry Steve. Better stop talkin bout this or I’m likely to fuck your mouth the way Frank said you like it.”
I was lost in the aroma, the nasty talk this giant black man spoke, like, like he was a radio broadcast I was enjoying. But, I could smell and taste him, and knew for a fact this was really real. I kept my eyes closed, and breathed, and listened. I was feeling my heartbeat in my dick, thumping, thump… thump… thump…
Tim said, “Okay, one last set, then it’s to the showers. Then you can go home.”
I thought we were done. I didn’t want to do another set. My arms felt like they’d fall off. I grunted still with my eyes closed, and shook my head to show I didn’t want to. He lowered the bar to my chest, not giving me the choice.
“Come on girl. You can do this. We wanna be proud when we go to the beach, remember? Listen, one… I’ll spot you whenever you’re, two… in here and… come on, push it… in a month, good three… we’ll have you flexing a set of guns, come on, four… you can be proud of. Up, up, push it girl.”
Tiny called me girl. He was still talking, coaching me, and I realize it’s just a term guys call each other in play, but after my experiences I felt it sounded a bit too sissy. Like being called Stevie. I tried to think of something else, to regain control. But, I kept wondering… what were the other guys doing now in the sauna?
Tiny was saying, “Lift, that’s it bitch, lift. Push it up, just a bit more girl. That’s it. Jo said you won’t mind if I talk to ya like this. But if you prefer…”
I grunted as I pushed. All I wanted was to finish this set and be done! I blurted, “No!”
He resumed as I dropped the bar to my chest, “ Frank said you have a, come on push it… almost, got it, he said you got a big white clitoris, and that it got so fucking hard for him when he asked you to suck his, that’s it, one more and you’re through. So, was he telling the truth Steve?”
I had the bar almost up, almost, my arms were quaking, my teeth were gnashed in a snarl. I hissed, “YESSSSS Dammit!”
Tim took the bar and walked it back over to the rack wall. He took his time. I took the opportunity to breath and let my poor dead arms hang. When he returned, he stepped to my side and took me by my hand and shoulder, pulling me up and onto my feet.
Standing, my head came to his naked chest. He had removed his muscle shirt at some point. The name Tiny is such an oxymoron, but I’d be afraid to say it to his face. I felt like a c***d standing next to him. We had done it, and he had pushed me that extra mile. He swatted me on my rump, like football players do, really, so no big deal.
I heard the others laughing and talking in back. Tim stabilized me with an arm around my waist, turning me toward the back area as I wobbled a bit. Once turned in the right direction he put his sweaty arm over my shoulder and pulled me to lean against him, for more support, like buds.
As we approached the back, the other three emerged and blasted out in joined voices, “We’re off. The girls called and are meeting us at Jo’s. We got ten minutes! Tiny, don’t forget to lock up. Steve, remind him! Great to see you again Steve. Later guys.” Who said what I couldn’t say. They were all talking at once, but that is what they all had to say.
Tiny sat me on the bench in the dressing room. I felt like a rag doll. He got my bag and tossed me my towel.
He asked, “Sauna, or you just wanna shower and go home to mama?”
He reminded me I have a wife, a gorgeous sexy woman, my redheaded Amy at home waiting for me. For a second, I thought about her, our marriage, the right thing to do. I was that close to doing it, going home and saving my manhood. But…
“Sauna sound real good, but I don’t wanna keep you. You still have time to catch up with them,” said, “and the girls,” I added with a grin.
He said, “I’d rather see you in the sauna, girl.”
I froze. Again the reminder of who I am, was,
“Hay,” he said, “just k**ding Steve. Listen, you say Stevie is too sissy for you, but I think Steve isn’t the you I wanna get to know. So how bout we come up with a nick for you.”
He had successfully distracted me. I peeled off my shirt, my shoes and socks, finally I stood to drop my shorts. I noticed Tiny standing there watching me.
He said, “You did great. I’m proud of you. Now get a shower, then come join me in the sauna. How about Kitty… Listen Kitty, I’ll go in and relax ten minutes. See, I’m setting my alarm… for… ten… minutes, there. If you decide just to leave Kitty, I’ll understand. Just in case, I’ll say good night now. Good night Kitty. I hope we can do it again soon. What do you think? Kitty work for you?”
Tiny dropped his shorts on the far end of the bench, turned, and stepped into a shower. I saw his cock hanging nearly to his knees as he turned. I could see it arched out from his groin and beneath he had the balls of a brahma bull, and they hung really low. I’m not k**ding! I didn’t mean to notice, but wouldn’t you?
I yelled to him over the roar of the shower, “I don’t think Kitty works.”
I had ten minutes to decide what I really wanted to do. I dropped my shorts revealing my hard little dick sticking out. I wrapped my towel around me and sat back down.
Tiny yelled back, “How bout Pussy. I knew a pole dancer… she was sooo fucking hot! Good name. I like it.”
The water stopped and he padded over to the sauna. I heard him collecting his things, and the sauna door pull open with the usual whoosh.
He said, “Okay, ten minutes… starting… now. Get your shower Pussy.”
I stood. Dam he’s a huge man! I’m crazy if I even consider putting myself into a possible situation with him. I got into the shower in a long hot blasting spray. I could feel my angry aching body telling me this would be enough. My brain was saying go home, get some sleep, and be safe.
I got out and grabbed my towel. My head said, ‘Don’t do it STUPID!’ But my little head was screaming, ‘Do it Pussy! You want to be his! Give yourself to him NOW!’ In a flash all I could think was STUPID PUSSY STUPID PUSSY!
I flipped my towel around me and turned toward the dressing room with my cloths. I stopped, ‘Stupid or Pussy, what’s it going to be girl?’ slowly I turned from the dressing room and walked into the sauna.
Tiny had his eyes closed. He was back there on that top bench, a dark ominous figure masculine in every way. His legs were spread, a dark lumpy sack lay between, moving with life. His black cock hung between his knees.
He said, “Hello. Is Pussy good for you? Put your towel here on the bench beside me.”
I hesitated, silently. He still hadn’t opened his eyes, but he knew I was there. I thought about what he just asked, and I thought, ‘Yes pussy is good for me, but that’s not what he meant.
He said, “I really don’t mean to scare you. I like you. I like it when you call me Tiny. Now, I’d like you to tell me you like me, and you like me calling you Pussy.”
I said, “Okay, I like you Tiny, and I’m okay with you calling me Pussy too.”
He still hadn’t opened his eyes, but I could see his cock slithering ever so slowly with a life of its own. I moved forward to the bench. I pulled the towel from my waist and spread it out beside him.
He said, “Pussy, can I call you my Pussy girl.”
I climbed to the bench and sat beside him. I looked over at him, looking him over, still with his eyes closed. He is one big hansom black man glistening like a bronze statue in a mist. I held my hands like prayer time so they covered my shamefully hard little dick.
I said, “Okay.”
The heat dried my skin quickly. I leaned back against the wall, then sat up because it burned.
He said, “Mmm, say Tiny, I want you to call me your Pussy girl.”
I felt like we were playing a game. I knew where it was leading but I felt I wanted it to at this point. I was getting that hunger for sex. I wanted to be submissive and please this man.
I said playfully, “Okay… Tiny I want you to call me your Pussy girl.”
He asked, “Are you ashamed to be here with me Pussy?”
“Maybe a little, Tiny. How’d you know?” I answered.
He said, “You’re not sitting back.”
“How do you know?” I asked.
He asked, “I can feel you there. You’re sitting up with both your hands in your lap. Why Pussy?”
“How can you… are your eyes open? I’m sitting up because the wall is burning hot.” I answered.
He said, “Tell me you want to sit in my lap Pussy.”
“What?” I yelped, mostly from the surprise, not because I was upset or anything.
He reached over and put his big black hand on my arm, then moved it to the arm farthest from him, slid it down to my wrist, wrapping his thick fingers around it and pulling so gently and slowly it felt like I wanted to move my hand. It rose then swung toward him.
He said, “Tell me you want to sit in my lap and be my Pussy girl.”
I looked at him still with his eyes closed, still with my wrist in his gentle hand, and said, “This is so shameful. Do you really want me to say it? Okay Tiny, I… want to…”
I felt him begin to pull a little more firmly, causing me to turn toward him, then lean over him a bit, as I tried to say it for him.
“I want to sit in your lap and…” I said.
He had pulled me to my knee, then transferred my wrist to his other hand. I was facing him, my little dick pointing right at him, and I was so glad he had his eyes closed.
“be your Pussy girl Tiny,” I whispered, now so close to his face I could stick my tongue out and lick his cheek, as he held me in this position by the wrist, arm stretched completely across his chest, kneeling naked beside his massive naked body, telling him I want to sit in his lap and be his Pussy girl.
He reached down with his free hand and took my other wrist after finding it, and lifted. He lifted both my arms so I was pulled up until I had to flip my leg over his lap to keep from falling or something.
“Say it again,” he purred.
As I said it again, “I want to sit in your lap Tiny and be your Pussy girl,” I felt him lowering me onto his lap. I also felt my dick drag down his belly and the thrilling sensation made me say it again, “Oh god Tiny I want to sit here in your lap and be your Pussy girl.”
I was now lying on his belly with my arms wrapped around his neck. He was sliding his big hot hands all over my sweaty back, pulling my body against his, trying to make me feel relaxed.
I closed my eyes, but still felt tense. This was so unnatural. I started kissing my neck as his hands started needing my bottom, but I couldn’t help myself. I shivered even in the hot dry air.
Tim noticed my discomfort and asked, “You okay baby?”
“No. It’s just not right,” I replied.
He said, “You got into the fun last time, right?”
“I guess, but that, then, oh I can’t explain it,” I whispered as I shook my head.
He went on, “You came here tonight… to see Frank and Jo, right?”
“Well, yes and no.” I winded, “I planned to stop, well not let, I mean, I didn’t want it to, or maybe I did dammit. I thought if I confronted the situation I could get past it, over it. I kept thinking, well part of me, I’d ask myself, ‘do you really wanna’ and I called myself stupid and fagot and everything I could think of to get my mind back to normal… and,”
“So,” he interrupted, “You was thinkin bout Frank and Jo.”
I was still lying naked on this man’s chest, arms still around his neck, with my finally flaccid dick pressed between our bellies. He was holding me, hugging me kind of. I exhaled and felt a bit of my tension ease.
“I guess, but I’m confused as to…” I was saying.
He interrupted again, “You was thinkin bout them because they both fucked you. You feel it’s wrong and unnatural because that’s how you was raised. But truth be told getting fucked whether you a boy or a girl feels yummy, and your mind don’t know right or wrong, just that it feel good no matter how you is taught.”
I could see that. I felt him slide his hand to the back of my head and pull it down to his shoulder. My head laying on his shoulder, his hand rubbing the back of it like a parent sooths a c***d.
He resumed the lesson, “And you know how when a woman get fucked she gets all clingy and possessive, thinking she in love and he her man because he fucked her?”
“Yeah, I guess,” I whispered.
“Well,” he said, “truth is she don’t know it but she in love with the cock that fucked her, and not the man. See?”
I shook my head. I felt his other hand rubbing the cheek of my ass as he spoke.
“See,” Tim went on, “a boy, we fuck a girl and fall in love with that pussy, right? Another pussy come along we wanna poke it too. But when a woman feel that dick sliding inside her she think she in love with the man. That what happened to you.”
I shook my head as I let out a long low, “Nooooooo.”
He said, “Yes it true girl. You was fucked by those two boys big black dicks and your mind is telling you, you love those men. But we know it the dick you love.”
I said, “Tiny, I’m not in love with either of them. I love my wife.”
He rubbed my head and said, “Ohhh, you think bout them every day, right?”
I nodded ever so slightly, but it was true, I did.
He asked, “And when you’s thinking bout them you don’t do it consciously but you see them fucking you, right?”
He must have been reading my mind for the past two weeks. But we just met. How could he be so accurate? Again I answered with a little nod. He patted my rump and gave it a soothing rub that caused a bit of a tingle through my body.
He said, “If a girl told you she fucked a guy, then thinks about him every day, and when she does she imagines having sex with him… what you think?”
I said, “But I’m not Tiny. I’m not in lllooo…”
He rubbed me on both ends and said, “Sure you’re not Pussy. You’re not in love with the boys. But, what you is you is in love with their dicks. You a black cock lover and the thought of it makes you wanna be a slutty little girl suckin um and feelin them in yo ass. You don’t think bout it, it just pops in yo head, right? You remember feeling them big cocks fucking your throat and fucking your ass, and your mind likes it. It don’t think bout right or wrong. It’s the subconscious mind that makes you crave the things your conscious mind say is wrong or nasty or perverted.”
I understood what he was saying, and although I felt in my gut he was all somehow wrong, hoped he was actually, I still couldn’t argue away one point of it.
Tiny said, “Men compartmentalize. Women generalize. That’s why they think they’s in love with the man while us guys understand we’s in love with the pussy and ass and mouth. Your sub mind is trying to tell you you is aa slut whore for black men, when truth is you just love black cock. See?”
