No fucking chapter one

It’s time to play hard. Last night I got caught up in a fit of rage. I introduced the group of boys known as ‘the losers.’ Brent was a tall dork with a bad haircut and raging teenage acne. In his memory I was not girlfriend material. He hadn’t dated a girl and he was a sophomore. I entered the equation as a delinquent freshman pretending to be innocent. Another night I will tell you the story of devious behavior before I was a freshman. How I lost my virginity is a totally different story. Being in the gifted program I developed a double life. All of my academic peers were wealthy, well-behaved Christians.

We had our secrets. Five of us good little girls had secrets. It is almost wrong to let you know we were all so damn pretty it was uncanny. Boys were off-limits for some of us. Our little lesbian sleep-overs before church were sacred events we cherished. I quit church to work on Sunday. I was a teenage sex fiend with a laundry list of encounters. They were closely guarded secrets from my five gorgeous classmates. My image was untainted with my exploits camouflaged.

My partner in crime was named angie. Her dad was an abusive preacher. We got close in sixth grade. One day on the way to PE she coaxed me to finally say the word fuck. When it came to fucking I got the job done years before she did. We were a pair. That summer we radically changed our appearance. Aunt jonell was mortified that I bought school clothes at goodwill. No matter what we did it would have been impossible not to know we were different. Girls didn’t dress the way we did. It was the peak of grunge. It was a sea of nirvana shirts and boys with long hair.

That first week of high school angie switched boyfriends three times. We got used to sharing everything. The first time I got head it was her cousin. We bought pot from a cute boy at the church where her dad preached. The only thing we didn’t share was clothing. She was a zero and I was a seven. She had nice c cup tits. I bulged out of a 34 DD. Our personalities were different. She was always outspoken and I seemed shy. I accepted that boys dated her and then chased after me. The each had their own story. Those first few months were a revolving door of long hair and dicks. I made it my goal to hear each boy that dated angie first say more than once ‘I like you better.’

We had similar styles. We looked like opposites. She was tan with a pixie hair-cut. So many people said she looked like a fairy. My idea of beauty involved the snow white persona. I have pictures of me with such pale skin I look translucent. I never went in the sun. I wore sunscreen daily. There was no make-up as pale as my skin. I didn’t even look. I liked lipstick. The old pictures are strange because all you notice is red lip-stick, pale skin, long black hair and polyester prints. It was normal for some dumb k** to ask me if I was a witch.

We started drama class together. It was one hour of wild shenanigans. Our usual routine was laying in one massive pile in the lobby. Early bonding was me, angie, a goth girl named Amanda, a boy on crutches named ben and Ed who was a mechanic. I formed an early love for that boy on crutches that stayed a well-kept secret. Our teacher rudder barely knew we existed. I am pretty sure his first memory of angie was walking in on her sucking a hot boys dick. He said ‘sorry’ and let her finish.

The first play we auditioned for was ‘the lion, the witch and the wardrobe.’ I had been acting since gifted summer school in elementary school. I was no untrained freshman without skills. It was the first time I gave it my best shot. I wanted to be the witch. I was up against the goth girl Amanda and this pretty blonde older girl named carrie. It was a battle to the death. Amanda got eliminated. Me and carrie performed the same monologue at least six times. You know when you nail it. I had already been warned a freshman girl rarely ever got a lead. I was sad when the casting list was posted. Carrie was the witch. My stellar performance landed me a minor role as the unicorn. Angie got a lead as the little girl. We were both excited.

I was switching boyfriends so fast it was scary. Angie started dating the most popular boy in school. I was destroyed. He was my neighbor and my biggest crush since elementary school. I could handle the blow because she shared him with me. We had different attitudes about sex. She wouldn’t fuck him which means I couldn’t either. Not many people in our town realize he had us both. It was a closely guarded secret. Brent idolizes him. Most people do. Brent would say he was way out of my league. In his eyes a girl who wears a size seven or nine as a hefty bitch. I wouldn’t change a thing.

