My apology for being a cunt

Jesus fucking Christ I am tired but I swore to write this fucking blog. It is my mission to write a blog daily for as long as I have medicine. More than you can imagine I wanted to sign off xhamster and go to word and write some kinky fucking lesbian erotica. Tonight was more complicated.

I spent nearly an hour writing my best friend. She is my world. She is very shy and modest but I’m trying to convince her to set up an xhamster profile. She is also an excellent writer. She is a beautiful bbw who can take photos of herself where she looks like a damn model. The friends I have made on this site have changed my life. I found happiness and I want to share it with her. She had a breakthrough last night. I’m so proud of her I have to brag.

She busts her ass working. She just got a promotion. Her father left her mother. Her brother is lazy and won’t work. She is stressed out. Today she broke. Her brother declared himself ‘the man of the house’ because ‘he has a wang.’ Her father is a monster. He tried to reconcile with his wife by buying her a massive dildo. My best friend went into her mother’s room grabbed the dildo and beat her brother in the goddamn face with a rubber phallus. She can use a dildo as a weapon. She is ready for xhamster.

She hasn’t made up her mind yet. If she does sign up I hope the close friends I have made also shower her with admiration. I want the best for my friends. Next topic, sassyBri I am so lucky she stumbled on my page. She is an amazing woman. I wrote a very intense blog about my father’s death and she was kind enough to send me the perfect song that made me weep like a baby.

That brings me to littlewanker. I love him to pieces. I love writing him erotica that makes him cum. No other man gets me as his personal dominatrix because it is time consuming. I got pissed the fuck off when I saw him leave a totally harmless message on sassyBri’s page. Your damn right I got jealous and territorial. This whole blog is an epic apology because I have a temper. I tore him a new asshole for chasing after a female friend on my page without consulting me first.

It did jeopardize my potential friendship with sassyBri. We have two different systems. I am an artist and a writer and I accept all friend requests I receive. I want people to enjoy my writing. I have huge hopes someone will buy my artwork. I’m working on getting a camera from my new friend the English nazi. If I have a camera my best friend can take amazing nude photos of me. It was my mentor at my print shop’s idea to go nude in my own work. The pictures will be edited to look like vintage magazines just like the images I use to create collages.

I am always honest. I accept all men and women in hopes they like me and my art. SassyBri is very exclusive when it comes to adding a person as a friend. If you make her list you are truly a good, kind, entertaining, safe, appreciated friend. I adore her. She is sexy, articulate and strong. I wanted to be on that list. I explained to littlewanker that if five thousand people from my page contact her I become a liability and not an asset.

We discussed the situation. She is ready for my friends to reach out to her. She can handle the influx. She is teaching me about trolls. She has no problem defending herself. She can handle a fight. She will rip you an asshole if you disrespect her. She told me to tell littlewanker no harm was done.

I am evil. In revenge for his betrayal I posted an erotic conversation that involved his asshole. He asked me to edit the asshole part out. Maliciously I insinuated he let me play with his ass. Clarification, littlewanker has a virgin ass and it is only a fantasy that it will ever be penetrated. I pushed him to go there because I know from experience that any man getting his dick sucked loves a finger in his ass if they try it.

This is not our first battle. We began when he was my master and he made me change my status to ‘my holes are open but my asshole belongs to little wanker.’ I love him to pieces but he is a shitty master and a perfect slave. He only owned my asshole 24 hours before he returned it. Littlewanker has a heart of gold. Even though he dismissed me he read my blogs and checked on me. He is a good man. I have entirely reversed my stance. I hope sassyBri does play dominatrix for him. I hope he makes her list. I hope any friend I have earns her approval.

I wrote a heart wrenching blog about what I lived through. One aspect is the abuse my brother inflicted. I have an obsession with throwing his old toys in the creek behind my house. His prize possession was his Charlie brown lunch box. I have saved it f******n years for the proper occasion to put it in the creek. Littlewanker read my blog and asked for the lunchbox. It touched my heart. He lives in Australia. Nothing would make me happier than sending that damn thing across the world to the right man. Littlewanker is the right man because he asked for it and he handles my temper tantrums.