I was so worn out from my workout and the heat, not to mention it was very late, I almost went to sleep right there.
He said, “Pussy, you awake? I know I wore you out earlier. But tell me you agree.”
“I agree,” I whispered in his ear half asleep.
He said, “Pussy, tell me you in love with black cock.”
I had no fight in me, “I love black cock.”
He said, “Tell me you love my big black cock.”
“I love your big black cock Tiny.”
He said, “Are you too tired to fuck?”
“I’m having trouble staying awake,” I replied.
I felt him lifting me again and my chin hitting my chest. I shook it off and lifted it to see what was happening, as he lay me over on my towel, pulling my legs so both were over his lap. He took my ankles and pushed so my knees rose and my feet rested on the bench with my toes snug under his thigh. My knees fell apart exposing my crotch to Tiny’s view.
He said, “Mmm that clit don’t look so big now Pussy.”
I felt his big warm hands life down and through my inner thighs causing me to lift my groin to meet them. I felt his fingers slide around the base of my dick, but not touch it. Then I felt my dick start to rise.
He said, “Mmm you responding to my touch Pussy. Look you clits getting hard.”
I didn’t lift my head, just enjoyed the experience. It felt so nasty but good. His fingers slid back up to the tops of my thighs, and he gave each a squeeze that caused me to draw in my legs and pull down on my crotch.
He said, “Oh you like when I do that don’t you Pussy?”
“Yes,” I answered truthfully.
He pushed my thighs apart gently but firmly and told me to flex my butt muscles. As I did I could feel my dick filling with each contraction, it bobbed up and down with each squeeze. Then he squeezed the tops of my thighs again and down into my lap I pulled my enraged dick, down out of sight.
Tim said, “Oh Pussy, your big clit is hiding from me.”
Again I felt him push me apart and again he had me squeeze again and again, and again I felt my dick throbbing for attention, any attention. But each time, and this happened several more times, he would massage the tender flesh of my deep inner thighs causing the muscles and skin to pull and yank and tug on my raging little hard-on, but then never touch it directly. I needed direct stimulation!
He said, “Pussy, your clitoris is so red with desire and throbbing. I can tell every time your heart beats just by looking at you clit baby. Tell me your too tired to fuck again.”
I shook my head and reached to jack myself off. It wouldn’t take two yanks. He grabbed my wrists and held my hands inches from my aching dick. He knew I needed just a nudge to cum and find rest. He knew it but he wanted me to know who was in control.
“Tell me Pussy.” He said in a really deep voice, “Tell me you don’t want to fuck me and cum with me. Tell me Pussy, tell me.”
I wrestled a second with his fists and in futile surrender I said, “No Tiny, I need you to let me cum.”
He pushed my hands under my butt and told me to keep them there if I wanted him to let me cum. I did as told.
He said, “I want you to fuck me Pussy. Will you fuck me?”
“If you let me cum Tiny. Please.”
He pushed my legs apart again and I felt my dick throbbing and pounding and it felt like it was on fire and about to pop. My balls had grown an ache too, small at first but like a headache it steadily got worse. All of this was demanding I cum and release the pressure.
I felt him gently squeezing my thighs with quick slight pinches causing my dick to jump, my butt cheeks to flinch and my balls to draw up with each and every little quick grip. I was about to cry I felt so much hunger for relief.
He said, “Do you want to fuck me Pussy? Do you want to feel my cock inside you?”
I said, “Please Tiny, fuck me but let me cum.”
He pushed my thighs together and my knees down toward the back wall and I heard a loud ‘BANG’, then I felt the burning fire in my bottom and realized he had spanked me. I was on fire, my entire body flinched into a knot and I balled up my fists in pain and shock.
He said, “Pussy, listen to me. Tell me you want to fuck me, not that you want me to fuck you. Do you want to fuck me Pussy?”
I was crying now as tears ran down my cheeks and snot ran out my nostrils. My lips quivered and my lower lip stuck out pouting.
I said, “I’m sorry.”
He soothed the spot he had swatted with a gentle rub. His hand swirled circles on the back of my upper thigh. His other hand moved to my chest and was rubbing me there as well. I noticed then that my dick had gone flaccid. The pains and aches had dissolved totally.
He just rubbed and rubbed as I slowly regained my composure. I almost fell asleep again when I heard his soothing voice once more.
“Pussy,” he said, “If you didn’t come here tonight wanting to fuck, Pussy, why did you come tonight.”
I thought about what he asked. I thought about all he had explained and how I was thinking I was in love like a silly girl with the men who had fucked me. I wasn’t though. I thought about them, but it had to be lust for their cocks.
Still with my eyes closed and on my side, I said, “Well, I haven’t been able to make love with my wife since that night. I thought I would confront them and show them I’m a man, and regain my…”
I felt Tim’s hand move to my ankles and move my feet off the bench. He took my wrist and pulled me to a sitting position, allowing me to rest a minute like this.
“You know Pussy,” Tim said, “it wasn’t them you were trying to prove your manhood too.”
I looked at my shriveled little dick, still an angry red, and kind of puffy like a balloon after being blown up to excess then all the air having been let out. It tingled but not with desire, just something dull. My balls below looked a shade I’d never seen them before, kind of purple, and swollen nearly twice their size. The ache had gone as I had said, but they hurt when I’d flex the muscles down there.
I asked, “No?”
“No,” he answered, “I think you came tonight to prove your manhood to yourself.”
I said, “I think you’re right. How can I go home to my wife if I’m not a real man?”
He said, “Do you want an answer?”
I said, “Please.”
He put his arm over my shoulders and pulled me into his sweaty armpit. He rested his head atop mine. He rubbed his hand up and down my arm soothing me.
“Lesbians,” he said, “how does a lesbian make love to her lover, Pussy? She suck her lover’s pussy driving her wild with oral sex. Do you eat your wife’s pussy?”
I nodded my head, adding, “I love to. She has the wettest pussy I ever ate. She’s a gusher, the only one I ever knew.”
Tim said, “Wow, a gushing cunt, mmm. You have to tell me more about your wife some time. But see, you don’t have to be a man to make love to a woman, any more than you have to be a woman to make love to a man. If you’re conflicted inside you can’t make love, but if you’re confident in yourself and that the person you are with is someone you want to please, you just do it.”
I said, “I’m not sure that will help. I can’t get hard at home anymore.”
He said, “Pussy, if you can’t get it up… kiss your wife’s snatch. Kiss it, suck on her it and finger her until she floods your mouth with her juices. Tell yourself, you may be a little girly not being able to get it up, but even when you’re like this you can be the best lesbian lover your wife could ever have. See?”
I nodded my head.
He said, “Sometimes it also helps to be punished. If you feel guilt it can weigh heavy on you. Do you feel guilty about what you did with Frank and Jo, Pussy?
I said, “Maybe a little.”
He said, “If that’s the case Pussy, sounds like you could use a good spanking.”
He started to pull me toward him, out from under his arm and almost to standing, before redirecting me across his knee. I stopped, pulled back.
“Oh no, no really Tiny. I don’t…”
He said, “You feel guilty because you imagine you did wrong, and deserve to be punished. You can keep having problems at home, no boners my friend, or do this my way.”
I didn’t move or answer, but when he began to pull on my wrist to guide me across his lap again, I didn’t resist. I was afraid of what I was allowing. I was laying naked across this big naked black man. His sweat was beading. Mine started to flow freely.
I thought he would give me a warning of when he would… ‘WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!’ it happened before I could have said, well, a really long word. My bottom burned and felt ten, no a hundred times hotter than the room felt.
I screamed, “Please… Stop… Ohhh Ahh mmmmm! HELP please stop! TINY please stop!”
The raw pain stopped shortly after the beating did, but the burn flared like he had thrown gas on the fire. My ass got hotter and hotter and hotter.
There were only three swats, but they were real I assure you. I balled my fist and held it between my teeth. I felt Tim moving me again, down and off his lap. He pushed me to lay beside him with my head in his lap. He reached down to my red bottom and rubbed it, soothing it.
He said, “That’s a good girl Pussy. Good girl. My cock is cramped under your head. Pull it up for me, okay?”
I pulled my fist from my teeth, rolled my head back out of the way, and reached into his lap to find his cock. I wasn’t really thinking about what I was doing. I was focusing on the burning that was starting to turn into a glow that spread out into other parts of me. That’s when I noticed my dick had become hard again. Not aching hard, just solid and firm.
As I pulled Tim’s cock from between his warm thighs and from under my cheek, I notice he too had grown quite hard and firm as well.
Tim said, “Look Pussy, your clitoris is hard again.”
As he said it he gave the top of my upper thigh a firm squeeze, and I instinctively lifted my leg pushing my dick out. I looked at the big black cock in my hand inches now from my face. I jacked it gently up and down a couple times noticing each time I pushed the skin up a copious amount of fluid oozed from the slit that peeked out from the skin that surrounded the head hiding it completely. I had never seen an uncircumcised cock before.
I felt him lay his fingers flat over my dick, and start to rub it like I rub my wife’s clit when we make love. It felt very good. I had always jacked off the way a man does, by wrapping my fist around my dick. But, he was pleasing me by rubbing my dick like a clitoris, and it felt yummy, especially with the warmth in my ass and the smell of his manliness in my nose.
Tim said, “You like this… you want to suck my cock too. Tell me what you want Pussy. Your clit is so big and hard for me Pussy. Tell me now.”
His fingers started to fan over my dick, faster and faster.
I whispered, “I want to suck your big black cock Tiny.”
He said, “Suck it like a slut in love with black cock. Ohhh do it. Yeah baby, that’s so good.”
As I sucked on the nob of his huge cock, tasting its juices as they seeped from him, I yearned to reach my orgasm under his dancing fingers. Tim felt me sucking harder, more furiously, and mercilessly he pulled his hand from my dick. I clamped my thighs closed and tried to fuck them. It never worked.
Tim said, “Come here Pussy.”
He took both my wrists in his beefy hands and pried my fists from his shaft, lifting me. His cockhead popped from my lips as my face was pulled away next. I cried as he lifted me till my hands were near the ceiling.
He said, “Step over me Pussy.”
I did. I put my knee beside his thigh. But he didn’t look pleased.
“On your feet, Pussy,” he said nicely but firmly.
I wiggled and jerked until I had my feet on the bench beside each of his thighs. I was in a squatting position above his lap, and could feel his cock touching my bottom as it bobbed around.
Tim said, “You want to fuck me now Pussy.”
I looked at him, his big head, his big chest, and his giant arms. I focused on his face, his black skins, his blue lips, and his smiling ivory white eyes. The slut in me was surfacing.
“Tiny,” I whispered, “I want to fuck your big black cock.”
“Ask me,” he whispered back.
As he said this he let go my aching arms. The workout I had so long ago left me nearly a cripple. I dropped my arms around his neck, as he moved his to my back, once again rubbing me deliciously.
“Tiny,” I said with my head tilted and a pout, “can I fuck your big black cock, PLEASE?”
He said, “Hold it if you want it baby.”
I let one hand drop from his neck, down to the space below me. I felt his cock again and positioned it so it was spitting its nectar onto my sphincter.
I said, “I don’t know if I can do it.”
He said, “Just push it back and sit on it for now.”
I asked, “Really? You don’t mind?”
He said, “Pussy, you’re my girl. Right? You want to be my girl?”
I was nodding my head as I pushed his cock back enough to get it behind me, then I lowered myself to sit on it, on him. He moved his hands to my rump as I moved mine to his neck. I wanted to reposition to my knees, but he wanted me like this, squatting. He did have me walk my feet out forward so I was more sitting in his hands. He had me spread them out away from him on both sides too, so my legs were really wide.
In this position he could glance down and see my dick, my clitoris as it throbbed and turned deep red again. I felt his cock sawing through my ass cheeks as he slid me back and forth on it. The sensation was thrilling as it rubbed my anus.
“Kiss me bitch.” He said.
I tried to put my lips to his but while rocking it was impossible. I was trying my best but about then I heard a noise.
I froze and asked, “You hear that?”
He said, “I locked the door. It can only be one of the boys… if its anyone.”
I asked, “Should we check?”
He yelled, “Who’s out there?”
I yelped, “Are you crazy?”
I heard the door open and knew I’d been caught, we’d been caught in this very compromising position. I didn’t want to look, afraid who might be there and what they might think of me. Tiny acted like he didn’t care who might see. He started sliding my ass over his cock again. On the other hand the blast of cool air was a blessing.
Someone said, “Hay cool. Hay Steve… Tiny, mind if I hit that with ya?”
Tiny said, “Pussy, tell Geo what you love.”
I looked at Tiny wondering what he meant. Wasn’t it bad enough this total stranger knows all about what happened, is looking at me here sitting in Tim’s lap both of us naked and his big black cock sawing through my ass cheeks. He nudged his dick against me and tilted his head to indicate… down there.
He said, “Geo, let me introduce you to my girl, Pussy. Pussy… meet Geo.”
