to talonequ :I would just say, it's a big mistake to think the majority of the people in the United States are on your side. I would also drop it now you got your ruling.
I would not remind people about this ruling in an election year. But for now it's over. Time to move forward.
to luvcamgirlz :In November, 2012, popular referenda in Maine, Washington, and Maryland legalized gay marriage. The one in Maine reversed the results of a referendum just 3 years earlier, showing how opinions have changed. California's no vote was in 2008 - most people believe it would easily pass now.
xh is truncating comments. I've been copying them before hitting send to prevent the problem that got to you.
to talonequ :I was talking about state wide referendums. Not the legislature voting but direct vote by the people. It failed every time. Oregon, California. The most liberal states failed. That's why, after losing every single time the gay lobby now longer wanted majority rule. I really don't care either way. I'm more concerned with the budget and issues like that. So don't make the assumption I'm not on your side. And as for polls like that. It means nothing. No one is going to say they are against it bec
to luvcamgirlz :Actually, you're not entirely correct - the legislatures of several states, including Delaware, Rhode Island, Washington, Vermont, and New York legalized gay marriage with no need for judicial action. A recent Gallup poll shows that, at present, 60% of Americans support gay marriage. and the number of Millennials now supporting it is around 70%. So, if there were a national referendum, it would probably pass.
to talonequ :The court had to do it. It would never pass by popular vote. It failed in every state it was voted on including liberal California. Hate me for telling the truth. But that's the truth.
It's still sad that it took the Supreme Court to make this happen and that it wasn't legislated into existence many years ago. And, even then, 4 justices on the highest court of the land, weren't able to do the right thing. Regardless, it's done now and the US joins Ireland (!) and many other nations in offering marriage rights to all. As my status said, It's about fucking time.
I would also drop it now you got your ruling.
I would not remind people about this ruling in an election year. But for now it's over. Time to move forward.
xh is truncating comments. I've been copying them before hitting send to prevent the problem that got to you.
I'm not typing it over.
It's not worth it.
I really don't care either way. I'm more concerned with the budget and issues like that. So don't make the assumption I'm not on your side.
And as for polls like that. It means nothing. No one is going to say they are against it bec
Hate me for telling the truth. But that's the truth.