I only wore vintage bell-bottoms so damn sexy it was wrong. Angie was too thin to rock most clothes. I was a shopaholic and she stuck to the same standard outfits. The best part of school was rehearsals. I barely had lines. I played with boys in the curtain. I attracted bi-sexual boys. I can’t explain it. One of them gave me a reputation. We were dating. Our relationship was passionate. Since I connected back with him on myspace and then facebook I can honestly say it was infatuation. Right before the play I went to school and he was absent. I don’t remember the first person who told me. The boy who was the lion was hard-core gay. It was a nightmare.

My boyfriend fucked the lion. He was in the prop room and a cheerleader busted him taking it up the ass. Years later I found out his step-mother immediately found out. She beat him half to death with a board. His father moved him out-of-state and he began a new life. When you get fucked in the ass by the lion you need to pray your family can afford to move out of this town. I got teased non-stop for dating the lion fucker. Even as a senior people would bust out with ‘remember when your boyfriend fucked the lion?’

The lion loved to torment me that he stole my boyfriend. He loved to hit and bite. One day he punched me so hard in the asshole I felt ****d. I turned around to confront him when I was holding a milkshake. I unleashed wrath. He took my milkshake and slurped it. I grabbed it back and sipped it. He laughed at me and said ‘I fucked your boyfriend you bitch.’ That milkshake exchange made me catch mono. He managed to give mono to so many people we nearly didn’t have a play.

I was recovering and dating a c***dhood sweetheart. He has his own story. He was the only boy able to make me his girlfriend for an extended time frame. I was friends with a girl who was one year older than me and in the play. She had this attitude like I was her adopted pet. I knew she had a boyfriend. After school she would take me to hang out with two other dorky boys who adored her. She loved attention. Set construction happened on Saturday. She made a huge mistake and brought her older brother who used to be in drama. He was hot with long blonde hair. I didn’t expect it.

He was so flamboyant you knew damn well he was gay. He fixated on me and I was startled. Rudder wasn’t around. Danny busted out a cup of ice and said ‘let’s play.’ In front everyone he put an ice-cube in his mouth and grabbed me. Suddenly our tongues were playing with ice. Then he told me to kiss a girl. We all went gay with ice. Boys you never dreamed would go there kissed danny and then kissed me. I thought that was as far as we would go. We needed something from k-mart. It may have been the sweetest thing a boy had ever done to me. He grabbed my hand and held on to me like a life-preserver. His sister glared. He announced ‘you’re my girlfriend when I’m home.’

I was just happy. Something about him made me crazy. I actually felt guilty for cheating on my boyfriend joey. He couldn’t catch me because he wasn’t in drama. We knew we had limited time. Our chemistry was so intense we kissed non-stop even when people watched. His mother was on high alert. I could come over but the bedroom was off-limits. One of my favorite memories occurred when his mom was driving us somewhere. I was wearing a skirt with thigh highs. It was night so she couldn’t see what was happening.

We were passionately kissing like newlyweds. We had never been alone together. I am an exhibitionist. When I could feel his hand on my thigh I knew this would be a car ride to remember. My panties were already soaked as he rubbed a finger up and down my pussy. He stopped kissing me and whispered ‘you’re already wet little girl.’ All I could do was mumble ‘mmm hmm.’ I had only fucked one boy. When he pushed a finger deep inside of me it hurt and felt so good. He may have been gay but unlike other boys he damn sure knew how to play with a pussy. As a freshman I quickly figured out older boys go places boys my age feared. I learned it takes practice to passionately kiss while you finger a girl.

So fast he had me on the verge of an orgasm. I probably moaned. His mother could tell we took it up a notch. With his finger rubbing my g-spot she began her lecture. It turned me on. She started in on danny about the dangers he faced as a twenty year old dating a f******n year old. It turned him on too. He slid two fingers in me and it felt so good. He played the piano and his dexterity also meant he was teasing my clit. In some ways I know he was prolonging my orgasm. My whole body was shaking. I could barely comprehend what his mom was saying. He rubbed my g-spot so hard I could feel the orgasm coming. I didn’t know if I could stay silent.