Geo asked, “Pussy? Your… girl… Pussy? WOW! They wasn’t lying was they? Nice to meet you Pussy. I’m Geo. So, what is it you love Pussy?”
Tim was still sliding me back and forth on his hard cock as he said to me, “Tell him what you love Pussy.”
I closed my eyes and said loud enough for Geo behind me to hear, “I love black cocks.”
I felt his hands sliding around my chest to cup my breasts, my man boobs. His fingers started needing them. I squeezed my eyes closed even harder in shame, shame for feeling good in these men’s hands and between their bodies.
Geo said, “Dam girl, you’re bitching hot! And Pussy’s a great nick for ya. So Tiny, mind if I share this Pussy with you?”
Tiny started chatting with Geo like I wasn’t even there, “What happened?”
Geo replied as he started pinching my nipples causing them to tingle, “The bitches got bitchy. Figure! Sue said since Frank and she’d scored they was a couple and then she proceeded to tried and toss us out. We ditched um, all of us, then went to the club, but it’s late and they was closed. Well, we went lookin for more bitches.”
Tiny asked, “No luck?”
“Na,” Geo said as I felt him rubbing his big cock against my backside.
Tiny said, “So what? You came back here?”
Geo reached out and took my wrist, pulling my hand down to my side, and there I felt his cock rubbing the palm of my hand.
He said, “Actually, mmm oh ya…”
Tiny said, “Give me ten. Turn the light off on your way out. Now say goodbye to Pussy.”
I had pulled Geo’s cock out the leg of his silk shorts and was jacking his slippery python as the guys talked. I was sliding my fingers all around the flaring head scooping up the pre-cum and smearing it over the length, causing Geo to gasp now and then as he spoke.
He said, “Ohh… good… bye… Pussy.”
He took my head in both his hands, one behind my head the other on my cheek, and pulled my face to the side, to his where he pushed his lips to mine and pushed his tongue through my lips and deep into my mouth. The more I squeezed his cock the more he explored my mouth.
And the more I played these games with these men the more I wanted too. I really was loving the feel of being a slutty girl that these powerful men want to possess and fuck. The thought of having them fuck me was starting to be a turn on too, when I was feeling the perv in me.
And the feeling of Tiny’s cock strumming my asshole made it start those… ah, like blowing kisses thing again and I started thinking I might like it doing this through my asshole.
Geo pushed my face away and stepped back out from my reach. I berried my face in Tiny’s shoulder and bit as I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly.
He said, “Ten Tiny. Dam good Pussy! Ten man.”
Tiny was rubbing my back when I heard a click and we were enveloped in total darkness. I felt his hands go to my bottom and start working me back and forth again on his cock. I kissed his neck as he gently slid my asshole up and down the length of his shaft. I felt more passionate in the dark, and moved my hands to the sides of his face as I walked my kisses up over his cheek and to his lips where we started tongue wrestling.
I whispered into his mouth, “I want to fuck your big black cock Tiny.”
He dug his tongue into my mouth as he slid my asshole back over his shaft again, this time adding a little lift when I came to the usual end of our stroke. This positioned his cock head right there. His hands let go of my ass, dropping me with all my weight on it.
I felt the muscles in my thighs and calves tighten like iron instantly to catch me. I felt the head of Tiny’s cock force open my sphincter causing a terrible burn. I caught myself just before the crown slipped through. I bit his lower lip and could taste blood.
I tightened my leg muscles lifting my rump, eased myself up a little, but not letting my sphincter close.
I whispered, “Sorry,” as I kissed him again in the dark.
I felt my lower half relax and the burn ease away into a yummy warmth. Tim moved his hands to my breasts and squeezed my man boobs, and it felt so sexy and good. I kissed him deeply the way a slut girl kisses her lover, and tightened my legs a bit to lift myself a bit more off his cock, enough to allow the tip of the head finally slip free.
I heard Tiny grown. I knew he was thinking I was giving up, quitting on us, and I felt so bad for him. I sucked his tongue into my mouth with passion and sucked on it like a slut, as I worked my ass in a circle feeling his cock spitting its lube into my gaping hole. In the heat of the room, as our bodies poured sweat, the wetness he added to my hole felt cooling.
I whispered again into his mouth, “I…”
And as the word passed into his mouth I dropped my weight and felt the head of his throbbing cock squeeze through my sphincter opening me up so wonderfully wide. The pain started again.
“Want unnnngh…” I continued.
And as this word escaped my lips I felt the ring of my asshole snap closed around the crown and so tight against his shaft.
It took a few minutes I think for the pain to subside to a burn then to the hot hot warmth to finally be an acceptable kind of yummy feeling. It was by no means a relaxed feeling but it was acceptable now.
With each word that followed… I willed my legs to relax, I allowed another inch or so, a bit at a time, of Tim’s manhood to slip up inside me…
“To… Fuck… You… Tiny… PLEASE… oh… I… Love… you…”
As I told him I love him I felt the hairs of his pubic bone tickling my balls, and my little penis head felt the tickling of the hairs on his belly. I felt like he was pressed so tightly up inside me I could swear he was up under my rib cage pushing against my lungs and stomach and intestines.
I felt him wrap his arms around my back and pull me tight. I felt my little dick squashed between our hot slippery wet bodies. I felt him as he flexed his groin muscles causing his massive cock to dance around inside me forcing my intestines to slip and slide around him, and my lungs and stomach to slip aside for him, and his wonderful cock head in here to nudge my heart when he grew tall stabbing up and up and up.
I could not talk. I held his neck for dear life as I sucked on the wet skin of his collarbone. He held me tightly too and the only movement between us was inside me. My toes were making fists as I ground their knuckles into the corner of the bench behind Tiny.
“Are you okay Pussy?” he whispered.
I kept sucking his neck but did make the effort to nod my head. He started to push me back, and I clung even tighter to his neck adding my teeth to the skin where I sucked.
“Tell me what you feel,” he said, as he kept pressure on moving me back.
I lifted my head and slowly rolled it back as I felt my crotch rock back and my dick drag down the Velcro hairs of his belly causing me to gasp in thrilling pleasure. I squeezed my ass and felt my muscles lift my balls and wrap tightly around his cock like my guts had become a giant fist.
I let out a groan, “Ahhhhhhh ohhhh Tiiiiinny! Ohhhhhh myyyy gooooood I’mmmm soooooo fuckinnnnng fulllllll! Mmmmmmmm.”
He asked, “Do you love black cock baby?”
I groaned “YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS. Don’t make me….. talk….. pleee”
He pulled me back to him and I wrapped myself around him again feeling him totally possessing me, filling me inside and wrapped around me outside holding me so I couldn’t move away… not that I would want too.
He held me like this for a wonderful time then told me, “Push baby, like you trying to shit.”
I didn’t understand, didn’t want anything different. I felt him rock his hips and the feeling stroked through my entire body. Then I felt him pushing himself to a sitting position and the new position pulled him out of me just a bit. It was a little relief in this position.
“Try to shit girl,” he said again.
I squeezed my bottom and felt my gut muscles fist his cock again. I knew what he wanted now so I did it again and again. The problem was all this was exhausting. I was panting for air unable to catch my breath in the heat.
He saw my problem and said, “Let me get you out of here Pussy. Would you like that? Hold my neck tight now girl.”
I nodded my head, as he lifted me, fingers entwined, hands cradled under my butt, my arms wrapped tightly round his neck, my legs around his waist and feet hooked together behind his bottom. With his cock still entirely imbedded inside me, all my weight hanging on this hook of man meat, he walked us out of the dark sauna and into the cool, almost cold after all that heat, dressing room.
I held on to his neck for dear life even though Tim securely had me as he walked us confidently out into the well-lit dressing room. I kept my eyes closed in the glare of the lights.
“Pussy,” Tiny said, “You’re my black cock slut, hungry for black cock. You wanting to be a girl Pussy. You not only want to be fucked by big black cock, you want to suck and fuck black cock. You want to fuck black cock, fuck it with your pussy ass. It makes you clit hard just thinking about it. Now, don’t open your eyes.”
Well, that made me want to open them. But I also want to be submissive. I want to be a black cock as he was saying. I squeeze my bottom along with my eyes showing I am an obedient slut.
I feel him sit and know he’s on the bench in the dressing room. The cool air feels so delicious.
“Squeeze my cock Pussy,” he whispers in my ear, “if you would like me to fuck you like this in front of the other guys.”
I squeeze my bottom once again feeling my inners squeezing his entire cock. I begin to wonder if we are alone as I keep my eyes closed and rock my bottom, stroking my dick between us, and feeling with realization I am fucking him just like my wife fucks me when she rubs her crotch back and forth on me with my dick deep inside her.
He lowers my legs and has me move to my knees, never escaping my asshole. He was no longer holding me. I lowered myself fully onto him again holding him totally inside and in this position did the work of rutting in him rocking my hips forward and back, faster and faster, each time feeling my dick rubbing his belly as I squashed my balls into his pubic bone.
“Keep your eyes closed girl,” he said again as he pulled one of my hands from his neck.
I felt like I had to shit, like I had to pee, like I was going to cum but not com, it’s a hard feeling to explain. I tingled and ached and was so desirous for more as I focused on the man’s cock filling my body. Then my hand touched a soft hard hot wet shaft, and my fingers wrapped around it knowingly.
Tiny said, “Hold it Pussy. Love on this big black cock. You love black cock girl. Tell us it makes your clitoris hard.”
I said, “Oh yes my clit is so fucking hard Tiny. I love it. I’m keeping my eyes closed.”
He said, “Oh you’re a good slutty girl Pussy. And you’re fucking my black cock so good. Tell our friend you love his black cock too.”
I squeeze his cock and squeeze Tiny’s with my ass as I say, “I love both of your black cocks.”
I felt a bit unsteady as I felt Tiny pull my other hand from his neck as well. I wobbled and translated the motion into fucking him. I heard his approval as he groaned deeply. Then again my hand touched a soft hard hot wet shaft, and my fingers wrapped around it knowingly.
Tony asked, “Are you okay Pussy?”
I cooed, “Oh yeah Tiny. I love all your black guy’s cocks.”
Tiny thrust into me several times causing me to freeze and squeeze the cocks in my hands. I wanted to open my eyes but the feeling of being a submissive bitch was so thrilling. I threw my head back and gasped as I rocked my hips wildly as Tiny thrust up causing his enormous cock to piston in and out through my anus… WOW!
The guys on my sides put their hands behind my shoulders and on my chest, then lowered me back so I could feel Tiny’s cock rubbing the inside of my bellybutton. I turned my head to the left and pulled on that man’s cock hoping he would move it to my lips.
When he refused I turned my head to the right, and met the same frustrating denial. My dick ached for attention as I felt Tiny’s fingers rubbing the flesh around the base while totally ignoring it. I felt what I knew was my prostate throbbing and the feeling I needed to pee really bad, and my asshole stretched and my belly full causing the feeling I really really had to shit. Get the picture? I was in a thrillingly agonizing position.
I cried, “Please Tiny touch it.”
He asked, “What Pussy?”
I cried with a whimper, “My dick, my dick, I neeeeed…”
Tiny said, “You my slut Pussy girl, and girls have cunts and clits. I’m fucking yo cunt bitch and you will never call that a dick again.”
I cried, “My clit Tiny… Please touch my clit now… pleeeee”
“No,” he said firmly, “Not yet girl. Now lean back and enjoy this.”
I lay back into the hands still holding onto their cocks while feeling Tiny sawing in and out so his cock slit out so the head tugged at my sphincter then in till he was grinding his pubs into my balls. I dropped my head in delicious despair realizing he wasn’t going to touch my clit.
My head dropped low… hanging so my mouth was forced open, emitting a grunt with each thrust of Tiny’s cock. His pace was slow and steady with a pause at each end. Suddenly, the hands on my man boobs started pinching my nipples hard enough to make me squirm and flinch, causing in turn my body to squeeze and contract on Tiny’s cock.
And, as the agony of this playfully teasing assault slowed and ended, I felt hands cradling my head, still leaned way back. I realized it had to be a forth guy. I peeked but in this position all I could see were the legs of black men.
I said, “Tiny…”
But before I could say anything else I felt as much as tasted the black cock now resting the head inside my mouth. I closed my lips around it and swirled my tongue around the head. I slid my tongue through the slit. I slurped loudly on it as Tiny fucked me.
Tiny stood up, holding me by the thighs. I was holding the two cocks, as these men cradled my chest. When Tiny thrust into me really hard I felt my body lift, my back arch, and my head thrown back. My mouth was forced onto the cock now sliding through my lips.
I felt Tiny thrust in and berry himself balls deep, then holding it there… as I felt the cock in my mouth sliding slowly in, so fucking slowly in and in and in. I felt the head of the man’s big black cock swelling my throat as it slid in and in and down my throat.