Finally, I can confess my biggest temper tantrum of the week. I ripped dave a new asshole and kicked him out of my kitchen because of a misunderstanding. If you have been reading my blog a long time you know that dave broke my damn heart. It’s a long story. To be honest I still don’t know what happened. I have to trust him because I love him and we don’t discuss the incident anymore. It is old news.

What happened last night was bizarre. As soon as I wake up I check my pm box and write him a love letter. It is not unusual for us to exchange letters all night. We can’t be together but our love is strong and intense. He didn’t reply to my message. Then I checked page comments and he wrote something like ‘I can see you are busy. I’ll be gone until the dust settles. Talk to you soon.’ I cried like a little bitch. I swear my life is a revolving door of men who drop me like a d**g problem. I never get an explanation.

In my world ‘talk to you soon’ is simply ‘goodbye bitch, it’s over.’ I had been flirting with men all night. I assumed he was finally to damn jealous and he hauled ass. Ironically I made a new friend I really like named chase. He loves anal. We had a really great bonding session. To make him smile I changed my status to ‘chase owns my asshole. He earned it.’ I figured poor dave seeing me give my asshole away for the fifth time finally got pissed off.

For the second time I destroyed him with words in my reply. It was a misunderstanding. It was an xhamster glitch. This was a first for me. The love letter I wrote for him appeared in my pm box like it posted but he didn’t get it. He spent the night thinking I was too busy flirting to respond to his message. He was trying to be understanding and give me time to write and chat with other friends.

I am simply Scottish in heritage. My hair is red and my eyes are green. My grandpa was right off the boat when he was adopted. I have anger issues. I am quick to unleash wrath. I can be cruel. I can get revenge. If you read my metaphor about the kitchen I burn men. I have only been manic for three days and I unleashed wrath on two of my closest friends.

I always apologize for my mistakes. I am honest. I should have not acted so harshly. I can’t promise not to do it again. I had a troll leave me a page comment that I had the most boring profile on xhamster. Jesus Christ you should have read my response. I was brutal. A cocksucker in England critiqued my grammar and bashed me for being an American who doesn’t speak proper English. I ripped him to shreds.

My last apology. I attempted to respond to each missed blog comment since I wrote ‘little s*s.’ It was fun at first. Then it felt like homework. I may have not replied to a comment you left me. I apologize. I can only track five or six blogs a day. One final thing to mention. I am done with the pm box. Men look at my pictures and don’t read my profile.