It was unlike any feeling I could describe. I had never heard of squirting. I had many clitoral orgasms. I felt like a lightning bolt shattered my brain and pulsated down to my toes. I peeked right as she said the word ‘prison.’ My pussy pushed out so much liquid I was confused and shocked. He was still rubbing my clit to pro-long the orgasm. I could hear his mother say ‘promise me you two. No fucking.’ I whimpered ‘no fucking’ and leaned back feeling like I just ran a marathon.
Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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rebz10 10 years ago
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snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : Keep doing your blogs and stories and people will read every story is different its the mix with fact and fiction and how the lines cross and your never sure what is real or not
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : i am quite sad that soon i will run out of medicine and writing will not be an option until i cope with a sleep deprived and sedated brain. i am trying to stay positive. I will fight so very hard to write each sentence. Honestly i miss dave but not chatting with him all night gave me the freedom to begin a great journey. I have a goal to keep chapters coming. despite loneliness,rejection and fear i have something with legitimate value. Love is a beautiful emotion. It is not likely to occur because i live in shocking degrees of isolation. dave promised never to abandon me. I told him from the beginning all people say that to me and it never happens. I will always love writing and art much more than a relationship. I love the woman i grew up to be. I need to work on a manuscript or art each night instead of writing love letters a man does not deserve to read. If he comes crawling back i will forgive him and warn him he will receive very little attention. I do not have time to be in love when my goal is a manuscript.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to daddyt-roy : thank you so much for reading my blog. if i was a man I would also desire a strong woman. however life keeps giving me hints that most men want a girl who is easy and not very opinionated. i would love to swap stories. I knew i planned to write a daily blog in hopes of one day having a full manuscript. For such a long time my blog on facebook and now here was a journal about daily events and stories from my past. I realized the hard way that the only way to have an audience of consistent readers on this blog is to only discuss sexual situations. the only way i know how to write involves using my own memories. So much of what i plan to write is based on actual situations and my characters are real people. The exact truth is not as sexual as i need it to be on this site. I truly was a rebellious rule breaking teenage slut. Actually i had lots of foreplay with many men but getting to fuck me was very difficult. I will never tell which events are enhanced and to what degree. My world was very complex involving many issue that don't sound possible. In the chapter i wrote tonight i talk about having a full time job since the age of fourteen. That is not a fictional aspect of my youth. As the story evolves any reader will respect the fact I use my sexuality as a coping mechanism. My childhood will be revealed to better understand how wealth, poverty and an absurd development of obscenely large breasts for a child affected my self-esteem. I did not know the major battle i dealt with was being severely bi-polar until I was thirty. I do not fear the ramifications of revealing well-guarded secrets and turning a kiss into a heightened level of sexuality. People I used to care about may be shocked about the way they are portrayed. Not to long ago i tried to re-establish old friendships and i was delivered the full blow of realizing everyone i discuss had no concern for me. It is not revenge to turn them into characters in order to share my life story. It's feeling no concern for their outrage. Many men used me for a cheap thrill while knowing they chose to date my rival. The severity of my bi-polar condition has crippled my ability to work. I am fighting very hard to get disability. Economic challenges torment me. I used to cope with problems through sexual situations. I have been so damaged that i fear intimacy. My new coping mechanism is to get deeply lost in a story. Writing erotica is a huge thrill. My protagonist will always be naive about the consequences she will endure after an erotic moment occurs. Since i am telling a real story a reader can see I never planned some sexual moments. In many ways I was an accidental slut who was mistreated yet quickly moved on to the next adventure. Over time i accurately describe my small town. The only fabrications are sexual events that are enhanced or prolonged. My success in academics, work or theater are one hundred percent factual. In my opinion to read about one protagonist having too many sexual encounters to remember is enhanced when you see that she is also smart, talented, hard working, independent, mistreated, abused, ambitious and most of all strong.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to wolfrider2121 : i am sorry i missed you. for some reason it took me a long time to write this chapter. i will message you when i wake up tonight
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snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : Forget about the men for a little bit and focus on your writing as your blogs and stories show your writing makes you happy with your art focus on them and you will be fine love is coming but I think it will find you when you least expect it