I heard the guys voices as they all talked, “Dam yo a fine fuckin bitch. Pussy you the best cock suckin bitch ever. I want some o that. I want in down there. You wanna fuck me Pussy? I wanna fuck you girl. Is you our girl now Pussy? Look at her clit… its purple and so shiny. It looks like its going to split wide open. Its going to splode!”
My clit did feel like it was on fire. I couldn’t answer but I felt a nasty thrill with each humiliating desirous question they asked of me. I felt Tiny picking up the pace and I felt like I was going to pee. I held it as long as I could and then it felt like I was.
“Dam Tiny you made the bitch cum,” The boys were teasing, “look at it, Pussy ain’t shooting cum like no man. Its oozing out. No, you’s pumpin it out of her Tiny. I’m dumpin in her cunt ohhhh yeah! Me toooo, take it bitch, mmmmm!”
I felt the two inside me berry themselves deep and I held my breath as my clit ached but felt a little relief, not fulfilling but relieving. The groins ground into me front and rear and ground and ground till I felt like passing out.
After some time I woke on the bench on my back, breathing through a sore mouth. I felt wet down below too all over.
I rolled my head to the side where I heard the sound of water, and opened my eyes to see the guys in the shower, all four of them. I closed my eyes again and fell asleep.
I awoke to the taste of cock as I felt something rubbing against my lips. I opened my eyes to see a hard black cock in my face.
Frank said, “Are you still our black cock loving girlfriend Pussy?”
I looked at his cock and even after all we had just done, it did look yummy, so I said, “Yes,” as I licked the head.
Jo asked, “She up? She up for round two? Hehe…”
“We wanna watch our slut girlfriend,” Tiny said, “fucking. Can we watch you fuck these guys Pussy?”
I said between licks, “Yes.”
I was licking on Frank as he helped me sit up. He stuck the head in my mouth for me to suckle as he fucked three or four inches into my lips.
Jo had moved around behind me and was coaxing me to get on my knees on the bench. He moved in behind me and while straddling the bench he pushed the head of his cock into my ass.
I think it was Geo that said, “Hold it there Jo, now Frank stick it to her.”
I felt Frank pushing. I tilted my head back and forced my jaws wide opening and aligning my throat for his invasion. I felt his cock sinking deeper and deeper until I had his black pubic hair scrubbing my nose. I had to hold my breath like this.
Tiny asked, “You really loving those black cocks Pussy girl?”
I couldn’t answer in this position, but I nodded my head causing Frank to let out a hisssss.
Geo said, “Pussy, rock back onto Jo’s cock.”
I pushed back onto Jo’s big black cock, which surprised me how really easy it was, with absolutely no pain at all. Frank refused to follow me so as I took Jo in I felt Frank pull out.
I ground my ass against Jo’s crotch as I lipped and licked the head of Frank’s delicious dribbley cock. His balls lifted and fell as I tasted his wetness oozing onto my tongue. I slid forward again, feeling Frank swelling my throat, and as I did I felt Jo pulling out of my ass leaving me feeling empty. Then I felt the guys placing their hands on my shoulders and hips.
“Fuck those boy’s big black cocks Pussy,” someone said as I felt the hands begin shoving/pulling pulling/shoving causing me to slide back and forth off one cock onto the other then again and again.
I felt so nasty sexy as I fucked and sucked these two big black cocks while knowing and listening to two other black men, men I had only met today and had fucked and sucked each of them earlier and were now watching me do this and cheering me on. WOW
I put my hands on Frank’s ass so I could pull him into me. I tried to pull him in while sitting back on Jo’s cock, but they both kept my action between them.
Geo said, “No cheating bitch.”
I heard Tiny saying, “He said he aint hittin it. No, she don’t suspect, but she aint getting none. I think next week I’ll get him to confide in me. Ya…” the conversation was extraneous to the experience I was enjoying so I filtered it out mostly.
We fucked like this for I don’t know how long when suddenly both Frank and Jo shoved into me at the same time and ground into me. I held my breath as I felt my clit tingling, no longer aching but defenitly starved for attention. Jo’s cock was swelling and jurking in my ass and I knew he was dumping his load. Frank’s swelling cock was stretching my lips as his pubic hairs ground into my nose. His cock was swelling my throat and stretching deeper in with rhythm as I knew he was dumping his load into my stomach.
The two pulled out of me leaving me feeling like a hungry whore still wanting sex, still wanting big black cock.
The two men left to the showers as Geo and Tiny came to help me. They took my towel and wiped the cum from my crotch as it oozed out of my ass, my ass that wouldn’t close now. As they cleaned me like a pet dog I realized, I had all these experiences and still hadn’t actually swallowed a load of cum. Every time they shot in my mouth they were all down my throat and shooting into my stomach.
“Now Pussy, remember… never ever refer to this,” Tiny said as he wiped my clit with my towel, “as a dick ever again. You are our girlfriend Pussy and this is your clitoris and cunt.”
They helped me to my feet and guided me to a shower, as Geo said, “Say it so we know you mean it.”
I said, “I love your black cocks. I really have to go home now.”
Tiny said, “No more spankin the monkey girl. If you jerk it you won’t be able to get it up for your wife… what was her name Steve?”
I said, “Amy. I… I really got to get home Tiny. I don’t know what I’m going to do if I can’t…”
Geo said through the shower door as he turned on the water, “If it’ll help we’ll keep the action to Monday dates. I’ll square it with the guys.”
I said with a sigh of relief, “That might help.”
Tiny had left and I heard the other showers stop and those guys leave. Geo watched me shower then dress before letting me out the door and locking the gym behind us,
I got home so late Amy was going to be getting up in just a few minutes. I tossed my stuff into the corner and climbed quietly into bed beside her.
Again for another full week, I felt air in my ass and worried about lack of control down there. I couldn’t get hard that week either. I was still sitting when I peed. I did remember not to masturbate, but when Amy flirted with me my clitoris still wouldn’t get hard for her.
But that’s another story.
I thought about the things I endured, the humiliation, the pain, the agony that lingered for days, in my butt, my chest, and in my mind, but my butt mostly.
It’s mostly the confusion I felt, feel, soiled and abused, over and over in my mind, details, details of, well, you know. See, every time I… I’d think, no that’s not it. I wasn’t sitting there thinking about it. The images of that one time, that one experience, they popped in and would roll through my mind when I’d sleep or try to relax. I had to think to keep my mind off them.
When I went to the bathroom… I’d sit dammit. Every time I went to the toilet, ever since that night. I felt like my bowels would dump if I pressed. Ever have the runs? You become afraid to even fart, because you don’t know what will actually happen? Well it was just like that, fearing what might happen. For weeks it was total fear. My solution… sit every time.
Hell, for a good, good being totally the wrong word for this, I had to clench my butt cheeks every step I took. I felt like I was losing it. My ass tingled and constantly flexed like it was blowing kisses. I know, nasty thought, I thought so too, but that describes it best.
Oh, and in addition to all this, I couldn’t make love to my wife, not those two weeks. Every time we would lie together in bed, we would kiss and cuddle, I would start to get hard, and my asshole would start to spasm. It wasn’t pain but it was dam distracting driving my erection away.
My wife Amy started asking me if I thought I needed to see the doctor. Maybe I was going through some change of life. I’ll say! But I couldn’t explain the change I had under gone to any doctor. No, I was convinced I’d get through it and put it behind me.
It pissed me off when I couldn’t get hard with my beautiful wife, and then I’d get hard, dammit each time, throbbing raging hard like I wanted, but while the thoughts of Frank and Jo crossed my mind. And because of this I’d wonder if it meant I actually liked it, what happened, or if I would, well, I just felt backwards and inside out. I’m a man! Why was this happening to me?
When I think about those disgusting things I did, even now nearly a year later, the thoughts make me wrinkle my nose in disgust, more so at first, but still some. See, when I’d passively generalized the thoughts I avoided focusing on details. Details like, well, I better stop before I get hard again.
I begin wondering, even though I’m telling myself NO, telling my dick to not get harder, asking myself, ‘If you’re a real man Steve, a real man, a real,” and my mind wanders while I harden.
But when I’m with a gorgeous sexy voluptuous woman like my Amy, red hair and pink nipples. Red bush and pink pussy. White skin, so white she almost glows in the dark. Gorgeous round rump, and the perfect B-cup tits. I can eat her pussy for hours, lick the perspiration from every inch of her flesh, and when we kiss she fucks my mouth with her tongue. She’s a wild-cat!
But after the boys had their way with me, I get hard as fucking iron at all the wrong times!
Dammit, you know how control dissolves to pitiful disgusting nasty lust for perversion when your brain gets sexually stimulated? I’m telling you, all you real men who think none of this could ever happen to you, because you have self-control and you’re nothing like me, well the truth is, temptation takes over your actions, your will power, your self-control… and, well, that’s when it happens, yes even to you.
So, I avoided the gym all that week, the following week too. The next Monday, two weeks to the day, I convinced myself to return.
I told myself, ‘It’s my gym. I’m a man and that won’t happen ever again. I won’t let it. I owe it to myself to stand up for myself, climb back on the horse, be a man!’ I hoped by taking back my manhood I would regain my prowess with Amy. Without it I was fucked!
I went to work that Monday morning. I was going to proving I am a real man! My dick may be average, but it is a man’s dick and not a girl’s clitoris dammit.
In my head I would hear them, Jo and Frank, telling me how big and hard my clit was for them. These are the details I didn’t want to tell you about. But, that Monday every time I turned around my thoughts were of them and their words. And every fucking time, my dick would respond like it was some alien creature driving me to do this. Telling me, ‘Go to the gym.’
After sitting in my car for half an hour, I entered, and went directly to the treadmill. I had secured my position, showing the boys I wanted nothing to do with them. Then I asked myself, ‘Why the hell am I back here?’ I questioned my motives. Although I did my best to convince myself that I was there to prove to myself, and them that I am a man and not gay in any fucking way, even though, my mind kept thinking of those gross details… and my dick would throb and swell and well, dam.
The guys were in a pack. That night there were four of them, two I didn’t recognize. They were chatting up some women in neon spandex exposing large bodied gals. I had heard the blacks talking before and sort of knew they liked meaty women. They claimed to like a woman with something to hold on to. My preferences leaned toward the more petite women.
These girls, black or maybe Indian girls I think, were leaving. I say possibly Indian because although they had dark chocolate skin and full curvy bodies, they didn’t have the Nubian round nose. No, these women had narrow hawk like beaks. But like black women they were beefy, maybe slimmer in the waist a little, but thick in the thigh area a lot. Not to say they were anything but gorgeous, just, I think, more of the Asian Indian look.
So with some fan fair the ladies left, giggling and waving, teasing the four big black muscle men remaining in the place… there with me. They were working out, chatting, flexing, but with my headphones on I couldn’t hear a word. Every now and then one or two would look over at me and smile.
Frank waved. I waved back. I felt my dick tingle and swell a bit, but tried to ignore it. I was listening to John Denver tunes, a white man’s music.
A few minutes later he waved again, this time in a ‘Come here’ fashion. I pulled out my headphones out to hear what he was trying to say.
“Hay Stevie, come here,” he said with another wave.
I waved ‘No’ with plans to ignore him and resume running. I usually got thirty minutes in. I was already ten minutes over.
I asked myself why the hell I was still here. I should have ducked out when they were busy watching the girls leave. I was working on replacing my headphones when he waved again.
“We want to introduce you to our gang,” Jo yelled.
“No thanks. Maybe later,” I replied.
Frank countered, “We only wanna help you Stevie.”
“Help with what?” I asked, kind of wishing I hadn’t.
He replied, “Listen, we’re body-builders, doin this for a living all the time. Look at us. We run this gym.”
“And six other like it across town,” one of the strangers, a giant of a man, added.
The other stranger posed like you see them in those MUSCLE magazines.
“We know you’d like a harder bod Stevie, firmer, and manly. One you will be proud of the next time you take the family to the beach. Right?” one of the stranger explained.
I felt a little indignant. No, very intimidated. Who was this guy and why did he call me Stevie. I know why Jo and Frank did, but I planned to stop that. But who was this guy?
I hate that name… Stevie! My asshole brother used to call me that when we were k**s as he teased me and tortured me. I didn’t like it then and I hate it now!
“I don’t know you sir, so don’t call me Stevie! Nobody calls me Stevie, you either Jo, Frank!” I hissed in a tone a bit hire pitched than I planned.
I stomped my foot, fists on my hips, doing my best to sound like an enraged little Chihuahua in the pack of intimidated Dobermans. I remembered seeing that once, and hoped for dear life it would work for me. The thought did give me courage.
As I was barking at them, I planned to spin around and walk, don’t run, to leave the room.
It was Jo that spoke next. I half expected, hoped maybe, it would be Frank. He had always been my protector, well back when, well you remember when.
So, why Jo? What did he have to say? The jerk with the c***dish attitude.
Jo said, “Sorry, my bad. I spilled the beans to these guys about us. I assumed you wasn’t coming back after a week. Frank said I should keep it on the DL, but, you know…”
Frank added, “And we thought you was okay with Stevie, not wanting the nick Candy girl and all. But we won’t call you that. Sorry dude.”
