Diamonds are a girls best friend
It is morning now. I have been in a shitty mood. I have to change the way I write. I love the movie 'gentlemen prefer blondes.' If you read my brainstorm vomit blogs you understand my infatuation with marilyn monroe. I think about my transformation. I remember the scene when she looks sexy, sounds sexy and acts sexy to manipulate a rich man for his diamonds. I can play the game. It's been a lonely night. Brent called me on skype. I need his damn help. He is smarter than me. I gave him my password so he could sign on and read my work. He is such a slacker. I even told him 'I don't think you'll do it.' I have to rag his ass. I answered the cam call and he had a huge cut on his forehead. His story was too cute. For whatever reason he is immune to me sexually. I hooked up with all his friends. It's pretty bad. I made his brother cum in his pants. I fucked his roommate. I violate his code of ethics with a tainted pussy off-limits. It's the coolest shit ever. He talks to me with no urge to get me naked. That has never happened to me before on skype.
I can laugh at who I will become. Brent is perfect to critique my work. Writing this blog is about sharing the stories of boys he knew. I earned quite the reputation. It was accidental. I talked about trying to meet new male friends on cam. I can fall straight into the marilyn monroe act. It's simple. I am so fucking naive. Getting me on cam is so rare. I would just like to meet men. The goal to get me naked starts immediately. Men will build a friendship with me. Get me naked for cam sex once and do two things. Trying to explain it to brent was difficult. Some men quit communicating with me because the goal was accomplished. Other men stop communicating with me as a friend and only call me for cam sex. I am exasperated with cam. Like a c***d I told him 'I get naked thinking they will be my friend.' The look on his face was priceless. He said something like 'lynn has anyone told you that's not how you make friends?' This boy has watched me slut out in the pursuit of friendship for over fifteen years. He probably tried to tell me years ago that some boys only want to be friends. That's my damn problem. Friendships go sexual. I told you brent is smart. He put me in the sexually off-limits box. He locked it. I have a reputation he can't overlook.
My computer overheated and I called him. We talked about the voice issue. I can't control the way I sound and talk. I do the marilyn monroe I want to fuck you voice. I do it all the time. He caught my mom on the answering machine. He told me heard it and said 'is that lynn or her d**gged out mother?' He told me if either of us were black and got pulled over we would get a ticket for something. My mom can't help sounding like heroin and sex. We sound high as a kite all the time. He described it as sultry. I was flattered. Hearing me speak for most men turns into 'god you sound hot and I want to fuck you.' I am not a super model. I end up in sexual situations because of a marilyn monroe dilemma. I thought fun ended after high school. I fixed my problems. I remember polling brent my hotness level with a new color hair. He was that boy telling me your down points on the hot chart. I aimed for an eight. I was probably a seven all those years ago. Just like marilyn monroe some people saw a fat chick. That is part of my charm.
Having a distinct persona of sex was not planned. People mock me because alopecia forces me to wear wigs. I laugh at them. Talking to an old friend makes you analyze what you turned into. I can laugh at us both. I am wearing the same tank top for three days. It's shaped to make a bra unnecessary. I am showing enough tit for three women. My hair is my idea of perfection. It is long and slut red. Brent is cuter than he was in high school. I fell in love with a group of boys. Hearing him explain his head wound makes me remember my past. All my boys were unpredictable. Wounds were a normal problem. I asked him if he was being abused. Then he pops out a story I won't forget.
Very calmly he said 'it's not a cut. It's actually road rash from a treadmill.' I love it when someone gets hurt in a fucked up way. I couldn't wait to her some 'i tripped and my head hit the treadmill story.' He excuses the incident by saying 'alex and tony were there.' I go back in time. I am off-limits for hooking up with friends. Alex and me were a non-stop dilemma. I talked about accidentally confronting my nemesis at a yard sale. First I was with her brother. Then I ended up with her boyfriend. Alex was the boyfriend. Our sexual tension never stopped. When I tell a good story he may be involved. I have a weird situation with tony. We just kissed once. It was an epic encounter. His girlfriend hooked up with my boyfriend. I had a broken heart. I was crying when we kissed. He was a boy I would marry. I knew him as the salutatorian the year my brother dated the valedictorian. If he could've kissed me my devotion would've been eternal.
I only know really smart boys turn me on. I don't know why the three smartest boys I know do weird shit. I love them all because we drank hard. Brent tells me they decided it would be cool to get his cute little dog on the treadmill. My skype froze. All i heard was all of a sudden my head was on the treadmill. Then he tells me about a major ass wound and a glass table. I couldn't understand. He looked eighteen again. All he had to say was 'I was really drunk.' I talk about our chat because it was the highlight of my night. I told him my kick start plan. He knows we more than I do about the topic. What he describes sounds crazy. First it is sixty grand from potato salad. Then he told me i was doing to much. He says people pull off 'I'll say your name while I'm painting and mail you a picture when it's finished. He schooled me on profit margins. I need advice. A small donation gets an 8x10. A good donation gets my preferred poster size. The high amounts get canvas. I will always sell myself short.