I’m still swarmed with ‘hi’ ‘hey’ ‘hru’ ‘nice tits’ ‘cam?’ ‘will you help me masturbate’ ‘please comment on a picture of my dick’ ‘sexy’ ‘beautiful’ ‘let’s chat’ and obscene things men want to do to my fucking asshole. I guarantee if you send me a pm that is not a full complimentary sentence you will be deleted. I am done with the bullshit. People who know who they are can pm me with anything. If I don’t know you then your pm better have merit if you expect a response.
Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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yutubeslut 10 years ago
to linmarris : i'd like that a lot. i know when someone is likable n i like you :smile:
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snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : We have a couple of years till he is at school fully then I will have a go at writing
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to yutubeslut : thank you for reading my blog. thank you for the compliment and i hope we get to know each other well
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : my sweet teddybear, never be scared to make a fresh start. 'little sis' was a story I wrote and got harsh criticism concerning grammar. My dedication to rewrite it was so extreme. I ended up with a story so much better than the original it isn't funny. When he is at school you can write.
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yutubeslut 10 years ago
i'm intersexed so i approach like a lesbian.
btw you DO have nice tits
in matters of the heart there is no logic and
we all tend to get upset
(full genetic) guys don't get as upset but too many of
them are assholes anyway.
people have differences n you can never be sure what they'll do next so
never apologize for being a cunt. you're just human :smile:
and yes, that's my little tit ( n big nip :smile: getting squeezed :smile:))
snake_500011 10 years ago
The problem I can see coming with him getting older is he will start to read and watch over my shoulder as he is very nosey and wants to see everything I do if I do manage to write my own story I will post it on here so far the stories I have were taken from a site that has closed down now they were taken when everyone was saving on floppy disc
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : as your son gets older and enters school you will have the freedom to write. It is a joyous gift. I do hope one day you have your own blog with fans that can't wait for the next story.
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snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : as long as you keep writing i will keep reading i have a few things noted down from my darkest times couldnt blog though i need more hours in a day as it is now
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
did the comment post
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : my sweet teddybear, i truly have been blogging such a long time. i was doing this before the word blog existed on a forum called live journal. i live a very public life. i dont do it for attention. writing is a cathartic release for me. for so long all i had was facebook and it was highly controversial to have a public life. nobody dared to comment in fear family or friends would stumble on my work. it was very good writing. people read it but they didnt have the balls to give feedback. i am not use to words of encouragement for what i do. I am still an eight year old girl writing in a journal. each post could truly begin with dear diary. not many people make a secret diary readable. i have to write somewhere. i am just so happy it is here and ive made friends like you
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to wolfrider2121 : he wasn't looking for men to abuse him. he was waiting for me to respond. i did what he wanted. I actually gave him pleasure. He knew his remark would make and aggressive women berate him so he could masturbate. it was a planned event. I fell in a trap and he got off. gross
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to steevo27 : my love, did you read his stories. he is a pervert. he attacked my page. I was having fun abusing him. my friend curvybutt joined the fight. he had to point out he was obviously getting turned on by my abuse. In horror I realized I was helping him masturbate. if he comments again i will block him. I will not get him off. lesson learned.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to wolfrider2121 : you should've read the stories he posted. i was disturbed. He attacked me in page comments and it was fun destroying him. he is weak. once i read his stories i was really able to fuck with him. my friend curvybutt joined the fight. we battled. curvybutt had to tell me it was obvious he was turned on by my abuse. i will not help a pervert masturbate. he logged off but if he continues the fight i will block him rather than please him. i forget sometimes that some men get sexual pleasure from abuse. lesson learned.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to wolfrider2121 : thank you again wolfrider. You are right tenacious is the perfect way to describe my nature. However, I fucked up with rash and argumentative behavior. In my dictionary that is me being a cunt. However, I adore the word cunt. I use it often when I write erotica. Unlike a negative term I find the word cunt very sexy and erotic. You have to admit sometimes you want to talk about a vagina and refer to it as a delicious dripping wet cunt. that's what I am.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to reddick : i have way more drama than you can imagine. I am always changing and adapting. As I get older I get better at making decisions. I make mistakes. I admit them. I apologize. I change my behavior. I grow up. My life is not easy due to the severity of my bi-polar brain. I think differently. In many ways I'm not normal. I wouldn't change it for the world. This disease enhanced my intelligence, creativity and ability to adapt. I may be a cunt sometimes. However, I'm normally a really good person
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to funtimeguyga : thank you for reading my blog. that's my problem. I'm super intelligent and well educated. However, Im severely bi-polar which means I have manic phases. When I am manic I make mistakes. My decisions are made too quickly. Mania can make me do amazing things no one else could pull off. Yet it can also making me a cunt. Rather than talk about problems I attack people or cut them out of my life. If I talk about it. If I write about it then I'm less likely to do it again. It will probably be a life-long problem. All I can do is apologize. And I am a wild fuck. Jesus I have had to much drama just to sit back and talk about fucking. I like it rough, dangerous, painful, deviant, mind blowing, unforgettable and naughty. I am not fucking anyone right now. My dream fuck would beat the shit out of me, take a beating, violate me, degrade me and exhaust me. Finding a man who can handle that kind of sex is nearly impossible. My idea of hell is 'making love' gross