I glared at him, at them. They both sounded sincere. How could I forget what had happened, but here I was feeling like, what the hell, its cook.
But Jo had told total strangers about my having… and what they… and who knows how detailed… and dam it all… I took a step back, not turning yet, but with the urge to do so and run.
One of the strangers said, “Fella, don’t know what you want us to call ya, but really, truly, we wanna be friends, help you get firmed up, more tone and defined. We can do that, help you do that. That’s why you come to the gym, right? And that’s why we is here man.”
“Yeah, but,” I couldn’t believe I had just agreed with this stranger who knew I’d sucked a black cock a couple weeks earlier, and here we were talking like friends. I did agree with him, but what could possibly come of agreeing, or chatting, I wondered. Besides, he had pissed me off! They’d all pissed me off! Why the hell wasn’t I still pissed at all of them?
I guess I looked defeated when I exhaled and unclenched my fists, dropping them to my sides. I dropped my gaze to the floor around my feet and kicked myself, figuratively for being a gullible pussy. That is what I felt like, a pussy.
“So this is the gang,” Frank said, sounding like he wanted to defuse the tension in the air.
I stood there, a little scared. For some stupid reason my mind wondered in a flash if these four big black guys had plans for me to suck their big black cocks tonight.
My dick jumped. I thought, ‘NO! Don’t be a CLITORIS! Be a DICK!’ I meant to shock my mind into remembering the shame and humiliation, but it didn’t work.
I was still a little scared, but a new feeling was taking over, a thrill. My mind kept wondering, this time if they’d cum in my mouth. Although last time they came in my mouth, they shot their loads right into my stomach. I never tasted a load of cum, just the residuals. I reasoned, what the hell was I thinking. I needed to get out!
Instead, I got hard. I bit my tongue hoping that would bring my body back to reality. I was thankful for the first time that I had a small enough dick that it didn’t look like I had a hard on in my shorts. Hopefully no one would notice before I got away, I thought.
I took a deep breath, planning to say my goodbyes, but just then Frank said, “This here’s Steve.”
“Geo,” Frank continued, “Steve, this here’s Geo, George really, but we all have nicks, see? His is Geo. I’m Frank, as in blunt and to the point, Frankly speaking, hehehe, actually Phillip. See?”
I nodded and said, “Hello George.”
He took my hand and squeezed very firmly, “Geo, I prefer my friends call me Geo. You is my friend, right?”
I said, fearing he’d crush my fingers, “Yes, friends, Geo it is.”
He asked, “What you want me to call you if not Stevie, friend?”
I answered, “Steve is fine.”
Jo said, “And this is Tiny.”
Tiny was the biggest guy in the group. I could see his nickname was obviously a joke. He was head and shoulders taller than me. Must be six eight or so I’d guess. He must have been over three hundred pounds. Although he had a gut, it didn’t look like there was any fat on him. His skin was as black as coal, and his lips and gums were deep blue it appeared to me.
Jo must have seen my confusion because he explained, “As in Tiny Tim, not the singer but the cartoon character. So what ya think his name really is? Tiny…”
I said, “Tim,” and Jo put a finger to his nose smiling like a Cheshire cat.
Jo continued like we were playing charades, “And my name is George also, like Geo’s. George Iglesias to be precise. My dad’s from Mexico. So why ya think I’m Jo?”
I looked from one to the next, until I was back to Jo, “Why?”
“Well,” he said with a big shit eating grin, “My initials. See?”
I didn’t.
Geo said, “Couldn’t call him George, cause dats me, see? So, G for George, I for Iglesias, G… I… Jo. Get it?”
The lights turned on and I had to chuckle at the effort it took to get here. I was about to ask permission to leave when Tim, the big guy, asked, “So, why can’t we call you Stevie?”
I looked around again hoping Frank or Jo would bail me out here. No luck. I finally said, “Well, I it’s a little feminine for a guy, and my brother...”
Geo said, “Say no more. Dam bros dat tease their kin! Steve it is.”
Jo asked, “Whacha doin next Steve? We done our workout and was talking bout hitting the sauna. Wanna join us?”
Frank elbowed him. I felt the question stir my groin, but goosebumps popped out all over my arms and a shiver crawled up my neck at the same time. I must have quaked a little, because they all looked conserned.
I said, “No, I think I’ll, I might, ah, no thanks, not tonight. I need to ah, to lift some weights first. You all go. Enjoy!”
Tiny said, “Yall go ahead. I’ll spot Steve and follow ya later.”
They all bumped fists, whatever that means, and headed into the back.
Tim said, “Okay, flat on yo back, here” as he patted the bench beside him. I stood there like a statue.
He said, “I’ll get you some weights you can handle. Don’t worry, I’ve been coaching for years.”
He went to the wall with the rack of free-weights, and returned with a dumbbell. It had one little weight on each end. Although they looked pitiful, I realized he was serious. I sat on the bench and laid back.
He moved to straddle my head. His thick thighs were so close to my ears I could feel the heat of his body. His thighs were about as thick as my chest. No, I’m serious, huge!
He lowered the bar into my hands, and while still cradling it with his own fingers he said, “LIFT Steve, that’s it, up up good. Now down.”
He repeated this with me ten times, until my arms felt like rubber.
He had me start a second rep, and as I pushed he rattled on, “You know Steve, you are kind of a pretty boy, and Jo was telling us… nine… and… teeeeen… good boy, doin great. Take a breath.”
All the while, even as I rested, I was looking up the legs of his shorts, into the shadows where something massive and dark lurked. Dam my curiosity. It grew, my perverted curiosity that is, especially as I listened to him telling me I look pretty. So what was Jo telling them?
It was time to start again. And again as I began, Tim started his chatting well aware I couldn’t speak while pressing the weights. He was right. Although they looked small, three sets of then presses and my arms were burning. So were my lungs.
“So,” I heard him say, “was it true what Jo told us?”
I about dropped the bar across my neck. I didn’t, I couldn’t answer, not that. Tim hooked the bar just in time to save my life and while still forcing me to do the work, helped just enough to see I got the bar up, arms fully extended.
“Six, good, four more and we’re done here. See, I figured,” Tim went on as I resumed pushing, “Jo was full oh shit, but then Frank called you over, introduced you, and well I reconsidered maybe they wasn’t. Full of shit that is. Eight… come on, you can do it. Feel the burn boy. Dam their story was HOT, about how you… nine… sucked on their big black cocks like a cum slut. Almost, push it… push that bar you bitch!”
I was having a real hard time with the weights, unable to focus with this distraction, and dam my dick was getting hard. This was it, the last push and I was almost there. I hissed as I did my best, but the bar refused to move any more. Tim using two fingers gave the bar just enough lift to help me to the top.
As I lay there panting, Tim said, “Wish it was true.”
I couldn’t care less what he was saying. I was finally finishing. I had done it! My arms felt like they were on fire.
Tim took the bar. He was still straddling my head. I was taking deep breaths and could taste as much as smelled the musky odor of his thighs and crotch. His air filled my nostrils and throat and made my head swim. I had my eyes closed as I stretched my arms out and worked them in little circles to work out the ache.
Tim said, “They should have given you a counter sign, in case you wanted some loving. Then if you wanted to be a cum slut, dam the thought makes me horny, some sign to show you is wantin to be submissive. Sorry Steve. Better stop talkin bout this or I’m likely to fuck your mouth the way Frank said you like it.”
I was lost in the aroma, the nasty talk this giant black man spoke, like, like he was a radio broadcast I was enjoying. But, I could smell and taste him, and knew for a fact this was really real. I kept my eyes closed, and breathed, and listened. I was feeling my heartbeat in my dick, thumping, thump… thump… thump…
Tim said, “Okay, one last set, then it’s to the showers. Then you can go home.”
I thought we were done. I didn’t want to do another set. My arms felt like they’d fall off. I grunted still with my eyes closed, and shook my head to show I didn’t want to. He lowered the bar to my chest, not giving me the choice.
“Come on girl. You can do this. We wanna be proud when we go to the beach, remember? Listen, one… I’ll spot you whenever you’re, two… in here and… come on, push it… in a month, good three… we’ll have you flexing a set of guns, come on, four… you can be proud of. Up, up, push it girl.”
Tiny called me girl. He was still talking, coaching me, and I realize it’s just a term guys call each other in play, but after my experiences I felt it sounded a bit too sissy. Like being called Stevie. I tried to think of something else, to regain control. But, I kept wondering… what were the other guys doing now in the sauna?
Tiny was saying, “Lift, that’s it bitch, lift. Push it up, just a bit more girl. That’s it. Jo said you won’t mind if I talk to ya like this. But if you prefer…”
I grunted as I pushed. All I wanted was to finish this set and be done! I blurted, “No!”
He resumed as I dropped the bar to my chest, “ Frank said you have a, come on push it… almost, got it, he said you got a big white clitoris, and that it got so fucking hard for him when he asked you to suck his, that’s it, one more and you’re through. So, was he telling the truth Steve?”
I had the bar almost up, almost, my arms were quaking, my teeth were gnashed in a snarl. I hissed, “YESSSSS Dammit!”
Tim took the bar and walked it back over to the rack wall. He took his time. I took the opportunity to breath and let my poor dead arms hang. When he returned, he stepped to my side and took me by my hand and shoulder, pulling me up and onto my feet.
Standing, my head came to his naked chest. He had removed his muscle shirt at some point. The name Tiny is such an oxymoron, but I’d be afraid to say it to his face. I felt like a c***d standing next to him. We had done it, and he had pushed me that extra mile. He swatted me on my rump, like football players do, really, so no big deal.
I heard the others laughing and talking in back. Tim stabilized me with an arm around my waist, turning me toward the back area as I wobbled a bit. Once turned in the right direction he put his sweaty arm over my shoulder and pulled me to lean against him, for more support, like buds.
As we approached the back, the other three emerged and blasted out in joined voices, “We’re off. The girls called and are meeting us at Jo’s. We got ten minutes! Tiny, don’t forget to lock up. Steve, remind him! Great to see you again Steve. Later guys.” Who said what I couldn’t say. They were all talking at once, but that is what they all had to say.
Tiny sat me on the bench in the dressing room. I felt like a rag doll. He got my bag and tossed me my towel.
He asked, “Sauna, or you just wanna shower and go home to mama?”
He reminded me I have a wife, a gorgeous sexy woman, my redheaded Amy at home waiting for me. For a second, I thought about her, our marriage, the right thing to do. I was that close to doing it, going home and saving my manhood. But…
“Sauna sound real good, but I don’t wanna keep you. You still have time to catch up with them,” said, “and the girls,” I added with a grin.
He said, “I’d rather see you in the sauna, girl.”
I froze. Again the reminder of who I am, was,
“Hay,” he said, “just k**ding Steve. Listen, you say Stevie is too sissy for you, but I think Steve isn’t the you I wanna get to know. So how bout we come up with a nick for you.”
He had successfully distracted me. I peeled off my shirt, my shoes and socks, finally I stood to drop my shorts. I noticed Tiny standing there watching me.
He said, “You did great. I’m proud of you. Now get a shower, then come join me in the sauna. How about Kitty… Listen Kitty, I’ll go in and relax ten minutes. See, I’m setting my alarm… for… ten… minutes, there. If you decide just to leave Kitty, I’ll understand. Just in case, I’ll say good night now. Good night Kitty. I hope we can do it again soon. What do you think? Kitty work for you?”
Tiny dropped his shorts on the far end of the bench, turned, and stepped into a shower. I saw his cock hanging nearly to his knees as he turned. I could see it arched out from his groin and beneath he had the balls of a brahma bull, and they hung really low. I’m not k**ding! I didn’t mean to notice, but wouldn’t you?
I yelled to him over the roar of the shower, “I don’t think Kitty works.”
I had ten minutes to decide what I really wanted to do. I dropped my shorts revealing my hard little dick sticking out. I wrapped my towel around me and sat back down.
Tiny yelled back, “How bout Pussy. I knew a pole dancer… she was sooo fucking hot! Good name. I like it.”
The water stopped and he padded over to the sauna. I heard him collecting his things, and the sauna door pull open with the usual whoosh.
He said, “Okay, ten minutes… starting… now. Get your shower Pussy.”
I stood. Dam he’s a huge man! I’m crazy if I even consider putting myself into a possible situation with him. I got into the shower in a long hot blasting spray. I could feel my angry aching body telling me this would be enough. My brain was saying go home, get some sleep, and be safe.
I got out and grabbed my towel. My head said, ‘Don’t do it STUPID!’ But my little head was screaming, ‘Do it Pussy! You want to be his! Give yourself to him NOW!’ In a flash all I could think was STUPID PUSSY STUPID PUSSY!
I flipped my towel around me and turned toward the dressing room with my cloths. I stopped, ‘Stupid or Pussy, what’s it going to be girl?’ slowly I turned from the dressing room and walked into the sauna.