He knows me too well. He knows when I declare it's time to pull a marilyn monroe it's a seduction situation. He knows I end up sexual to most men. I fucked over alex to fuck brent's roommate. We had a conversation that changed me. I tried to hug him and he pulled away. He said 'Lynn, let me tell you what your problem is.' I told him to go for it. He screamed 'you're just a little too fat to get the men that you want.' I was shocked he would go there. I don't know why I screamed it. I said 'you aint no motherfucking adonis.' Anything I said to him after that is blank. I can defend myself. I can bust out secrets you don't suspect. If I go back in time I slam into so many sexual situations with the man I wanted. From day one of high school I hid working a full time job. Having a boyfriend was too much work. I kissed a lot of boys for a lot of reasons. It was an adventure. That night alex declared me to fat was brutal. I got so shitfaced I am pretty sure I puked on a pool table that belonged to a boy I was sexual with. Brent's brother declared me evil after that horrible moment my foreplay produced an orgasm in his pants. He was so good to me. At midnight he gave me a quick kiss. That was the height of our sexual connection.
I don't know if he will read this blog. He has no problem correcting my mistakes. The funny thing is having a chance to see me naked. He has to rate hotness level with the honesty of a man who won't fuck me. He has to tell me what to fix. Most of my pics just involve tits. That will change if I reach my goal and I can afford a camera. I am about to change my profile. I will save it as a blog for posterity. It was real. No one wants real. They want sex. It will be a totally new approach. It's the marilyn monroe transition. I am a super intelligent woman. You have to be smart to sell a sexual fantasy. They love the chick that needs guidance about the world. It is hard to make a man give you diamonds he bought for his wife. Showering him with compliments and sweetly telling him no one has ever shown you something that pretty makes him happy. Telling him you've never had a diamond and you have no way of getting one makes him weak. Each donation is a diamond for me. The charm of marilyn monroes seduction was honesty. It was how sexy she looked. How sincerely she spoke. The sweet things she said. It was his chance to give a poor, hard-working, talented sex icon her first diamond. After this blog everything changes. The adventure begins. I tried to formulas. A real girl and fictional sex. The real girl was dismissed. My erotic story hit the most read list. The conclusion is simple. I aim to get your dick hard. In that scene marilyn was so sexy a rich man's dick got hard. He stopped thinking about the consequences. All he wanted to do was please her. She wanted the diamond necklace. He needed to see it on her. Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Goodbye real blog. I hope everyone gets addicted to my style when I suddenly get short and sweet.
I can laugh at who I will become. Brent is perfect to critique my work. Writing this blog is about sharing the stories of boys he knew. I earned quite the reputation. It was accidental. I talked about trying to meet new male friends on cam. I can fall straight into the marilyn monroe act. It's simple. I am so fucking naive. Getting me on cam is so rare. I would just like to meet men. The goal to get me naked starts immediately. Men will build a friendship with me. Get me naked for cam sex once and do two things. Trying to explain it to brent was difficult. Some men quit communicating with me because the goal was accomplished. Other men stop communicating with me as a friend and only call me for cam sex. I am exasperated with cam. Like a c***d I told him 'I get naked thinking they will be my friend.' The look on his face was priceless. He said something like 'lynn has anyone told you that's not how you make friends?' This boy has watched me slut out in the pursuit of friendship for over fifteen years. He probably tried to tell me years ago that some boys only want to be friends. That's my damn problem. Friendships go sexual. I told you brent is smart. He put me in the sexually off-limits box. He locked it. I have a reputation he can't overlook.
My computer overheated and I called him. We talked about the voice issue. I can't control the way I sound and talk. I do the marilyn monroe I want to fuck you voice. I do it all the time. He caught my mom on the answering machine. He told me heard it and said 'is that lynn or her d**gged out mother?' He told me if either of us were black and got pulled over we would get a ticket for something. My mom can't help sounding like heroin and sex. We sound high as a kite all the time. He described it as sultry. I was flattered. Hearing me speak for most men turns into 'god you sound hot and I want to fuck you.' I am not a super model. I end up in sexual situations because of a marilyn monroe dilemma. I thought fun ended after high school. I fixed my problems. I remember polling brent my hotness level with a new color hair. He was that boy telling me your down points on the hot chart. I aimed for an eight. I was probably a seven all those years ago. Just like marilyn monroe some people saw a fat chick. That is part of my charm.