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curvybutt 10 years ago
to linmarris : sent you a pm
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
your very correct. It is my writing style to add detail and imagery. sometimes I go overboard. My art is truly meant to be something you turn into your own interpretation. I use so many images in each one they are kind of like an ink-blot test. Every person focuses on a different aspect. there is no primary image. everyone is viewed differently. Some things I barely notice are all that some people see. I work a lot with comic books. Some of my collages have images from number one editions of famous comic books that were worth a fortune. comic book collectors recognize my work and know how valuable and expensive it was to create. what I do is a very expensive hobby.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to curvybutt : i really did miss you. I put you on my list of really cool men I only talk to once. I have so many of them. but i'm so glad you messaged me. What kind of events have you put on and how is the missus.
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curvybutt 10 years ago
to linmarris : not much. just been pretty busy
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to steevo27 : He didn't block me. I left him a good one. I am responding to each attack with such malicious fun. I think I peaked when I told him he got a period each month and his dick leaked blood and he probably needs a maxi pad under his skirt. that statement flew out of my mouth and I thought it was brilliant. He is no good opponent for me. this is too easy. Now I want a real troll to fight with.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
thank you so much bill for reading my blog. I love discussing my art. Each piece did have a theme. My first twelve collages in one gallery were created in a manic phase. I only use vintage magazines. I have an obsession with anything retro. I go into a zone when I make one. It is very unique and hard to replicate. It would be easy if i pulled images of the internet and used photoshop to adjust size. For me it is an obsession with cutting out pictures to build to my collection. Ultimately each collage is basically a puzzle. that is the fun. You have to make things fit. I fight for a blend of sexuality mixed with danger. My newest work is totally different. I created it in another bought of mania. this time I let borders show. I combined odd elements. they are just different. My next collection is going to be totally devoted to pictures men like. As I market I realize I gravitate to men. So I'm trying to add more sex, violence, grunge and also use nude photos of myself. There will be a much more masculine feel to my next collection. I know I interact with way more men. so im losing the female type images in favor of hardcore and fierce work
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to curvybutt : my pm box is lagging and slow. that's such a huge problem. plus most pm's are total bullshit. you know I like good conversation. I'm bored with hello, then how are you. fuck that. I'm here to have fun not meet lame dudes with nothing interesting to say. of course if you want to talk in private we can pm. but this box is easier to type in. How have you been? what's going on in your world?
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
did the comment post
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to southernand7up : i hope she joins too. It would add spice to her life. She deserves attention. She is the most shy, humble and modest woman I know. Yet she is a riot. We have so much fun together. It's hard for a girl when you put on some weight. If she was on here she would be forced to know some men adore bbw's and that's all they want. Some men only want me because I am at least twenty pounds overweight. In america there is so much pressure to be skinny. Once you talk to foreign men it freaks you out that they love all shapes and sizes. In a way she knows she is beautiful inside and out. She needs confirmation. She needs exposure. I wouldn't be happy with my body if men on this sight didn't love it. Plus facial beauty is the most important asset a woman can have. Trust me she has it. This girl is so photogenic it boggles the mind. She just doesn't know what a big deal that is. Sexually she is untainted. That makes her the most sought after woman imaginable. It may freak her out. But it will boost her confidence way more than plastic surgery. I battled an idiot tonight. It's actually fun. I had a blast.
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curvybutt 10 years ago
to linmarris : yeah i read most of it. so you dont pm anymore?
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to curvybutt : check out my comments he is arryboy something. I had friends already brutally take him down. It all started when he left a page comment that I have the most boring profile on xhamster. That cracked me up. so of course I attacked him for being lame. You should've seen his profile pic. It was a kilt. He got so ragged about it he is now no pictures at all. I've already handled the situation. You know me I love to fight. I live for this shit.
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curvybutt 10 years ago
to curvybutt : oh i see
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to Bootyeater67 : I try to be hardcore honest at all times. I do not lie unless I'm protecting someone or saving my ass. Part of being honest is admitting when you fuck up. I hate that I have a temper and get jealous. I hate I am so mean to people I love without consulting them first. I claim every flaw I have. There will never be a time when I do not fix my mistakes. I will air out my dirty laundry. I will apologize. I give people second, third and fourth chances. I never give up trying to reconnect with people I care about. I make decisions too quickly. If I don't talk about the problem I can't fix it. In all honesty I just want to get back to writing erotica. i crave good smut. But this blog is real. If I fuck up I have to stop what I'm doing and come clean.
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curvybutt 10 years ago
to linmarris : u got attacked by a troll? who?
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