Tiny had his eyes closed. He was back there on that top bench, a dark ominous figure masculine in every way. His legs were spread, a dark lumpy sack lay between, moving with life. His black cock hung between his knees.
He said, “Hello. Is Pussy good for you? Put your towel here on the bench beside me.”
I hesitated, silently. He still hadn’t opened his eyes, but he knew I was there. I thought about what he just asked, and I thought, ‘Yes pussy is good for me, but that’s not what he meant.
He said, “I really don’t mean to scare you. I like you. I like it when you call me Tiny. Now, I’d like you to tell me you like me, and you like me calling you Pussy.”
I said, “Okay, I like you Tiny, and I’m okay with you calling me Pussy too.”
He still hadn’t opened his eyes, but I could see his cock slithering ever so slowly with a life of its own. I moved forward to the bench. I pulled the towel from my waist and spread it out beside him.
He said, “Pussy, can I call you my Pussy girl.”
I climbed to the bench and sat beside him. I looked over at him, looking him over, still with his eyes closed. He is one big hansom black man glistening like a bronze statue in a mist. I held my hands like prayer time so they covered my shamefully hard little dick.
I said, “Okay.”
The heat dried my skin quickly. I leaned back against the wall, then sat up because it burned.
He said, “Mmm, say Tiny, I want you to call me your Pussy girl.”
I felt like we were playing a game. I knew where it was leading but I felt I wanted it to at this point. I was getting that hunger for sex. I wanted to be submissive and please this man.
I said playfully, “Okay… Tiny I want you to call me your Pussy girl.”
He asked, “Are you ashamed to be here with me Pussy?”
“Maybe a little, Tiny. How’d you know?” I answered.
He said, “You’re not sitting back.”
“How do you know?” I asked.
He asked, “I can feel you there. You’re sitting up with both your hands in your lap. Why Pussy?”
“How can you… are your eyes open? I’m sitting up because the wall is burning hot.” I answered.
He said, “Tell me you want to sit in my lap Pussy.”
“What?” I yelped, mostly from the surprise, not because I was upset or anything.
He reached over and put his big black hand on my arm, then moved it to the arm farthest from him, slid it down to my wrist, wrapping his thick fingers around it and pulling so gently and slowly it felt like I wanted to move my hand. It rose then swung toward him.
He said, “Tell me you want to sit in my lap and be my Pussy girl.”
I looked at him still with his eyes closed, still with my wrist in his gentle hand, and said, “This is so shameful. Do you really want me to say it? Okay Tiny, I… want to…”
I felt him begin to pull a little more firmly, causing me to turn toward him, then lean over him a bit, as I tried to say it for him.
“I want to sit in your lap and…” I said.
He had pulled me to my knee, then transferred my wrist to his other hand. I was facing him, my little dick pointing right at him, and I was so glad he had his eyes closed.
“be your Pussy girl Tiny,” I whispered, now so close to his face I could stick my tongue out and lick his cheek, as he held me in this position by the wrist, arm stretched completely across his chest, kneeling naked beside his massive naked body, telling him I want to sit in his lap and be his Pussy girl.
He reached down with his free hand and took my other wrist after finding it, and lifted. He lifted both my arms so I was pulled up until I had to flip my leg over his lap to keep from falling or something.
“Say it again,” he purred.
As I said it again, “I want to sit in your lap Tiny and be your Pussy girl,” I felt him lowering me onto his lap. I also felt my dick drag down his belly and the thrilling sensation made me say it again, “Oh god Tiny I want to sit here in your lap and be your Pussy girl.”
I was now lying on his belly with my arms wrapped around his neck. He was sliding his big hot hands all over my sweaty back, pulling my body against his, trying to make me feel relaxed.
I closed my eyes, but still felt tense. This was so unnatural. I started kissing my neck as his hands started needing my bottom, but I couldn’t help myself. I shivered even in the hot dry air.
Tim noticed my discomfort and asked, “You okay baby?”
“No. It’s just not right,” I replied.
He said, “You got into the fun last time, right?”
“I guess, but that, then, oh I can’t explain it,” I whispered as I shook my head.
He went on, “You came here tonight… to see Frank and Jo, right?”
“Well, yes and no.” I winded, “I planned to stop, well not let, I mean, I didn’t want it to, or maybe I did dammit. I thought if I confronted the situation I could get past it, over it. I kept thinking, well part of me, I’d ask myself, ‘do you really wanna’ and I called myself stupid and fagot and everything I could think of to get my mind back to normal… and,”
“So,” he interrupted, “You was thinkin bout Frank and Jo.”
I was still lying naked on this man’s chest, arms still around his neck, with my finally flaccid dick pressed between our bellies. He was holding me, hugging me kind of. I exhaled and felt a bit of my tension ease.
“I guess, but I’m confused as to…” I was saying.
He interrupted again, “You was thinkin bout them because they both fucked you. You feel it’s wrong and unnatural because that’s how you was raised. But truth be told getting fucked whether you a boy or a girl feels yummy, and your mind don’t know right or wrong, just that it feel good no matter how you is taught.”
I could see that. I felt him slide his hand to the back of my head and pull it down to his shoulder. My head laying on his shoulder, his hand rubbing the back of it like a parent sooths a c***d.
He resumed the lesson, “And you know how when a woman get fucked she gets all clingy and possessive, thinking she in love and he her man because he fucked her?”
“Yeah, I guess,” I whispered.
“Well,” he said, “truth is she don’t know it but she in love with the cock that fucked her, and not the man. See?”
I shook my head. I felt his other hand rubbing the cheek of my ass as he spoke.
“See,” Tim went on, “a boy, we fuck a girl and fall in love with that pussy, right? Another pussy come along we wanna poke it too. But when a woman feel that dick sliding inside her she think she in love with the man. That what happened to you.”
I shook my head as I let out a long low, “Nooooooo.”
He said, “Yes it true girl. You was fucked by those two boys big black dicks and your mind is telling you, you love those men. But we know it the dick you love.”
I said, “Tiny, I’m not in love with either of them. I love my wife.”
He rubbed my head and said, “Ohhh, you think bout them every day, right?”
I nodded ever so slightly, but it was true, I did.
He asked, “And when you’s thinking bout them you don’t do it consciously but you see them fucking you, right?”
He must have been reading my mind for the past two weeks. But we just met. How could he be so accurate? Again I answered with a little nod. He patted my rump and gave it a soothing rub that caused a bit of a tingle through my body.
He said, “If a girl told you she fucked a guy, then thinks about him every day, and when she does she imagines having sex with him… what you think?”
I said, “But I’m not Tiny. I’m not in lllooo…”
He rubbed me on both ends and said, “Sure you’re not Pussy. You’re not in love with the boys. But, what you is you is in love with their dicks. You a black cock lover and the thought of it makes you wanna be a slutty little girl suckin um and feelin them in yo ass. You don’t think bout it, it just pops in yo head, right? You remember feeling them big cocks fucking your throat and fucking your ass, and your mind likes it. It don’t think bout right or wrong. It’s the subconscious mind that makes you crave the things your conscious mind say is wrong or nasty or perverted.”
I understood what he was saying, and although I felt in my gut he was all somehow wrong, hoped he was actually, I still couldn’t argue away one point of it.
Tiny said, “Men compartmentalize. Women generalize. That’s why they think they’s in love with the man while us guys understand we’s in love with the pussy and ass and mouth. Your sub mind is trying to tell you you is aa slut whore for black men, when truth is you just love black cock. See?”
I was so worn out from my workout and the heat, not to mention it was very late, I almost went to sleep right there.
He said, “Pussy, you awake? I know I wore you out earlier. But tell me you agree.”
“I agree,” I whispered in his ear half asleep.
He said, “Pussy, tell me you in love with black cock.”
I had no fight in me, “I love black cock.”
He said, “Tell me you love my big black cock.”
“I love your big black cock Tiny.”
He said, “Are you too tired to fuck?”
“I’m having trouble staying awake,” I replied.
I felt him lifting me again and my chin hitting my chest. I shook it off and lifted it to see what was happening, as he lay me over on my towel, pulling my legs so both were over his lap. He took my ankles and pushed so my knees rose and my feet rested on the bench with my toes snug under his thigh. My knees fell apart exposing my crotch to Tiny’s view.
He said, “Mmm that clit don’t look so big now Pussy.”
I felt his big warm hands life down and through my inner thighs causing me to lift my groin to meet them. I felt his fingers slide around the base of my dick, but not touch it. Then I felt my dick start to rise.
He said, “Mmm you responding to my touch Pussy. Look you clits getting hard.”
I didn’t lift my head, just enjoyed the experience. It felt so nasty but good. His fingers slid back up to the tops of my thighs, and he gave each a squeeze that caused me to draw in my legs and pull down on my crotch.
He said, “Oh you like when I do that don’t you Pussy?”
“Yes,” I answered truthfully.
He pushed my thighs apart gently but firmly and told me to flex my butt muscles. As I did I could feel my dick filling with each contraction, it bobbed up and down with each squeeze. Then he squeezed the tops of my thighs again and down into my lap I pulled my enraged dick, down out of sight.
Tim said, “Oh Pussy, your big clit is hiding from me.”
Again I felt him push me apart and again he had me squeeze again and again, and again I felt my dick throbbing for attention, any attention. But each time, and this happened several more times, he would massage the tender flesh of my deep inner thighs causing the muscles and skin to pull and yank and tug on my raging little hard-on, but then never touch it directly. I needed direct stimulation!
He said, “Pussy, your clitoris is so red with desire and throbbing. I can tell every time your heart beats just by looking at you clit baby. Tell me your too tired to fuck again.”
I shook my head and reached to jack myself off. It wouldn’t take two yanks. He grabbed my wrists and held my hands inches from my aching dick. He knew I needed just a nudge to cum and find rest. He knew it but he wanted me to know who was in control.
“Tell me Pussy.” He said in a really deep voice, “Tell me you don’t want to fuck me and cum with me. Tell me Pussy, tell me.”
I wrestled a second with his fists and in futile surrender I said, “No Tiny, I need you to let me cum.”
He pushed my hands under my butt and told me to keep them there if I wanted him to let me cum. I did as told.
He said, “I want you to fuck me Pussy. Will you fuck me?”
“If you let me cum Tiny. Please.”
He pushed my legs apart again and I felt my dick throbbing and pounding and it felt like it was on fire and about to pop. My balls had grown an ache too, small at first but like a headache it steadily got worse. All of this was demanding I cum and release the pressure.
I felt him gently squeezing my thighs with quick slight pinches causing my dick to jump, my butt cheeks to flinch and my balls to draw up with each and every little quick grip. I was about to cry I felt so much hunger for relief.
He said, “Do you want to fuck me Pussy? Do you want to feel my cock inside you?”
I said, “Please Tiny, fuck me but let me cum.”
He pushed my thighs together and my knees down toward the back wall and I heard a loud ‘BANG’, then I felt the burning fire in my bottom and realized he had spanked me. I was on fire, my entire body flinched into a knot and I balled up my fists in pain and shock.
He said, “Pussy, listen to me. Tell me you want to fuck me, not that you want me to fuck you. Do you want to fuck me Pussy?”
I was crying now as tears ran down my cheeks and snot ran out my nostrils. My lips quivered and my lower lip stuck out pouting.
I said, “I’m sorry.”
He soothed the spot he had swatted with a gentle rub. His hand swirled circles on the back of my upper thigh. His other hand moved to my chest and was rubbing me there as well. I noticed then that my dick had gone flaccid. The pains and aches had dissolved totally.
He just rubbed and rubbed as I slowly regained my composure. I almost fell asleep again when I heard his soothing voice once more.
“Pussy,” he said, “If you didn’t come here tonight wanting to fuck, Pussy, why did you come tonight.”
I thought about what he asked. I thought about all he had explained and how I was thinking I was in love like a silly girl with the men who had fucked me. I wasn’t though. I thought about them, but it had to be lust for their cocks.
Still with my eyes closed and on my side, I said, “Well, I haven’t been able to make love with my wife since that night. I thought I would confront them and show them I’m a man, and regain my…”
I felt Tim’s hand move to my ankles and move my feet off the bench. He took my wrist and pulled me to a sitting position, allowing me to rest a minute like this.
“You know Pussy,” Tim said, “it wasn’t them you were trying to prove your manhood too.”
I looked at my shriveled little dick, still an angry red, and kind of puffy like a balloon after being blown up to excess then all the air having been let out. It tingled but not with desire, just something dull. My balls below looked a shade I’d never seen them before, kind of purple, and swollen nearly twice their size. The ache had gone as I had said, but they hurt when I’d flex the muscles down there.
I asked, “No?”
“No,” he answered, “I think you came tonight to prove your manhood to yourself.”
I said, “I think you’re right. How can I go home to my wife if I’m not a real man?”
He said, “Do you want an answer?”
I said, “Please.”
He put his arm over my shoulders and pulled me into his sweaty armpit. He rested his head atop mine. He rubbed his hand up and down my arm soothing me.