Having a distinct persona of sex was not planned. People mock me because alopecia forces me to wear wigs. I laugh at them. Talking to an old friend makes you analyze what you turned into. I can laugh at us both. I am wearing the same tank top for three days. It's shaped to make a bra unnecessary. I am showing enough tit for three women. My hair is my idea of perfection. It is long and slut red. Brent is cuter than he was in high school. I fell in love with a group of boys. Hearing him explain his head wound makes me remember my past. All my boys were unpredictable. Wounds were a normal problem. I asked him if he was being abused. Then he pops out a story I won't forget.
Very calmly he said 'it's not a cut. It's actually road rash from a treadmill.' I love it when someone gets hurt in a fucked up way. I couldn't wait to her some 'i tripped and my head hit the treadmill story.' He excuses the incident by saying 'alex and tony were there.' I go back in time. I am off-limits for hooking up with friends. Alex and me were a non-stop dilemma. I talked about accidentally confronting my nemesis at a yard sale. First I was with her brother. Then I ended up with her boyfriend. Alex was the boyfriend. Our sexual tension never stopped. When I tell a good story he may be involved. I have a weird situation with tony. We just kissed once. It was an epic encounter. His girlfriend hooked up with my boyfriend. I had a broken heart. I was crying when we kissed. He was a boy I would marry. I knew him as the salutatorian the year my brother dated the valedictorian. If he could've kissed me my devotion would've been eternal.
I only know really smart boys turn me on. I don't know why the three smartest boys I know do weird shit. I love them all because we drank hard. Brent tells me they decided it would be cool to get his cute little dog on the treadmill. My skype froze. All i heard was all of a sudden my head was on the treadmill. Then he tells me about a major ass wound and a glass table. I couldn't understand. He looked eighteen again. All he had to say was 'I was really drunk.' I talk about our chat because it was the highlight of my night. I told him my kick start plan. He knows we more than I do about the topic. What he describes sounds crazy. First it is sixty grand from potato salad. Then he told me i was doing to much. He says people pull off 'I'll say your name while I'm painting and mail you a picture when it's finished. He schooled me on profit margins. I need advice. A small donation gets an 8x10. A good donation gets my preferred poster size. The high amounts get canvas. I will always sell myself short.
He knows me too well. He knows when I declare it's time to pull a marilyn monroe it's a seduction situation. He knows I end up sexual to most men. I fucked over alex to fuck brent's roommate. We had a conversation that changed me. I tried to hug him and he pulled away. He said 'Lynn, let me tell you what your problem is.' I told him to go for it. He screamed 'you're just a little too fat to get the men that you want.' I was shocked he would go there. I don't know why I screamed it. I said 'you aint no motherfucking adonis.' Anything I said to him after that is blank. I can defend myself. I can bust out secrets you don't suspect. If I go back in time I slam into so many sexual situations with the man I wanted. From day one of high school I hid working a full time job. Having a boyfriend was too much work. I kissed a lot of boys for a lot of reasons. It was an adventure. That night alex declared me to fat was brutal. I got so shitfaced I am pretty sure I puked on a pool table that belonged to a boy I was sexual with. Brent's brother declared me evil after that horrible moment my foreplay produced an orgasm in his pants. He was so good to me. At midnight he gave me a quick kiss. That was the height of our sexual connection.
I don't know if he will read this blog. He has no problem correcting my mistakes. The funny thing is having a chance to see me naked. He has to rate hotness level with the honesty of a man who won't fuck me. He has to tell me what to fix. Most of my pics just involve tits. That will change if I reach my goal and I can afford a camera. I am about to change my profile. I will save it as a blog for posterity. It was real. No one wants real. They want sex. It will be a totally new approach. It's the marilyn monroe transition. I am a super intelligent woman. You have to be smart to sell a sexual fantasy. They love the chick that needs guidance about the world. It is hard to make a man give you diamonds he bought for his wife. Showering him with compliments and sweetly telling him no one has ever shown you something that pretty makes him happy. Telling him you've never had a diamond and you have no way of getting one makes him weak. Each donation is a diamond for me. The charm of marilyn monroes seduction was honesty. It was how sexy she looked. How sincerely she spoke. The sweet things she said. It was his chance to give a poor, hard-working, talented sex icon her first diamond. After this blog everything changes. The adventure begins. I tried to formulas. A real girl and fictional sex. The real girl was dismissed. My erotic story hit the most read list. The conclusion is simple. I aim to get your dick hard. In that scene marilyn was so sexy a rich man's dick got hard. He stopped thinking about the consequences. All he wanted to do was please her. She wanted the diamond necklace. He needed to see it on her. Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Goodbye real blog. I hope everyone gets addicted to my style when I suddenly get short and sweet.
10 years ago