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daddyt-roy 10 years ago
I have always been impressed by a woman who is not afraid of who she is and what she wants I find you very interesting and I bet have a conversation with you would be full of great stories I write myself I want to one day write a film or two
wolfrider2121 10 years ago
Hey lynn can I pm you later?
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to daddyt-roy : thank you very much. tonight i plan to write chapter two. i will never tell how close the story is to exactly what really happened. some things are better left as a mystery. telling these secrets is such a release. If this blog is discovered old friends will be shocked i dished out the dirt and furious wondering what truly happened.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to wolfrider2121 : the lion was quite a character. he got dental fang implants and his need to bite people gave us all fang marks. he went on rikki lake with his mom for being a troublemaker. he ripped our main curtain and mr. rudder freaked out and assaulted him. in the process he damaged his knee on the prop room door. he could barely walk and he bitched about the agony of riding his bike home. rudder didnt report him about the curtain and the lion didnt report that a teacher attacked him. when mtv made a show where a fan got to interview their favorite band we were shocked when the lion went on tv with marilyn manson. manson loved him so much he toured with the band a long time. the lion's cousin was a close friend. the lion fucked a teen boy. the boy's mother had him put in jail for statutory rape. i don't know the details. he wasn't in prison long when someone broke a broom handle and anally r@@ped him so bad he died. you can't make this shit up.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : i totally agree my sweet teddybear. i wrote you a long letter about my plans. despite feeling rejected and very lonely i know i will get deeply lost telling a good story. sometimes the simple things in life keep us going.
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daddyt-roy 10 years ago
I really loved the story I really was hanging on to the last word wonderful squirting orgasm I saw everything like I was there watching it
wolfrider2121 10 years ago
Lynn nice very nice, but how easy it was to catch mono from the lion, just be thankful it was not some thing more deadly.
playing the ice game sounds like fun, the way you describe it. Had to laugh at the no fucking, when younger heard it before fom girls mother that I was dating.
snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : If i got the chance for the ice game i would be there at the drop of a hat or underwear in my case i am willing to try anything oce if i dont like it i dont do it again its a fun way to live life
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : The ice game was a part of our lives for a long time. I learned the art of mastering a blow job with ice in my mouth. If I meet a new lover I ask them if they want to feel something different. Some men are scared to try it. I tell them to trust me. It takes master blow job skills to keep the ice from being uncomfortable. It's a subtle trick of keeping the ice mostly melting in your mouth so a man feels the stunning pleasure of cool water not the ice directly on the cock. Some men decline the chance thinking a piece of ice on their hard dick will hurt. If they only knew what they were missing.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
I love love love writing erotica. What would shock you is that this blog is very real. I'm describing real people and events. I was already such a deviant girl by that age. Trust me I got the 'no fucking' lecture. Chapter two is a real moment I plan to slam with a shocking twist. I will never tell what really happened that night. Each blog is based on sheer fact. To be a better writer I take it up a notch. If this gets published people will plot my murder. I don't change names and I bust out secrets I vowed on the bible to keep. I have many orgasms to describe.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to RonaldxXx : me sweet ronald what would shock you is how very very real this blog is. I told the damn truth. My boyfriend fucked the lion. I got mono. I shared everything with angie including her boyfriend. My hot chick friends in church played with each other and i was in on it. Angie did have rudder notice her the first time when she was sucking cock and she got to finish with no ramifications. Danny was gay and 20 when i was 14. it began with ice. he held my hand in k-mart and declared ownership. We would make out in front of ten priest and a nun. The only embellishment was the hand job happening as we got a lecture. We both promised 'no fucking' and continued to make out while she drove. In a few chapters you will find out why that mother tried to run me over in the parking lot. Anything I write has so much real elements involved if I get published no one will no fact from fiction with certainty. I let my best friend know I started a blog that could get me sued, threatened, harassed, beaten and more. I will not tell you after this what really happened in total detail. I'm excited to wake up and write chapter two. I was a very bad girl.
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snake_500011 10 years ago
Wish you had been hanging round my friends we had fun with ice but I am sure you would have opened my mind some more. I love when a girl squirts a lot hold it back though which is a shame not letting there bodies do what comes naturally
RonaldxXx 10 years ago
I can still feel my hard on while I'm writing to you! :smile: You are a bad girl.. ♥