“Lesbians,” he said, “how does a lesbian make love to her lover, Pussy? She suck her lover’s pussy driving her wild with oral sex. Do you eat your wife’s pussy?”
I nodded my head, adding, “I love to. She has the wettest pussy I ever ate. She’s a gusher, the only one I ever knew.”
Tim said, “Wow, a gushing cunt, mmm. You have to tell me more about your wife some time. But see, you don’t have to be a man to make love to a woman, any more than you have to be a woman to make love to a man. If you’re conflicted inside you can’t make love, but if you’re confident in yourself and that the person you are with is someone you want to please, you just do it.”
I said, “I’m not sure that will help. I can’t get hard at home anymore.”
He said, “Pussy, if you can’t get it up… kiss your wife’s snatch. Kiss it, suck on her it and finger her until she floods your mouth with her juices. Tell yourself, you may be a little girly not being able to get it up, but even when you’re like this you can be the best lesbian lover your wife could ever have. See?”
I nodded my head.
He said, “Sometimes it also helps to be punished. If you feel guilt it can weigh heavy on you. Do you feel guilty about what you did with Frank and Jo, Pussy?
I said, “Maybe a little.”
He said, “If that’s the case Pussy, sounds like you could use a good spanking.”
He started to pull me toward him, out from under his arm and almost to standing, before redirecting me across his knee. I stopped, pulled back.
“Oh no, no really Tiny. I don’t…”
He said, “You feel guilty because you imagine you did wrong, and deserve to be punished. You can keep having problems at home, no boners my friend, or do this my way.”
I didn’t move or answer, but when he began to pull on my wrist to guide me across his lap again, I didn’t resist. I was afraid of what I was allowing. I was laying naked across this big naked black man. His sweat was beading. Mine started to flow freely.
I thought he would give me a warning of when he would… ‘WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!’ it happened before I could have said, well, a really long word. My bottom burned and felt ten, no a hundred times hotter than the room felt.
I screamed, “Please… Stop… Ohhh Ahh mmmmm! HELP please stop! TINY please stop!”
The raw pain stopped shortly after the beating did, but the burn flared like he had thrown gas on the fire. My ass got hotter and hotter and hotter.
There were only three swats, but they were real I assure you. I balled my fist and held it between my teeth. I felt Tim moving me again, down and off his lap. He pushed me to lay beside him with my head in his lap. He reached down to my red bottom and rubbed it, soothing it.
He said, “That’s a good girl Pussy. Good girl. My cock is cramped under your head. Pull it up for me, okay?”
I pulled my fist from my teeth, rolled my head back out of the way, and reached into his lap to find his cock. I wasn’t really thinking about what I was doing. I was focusing on the burning that was starting to turn into a glow that spread out into other parts of me. That’s when I noticed my dick had become hard again. Not aching hard, just solid and firm.
As I pulled Tim’s cock from between his warm thighs and from under my cheek, I notice he too had grown quite hard and firm as well.
Tim said, “Look Pussy, your clitoris is hard again.”
As he said it he gave the top of my upper thigh a firm squeeze, and I instinctively lifted my leg pushing my dick out. I looked at the big black cock in my hand inches now from my face. I jacked it gently up and down a couple times noticing each time I pushed the skin up a copious amount of fluid oozed from the slit that peeked out from the skin that surrounded the head hiding it completely. I had never seen an uncircumcised cock before.
I felt him lay his fingers flat over my dick, and start to rub it like I rub my wife’s clit when we make love. It felt very good. I had always jacked off the way a man does, by wrapping my fist around my dick. But, he was pleasing me by rubbing my dick like a clitoris, and it felt yummy, especially with the warmth in my ass and the smell of his manliness in my nose.
Tim said, “You like this… you want to suck my cock too. Tell me what you want Pussy. Your clit is so big and hard for me Pussy. Tell me now.”
His fingers started to fan over my dick, faster and faster.
I whispered, “I want to suck your big black cock Tiny.”
He said, “Suck it like a slut in love with black cock. Ohhh do it. Yeah baby, that’s so good.”
As I sucked on the nob of his huge cock, tasting its juices as they seeped from him, I yearned to reach my orgasm under his dancing fingers. Tim felt me sucking harder, more furiously, and mercilessly he pulled his hand from my dick. I clamped my thighs closed and tried to fuck them. It never worked.
Tim said, “Come here Pussy.”
He took both my wrists in his beefy hands and pried my fists from his shaft, lifting me. His cockhead popped from my lips as my face was pulled away next. I cried as he lifted me till my hands were near the ceiling.
He said, “Step over me Pussy.”
I did. I put my knee beside his thigh. But he didn’t look pleased.
“On your feet, Pussy,” he said nicely but firmly.
I wiggled and jerked until I had my feet on the bench beside each of his thighs. I was in a squatting position above his lap, and could feel his cock touching my bottom as it bobbed around.
Tim said, “You want to fuck me now Pussy.”
I looked at him, his big head, his big chest, and his giant arms. I focused on his face, his black skins, his blue lips, and his smiling ivory white eyes. The slut in me was surfacing.
“Tiny,” I whispered, “I want to fuck your big black cock.”
“Ask me,” he whispered back.
As he said this he let go my aching arms. The workout I had so long ago left me nearly a cripple. I dropped my arms around his neck, as he moved his to my back, once again rubbing me deliciously.
“Tiny,” I said with my head tilted and a pout, “can I fuck your big black cock, PLEASE?”
He said, “Hold it if you want it baby.”
I let one hand drop from his neck, down to the space below me. I felt his cock again and positioned it so it was spitting its nectar onto my sphincter.
I said, “I don’t know if I can do it.”
He said, “Just push it back and sit on it for now.”
I asked, “Really? You don’t mind?”
He said, “Pussy, you’re my girl. Right? You want to be my girl?”
I was nodding my head as I pushed his cock back enough to get it behind me, then I lowered myself to sit on it, on him. He moved his hands to my rump as I moved mine to his neck. I wanted to reposition to my knees, but he wanted me like this, squatting. He did have me walk my feet out forward so I was more sitting in his hands. He had me spread them out away from him on both sides too, so my legs were really wide.
In this position he could glance down and see my dick, my clitoris as it throbbed and turned deep red again. I felt his cock sawing through my ass cheeks as he slid me back and forth on it. The sensation was thrilling as it rubbed my anus.
“Kiss me bitch.” He said.
I tried to put my lips to his but while rocking it was impossible. I was trying my best but about then I heard a noise.
I froze and asked, “You hear that?”
He said, “I locked the door. It can only be one of the boys… if its anyone.”
I asked, “Should we check?”
He yelled, “Who’s out there?”
I yelped, “Are you crazy?”
I heard the door open and knew I’d been caught, we’d been caught in this very compromising position. I didn’t want to look, afraid who might be there and what they might think of me. Tiny acted like he didn’t care who might see. He started sliding my ass over his cock again. On the other hand the blast of cool air was a blessing.
Someone said, “Hay cool. Hay Steve… Tiny, mind if I hit that with ya?”
Tiny said, “Pussy, tell Geo what you love.”
I looked at Tiny wondering what he meant. Wasn’t it bad enough this total stranger knows all about what happened, is looking at me here sitting in Tim’s lap both of us naked and his big black cock sawing through my ass cheeks. He nudged his dick against me and tilted his head to indicate… down there.
He said, “Geo, let me introduce you to my girl, Pussy. Pussy… meet Geo.”
Geo asked, “Pussy? Your… girl… Pussy? WOW! They wasn’t lying was they? Nice to meet you Pussy. I’m Geo. So, what is it you love Pussy?”
Tim was still sliding me back and forth on his hard cock as he said to me, “Tell him what you love Pussy.”
I closed my eyes and said loud enough for Geo behind me to hear, “I love black cocks.”
I felt his hands sliding around my chest to cup my breasts, my man boobs. His fingers started needing them. I squeezed my eyes closed even harder in shame, shame for feeling good in these men’s hands and between their bodies.
Geo said, “Dam girl, you’re bitching hot! And Pussy’s a great nick for ya. So Tiny, mind if I share this Pussy with you?”
Tiny started chatting with Geo like I wasn’t even there, “What happened?”
Geo replied as he started pinching my nipples causing them to tingle, “The bitches got bitchy. Figure! Sue said since Frank and she’d scored they was a couple and then she proceeded to tried and toss us out. We ditched um, all of us, then went to the club, but it’s late and they was closed. Well, we went lookin for more bitches.”
Tiny asked, “No luck?”
“Na,” Geo said as I felt him rubbing his big cock against my backside.
Tiny said, “So what? You came back here?”
Geo reached out and took my wrist, pulling my hand down to my side, and there I felt his cock rubbing the palm of my hand.
He said, “Actually, mmm oh ya…”
Tiny said, “Give me ten. Turn the light off on your way out. Now say goodbye to Pussy.”
I had pulled Geo’s cock out the leg of his silk shorts and was jacking his slippery python as the guys talked. I was sliding my fingers all around the flaring head scooping up the pre-cum and smearing it over the length, causing Geo to gasp now and then as he spoke.
He said, “Ohh… good… bye… Pussy.”
He took my head in both his hands, one behind my head the other on my cheek, and pulled my face to the side, to his where he pushed his lips to mine and pushed his tongue through my lips and deep into my mouth. The more I squeezed his cock the more he explored my mouth.
And the more I played these games with these men the more I wanted too. I really was loving the feel of being a slutty girl that these powerful men want to possess and fuck. The thought of having them fuck me was starting to be a turn on too, when I was feeling the perv in me.
And the feeling of Tiny’s cock strumming my asshole made it start those… ah, like blowing kisses thing again and I started thinking I might like it doing this through my asshole.
Geo pushed my face away and stepped back out from my reach. I berried my face in Tiny’s shoulder and bit as I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly.
He said, “Ten Tiny. Dam good Pussy! Ten man.”
Tiny was rubbing my back when I heard a click and we were enveloped in total darkness. I felt his hands go to my bottom and start working me back and forth again on his cock. I kissed his neck as he gently slid my asshole up and down the length of his shaft. I felt more passionate in the dark, and moved my hands to the sides of his face as I walked my kisses up over his cheek and to his lips where we started tongue wrestling.
I whispered into his mouth, “I want to fuck your big black cock Tiny.”
He dug his tongue into my mouth as he slid my asshole back over his shaft again, this time adding a little lift when I came to the usual end of our stroke. This positioned his cock head right there. His hands let go of my ass, dropping me with all my weight on it.
I felt the muscles in my thighs and calves tighten like iron instantly to catch me. I felt the head of Tiny’s cock force open my sphincter causing a terrible burn. I caught myself just before the crown slipped through. I bit his lower lip and could taste blood.
I tightened my leg muscles lifting my rump, eased myself up a little, but not letting my sphincter close.
I whispered, “Sorry,” as I kissed him again in the dark.
I felt my lower half relax and the burn ease away into a yummy warmth. Tim moved his hands to my breasts and squeezed my man boobs, and it felt so sexy and good. I kissed him deeply the way a slut girl kisses her lover, and tightened my legs a bit to lift myself a bit more off his cock, enough to allow the tip of the head finally slip free.
I heard Tiny grown. I knew he was thinking I was giving up, quitting on us, and I felt so bad for him. I sucked his tongue into my mouth with passion and sucked on it like a slut, as I worked my ass in a circle feeling his cock spitting its lube into my gaping hole. In the heat of the room, as our bodies poured sweat, the wetness he added to my hole felt cooling.
I whispered again into his mouth, “I…”
And as the word passed into his mouth I dropped my weight and felt the head of his throbbing cock squeeze through my sphincter opening me up so wonderfully wide. The pain started again.
“Want unnnngh…” I continued.
And as this word escaped my lips I felt the ring of my asshole snap closed around the crown and so tight against his shaft.
It took a few minutes I think for the pain to subside to a burn then to the hot hot warmth to finally be an acceptable kind of yummy feeling. It was by no means a relaxed feeling but it was acceptable now.
With each word that followed… I willed my legs to relax, I allowed another inch or so, a bit at a time, of Tim’s manhood to slip up inside me…
“To… Fuck… You… Tiny… PLEASE… oh… I… Love… you…”
As I told him I love him I felt the hairs of his pubic bone tickling my balls, and my little penis head felt the tickling of the hairs on his belly. I felt like he was pressed so tightly up inside me I could swear he was up under my rib cage pushing against my lungs and stomach and intestines.
I felt him wrap his arms around my back and pull me tight. I felt my little dick squashed between our hot slippery wet bodies. I felt him as he flexed his groin muscles causing his massive cock to dance around inside me forcing my intestines to slip and slide around him, and my lungs and stomach to slip aside for him, and his wonderful cock head in here to nudge my heart when he grew tall stabbing up and up and up.
I could not talk. I held his neck for dear life as I sucked on the wet skin of his collarbone. He held me tightly too and the only movement between us was inside me. My toes were making fists as I ground their knuckles into the corner of the bench behind Tiny.
“Are you okay Pussy?” he whispered.
I kept sucking his neck but did make the effort to nod my head. He started to push me back, and I clung even tighter to his neck adding my teeth to the skin where I sucked.
“Tell me what you feel,” he said, as he kept pressure on moving me back.
I lifted my head and slowly rolled it back as I felt my crotch rock back and my dick drag down the Velcro hairs of his belly causing me to gasp in thrilling pleasure. I squeezed my ass and felt my muscles lift my balls and wrap tightly around his cock like my guts had become a giant fist.
I let out a groan, “Ahhhhhhh ohhhh Tiiiiinny! Ohhhhhh myyyy gooooood I’mmmm soooooo fuckinnnnng fulllllll! Mmmmmmmm.”
He asked, “Do you love black cock baby?”
I groaned “YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS. Don’t make me….. talk….. pleee”
He pulled me back to him and I wrapped myself around him again feeling him totally possessing me, filling me inside and wrapped around me outside holding me so I couldn’t move away… not that I would want too.
He held me like this for a wonderful time then told me, “Push baby, like you trying to shit.”
I didn’t understand, didn’t want anything different. I felt him rock his hips and the feeling stroked through my entire body. Then I felt him pushing himself to a sitting position and the new position pulled him out of me just a bit. It was a little relief in this position.
“Try to shit girl,” he said again.
I squeezed my bottom and felt my gut muscles fist his cock again. I knew what he wanted now so I did it again and again. The problem was all this was exhausting. I was panting for air unable to catch my breath in the heat.
He saw my problem and said, “Let me get you out of here Pussy. Would you like that? Hold my neck tight now girl.”
I nodded my head, as he lifted me, fingers entwined, hands cradled under my butt, my arms wrapped tightly round his neck, my legs around his waist and feet hooked together behind his bottom. With his cock still entirely imbedded inside me, all my weight hanging on this hook of man meat, he walked us out of the dark sauna and into the cool, almost cold after all that heat, dressing room.
I held on to his neck for dear life even though Tim securely had me as he walked us confidently out into the well-lit dressing room. I kept my eyes closed in the glare of the lights.
“Pussy,” Tiny said, “You’re my black cock slut, hungry for black cock. You wanting to be a girl Pussy. You not only want to be fucked by big black cock, you want to suck and fuck black cock. You want to fuck black cock, fuck it with your pussy ass. It makes you clit hard just thinking about it. Now, don’t open your eyes.”
Well, that made me want to open them. But I also want to be submissive. I want to be a black cock as he was saying. I squeeze my bottom along with my eyes showing I am an obedient slut.
I feel him sit and know he’s on the bench in the dressing room. The cool air feels so delicious.
“Squeeze my cock Pussy,” he whispers in my ear, “if you would like me to fuck you like this in front of the other guys.”
I squeeze my bottom once again feeling my inners squeezing his entire cock. I begin to wonder if we are alone as I keep my eyes closed and rock my bottom, stroking my dick between us, and feeling with realization I am fucking him just like my wife fucks me when she rubs her crotch back and forth on me with my dick deep inside her.
He lowers my legs and has me move to my knees, never escaping my asshole. He was no longer holding me. I lowered myself fully onto him again holding him totally inside and in this position did the work of rutting in him rocking my hips forward and back, faster and faster, each time feeling my dick rubbing his belly as I squashed my balls into his pubic bone.
“Keep your eyes closed girl,” he said again as he pulled one of my hands from his neck.
I felt like I had to shit, like I had to pee, like I was going to cum but not com, it’s a hard feeling to explain. I tingled and ached and was so desirous for more as I focused on the man’s cock filling my body. Then my hand touched a soft hard hot wet shaft, and my fingers wrapped around it knowingly.
Tiny said, “Hold it Pussy. Love on this big black cock. You love black cock girl. Tell us it makes your clitoris hard.”
I said, “Oh yes my clit is so fucking hard Tiny. I love it. I’m keeping my eyes closed.”
He said, “Oh you’re a good slutty girl Pussy. And you’re fucking my black cock so good. Tell our friend you love his black cock too.”
I squeeze his cock and squeeze Tiny’s with my ass as I say, “I love both of your black cocks.”
I felt a bit unsteady as I felt Tiny pull my other hand from his neck as well. I wobbled and translated the motion into fucking him. I heard his approval as he groaned deeply. Then again my hand touched a soft hard hot wet shaft, and my fingers wrapped around it knowingly.
Tony asked, “Are you okay Pussy?”
I cooed, “Oh yeah Tiny. I love all your black guy’s cocks.”
Tiny thrust into me several times causing me to freeze and squeeze the cocks in my hands. I wanted to open my eyes but the feeling of being a submissive bitch was so thrilling. I threw my head back and gasped as I rocked my hips wildly as Tiny thrust up causing his enormous cock to piston in and out through my anus… WOW!
The guys on my sides put their hands behind my shoulders and on my chest, then lowered me back so I could feel Tiny’s cock rubbing the inside of my bellybutton. I turned my head to the left and pulled on that man’s cock hoping he would move it to my lips.
When he refused I turned my head to the right, and met the same frustrating denial. My dick ached for attention as I felt Tiny’s fingers rubbing the flesh around the base while totally ignoring it. I felt what I knew was my prostate throbbing and the feeling I needed to pee really bad, and my asshole stretched and my belly full causing the feeling I really really had to shit. Get the picture? I was in a thrillingly agonizing position.
I cried, “Please Tiny touch it.”
He asked, “What Pussy?”
I cried with a whimper, “My dick, my dick, I neeeeed…”
Tiny said, “You my slut Pussy girl, and girls have cunts and clits. I’m fucking yo cunt bitch and you will never call that a dick again.”
I cried, “My clit Tiny… Please touch my clit now… pleeeee”
“No,” he said firmly, “Not yet girl. Now lean back and enjoy this.”
I lay back into the hands still holding onto their cocks while feeling Tiny sawing in and out so his cock slit out so the head tugged at my sphincter then in till he was grinding his pubs into my balls. I dropped my head in delicious despair realizing he wasn’t going to touch my clit.
My head dropped low… hanging so my mouth was forced open, emitting a grunt with each thrust of Tiny’s cock. His pace was slow and steady with a pause at each end. Suddenly, the hands on my man boobs started pinching my nipples hard enough to make me squirm and flinch, causing in turn my body to squeeze and contract on Tiny’s cock.
And, as the agony of this playfully teasing assault slowed and ended, I felt hands cradling my head, still leaned way back. I realized it had to be a forth guy. I peeked but in this position all I could see were the legs of black men.
I said, “Tiny…”
But before I could say anything else I felt as much as tasted the black cock now resting the head inside my mouth. I closed my lips around it and swirled my tongue around the head. I slid my tongue through the slit. I slurped loudly on it as Tiny fucked me.
Tiny stood up, holding me by the thighs. I was holding the two cocks, as these men cradled my chest. When Tiny thrust into me really hard I felt my body lift, my back arch, and my head thrown back. My mouth was forced onto the cock now sliding through my lips.
I felt Tiny thrust in and berry himself balls deep, then holding it there… as I felt the cock in my mouth sliding slowly in, so fucking slowly in and in and in. I felt the head of the man’s big black cock swelling my throat as it slid in and in and down my throat.
I heard the guys voices as they all talked, “Dam yo a fine fuckin bitch. Pussy you the best cock suckin bitch ever. I want some o that. I want in down there. You wanna fuck me Pussy? I wanna fuck you girl. Is you our girl now Pussy? Look at her clit… its purple and so shiny. It looks like its going to split wide open. Its going to splode!”
My clit did feel like it was on fire. I couldn’t answer but I felt a nasty thrill with each humiliating desirous question they asked of me. I felt Tiny picking up the pace and I felt like I was going to pee. I held it as long as I could and then it felt like I was.
“Dam Tiny you made the bitch cum,” The boys were teasing, “look at it, Pussy ain’t shooting cum like no man. Its oozing out. No, you’s pumpin it out of her Tiny. I’m dumpin in her cunt ohhhh yeah! Me toooo, take it bitch, mmmmm!”
I felt the two inside me berry themselves deep and I held my breath as my clit ached but felt a little relief, not fulfilling but relieving. The groins ground into me front and rear and ground and ground till I felt like passing out.
After some time I woke on the bench on my back, breathing through a sore mouth. I felt wet down below too all over.
I rolled my head to the side where I heard the sound of water, and opened my eyes to see the guys in the shower, all four of them. I closed my eyes again and fell asleep.
I awoke to the taste of cock as I felt something rubbing against my lips. I opened my eyes to see a hard black cock in my face.
Frank said, “Are you still our black cock loving girlfriend Pussy?”
I looked at his cock and even after all we had just done, it did look yummy, so I said, “Yes,” as I licked the head.
Jo asked, “She up? She up for round two? Hehe…”
“We wanna watch our slut girlfriend,” Tiny said, “fucking. Can we watch you fuck these guys Pussy?”
I said between licks, “Yes.”
I was licking on Frank as he helped me sit up. He stuck the head in my mouth for me to suckle as he fucked three or four inches into my lips.
Jo had moved around behind me and was coaxing me to get on my knees on the bench. He moved in behind me and while straddling the bench he pushed the head of his cock into my ass.
I think it was Geo that said, “Hold it there Jo, now Frank stick it to her.”
I felt Frank pushing. I tilted my head back and forced my jaws wide opening and aligning my throat for his invasion. I felt his cock sinking deeper and deeper until I had his black pubic hair scrubbing my nose. I had to hold my breath like this.
Tiny asked, “You really loving those black cocks Pussy girl?”
I couldn’t answer in this position, but I nodded my head causing Frank to let out a hisssss.
Geo said, “Pussy, rock back onto Jo’s cock.”
I pushed back onto Jo’s big black cock, which surprised me how really easy it was, with absolutely no pain at all. Frank refused to follow me so as I took Jo in I felt Frank pull out.
I ground my ass against Jo’s crotch as I lipped and licked the head of Frank’s delicious dribbley cock. His balls lifted and fell as I tasted his wetness oozing onto my tongue. I slid forward again, feeling Frank swelling my throat, and as I did I felt Jo pulling out of my ass leaving me feeling empty. Then I felt the guys placing their hands on my shoulders and hips.
“Fuck those boy’s big black cocks Pussy,” someone said as I felt the hands begin shoving/pulling pulling/shoving causing me to slide back and forth off one cock onto the other then again and again.
I felt so nasty sexy as I fucked and sucked these two big black cocks while knowing and listening to two other black men, men I had only met today and had fucked and sucked each of them earlier and were now watching me do this and cheering me on. WOW
I put my hands on Frank’s ass so I could pull him into me. I tried to pull him in while sitting back on Jo’s cock, but they both kept my action between them.
Geo said, “No cheating bitch.”
I heard Tiny saying, “He said he aint hittin it. No, she don’t suspect, but she aint getting none. I think next week I’ll get him to confide in me. Ya…” the conversation was extraneous to the experience I was enjoying so I filtered it out mostly.
We fucked like this for I don’t know how long when suddenly both Frank and Jo shoved into me at the same time and ground into me. I held my breath as I felt my clit tingling, no longer aching but defenitly starved for attention. Jo’s cock was swelling and jurking in my ass and I knew he was dumping his load. Frank’s swelling cock was stretching my lips as his pubic hairs ground into my nose. His cock was swelling my throat and stretching deeper in with rhythm as I knew he was dumping his load into my stomach.
The two pulled out of me leaving me feeling like a hungry whore still wanting sex, still wanting big black cock.
The two men left to the showers as Geo and Tiny came to help me. They took my towel and wiped the cum from my crotch as it oozed out of my ass, my ass that wouldn’t close now. As they cleaned me like a pet dog I realized, I had all these experiences and still hadn’t actually swallowed a load of cum. Every time they shot in my mouth they were all down my throat and shooting into my stomach.
“Now Pussy, remember… never ever refer to this,” Tiny said as he wiped my clit with my towel, “as a dick ever again. You are our girlfriend Pussy and this is your clitoris and cunt.”
They helped me to my feet and guided me to a shower, as Geo said, “Say it so we know you mean it.”
I said, “I love your black cocks. I really have to go home now.”
Tiny said, “No more spankin the monkey girl. If you jerk it you won’t be able to get it up for your wife… what was her name Steve?”
I said, “Amy. I… I really got to get home Tiny. I don’t know what I’m going to do if I can’t…”
Geo said through the shower door as he turned on the water, “If it’ll help we’ll keep the action to Monday dates. I’ll square it with the guys.”
I said with a sigh of relief, “That might help.”
Tiny had left and I heard the other showers stop and those guys leave. Geo watched me shower then dress before letting me out the door and locking the gym behind us,
I got home so late Amy was going to be getting up in just a few minutes. I tossed my stuff into the corner and climbed quietly into bed beside her.
Again for another full week, I felt air in my ass and worried about lack of control down there. I couldn’t get hard that week either. I was still sitting when I peed. I did remember not to masturbate, but when Amy flirted with me my clitoris still wouldn’t get hard for her.
But that’s another story.
9 years ago