Status update

All pm messages are on hold. I really suck at chatting. I have so many ‘hey baby’ ‘nice tits’ ‘watch me cum’ bullshit that I give up. You can reach me through a blog comment or a page comment. If you want to speak in private all you have to do is send me a pm to check your message. That system works because I can hit the pm button under your avatar and not scroll through hundreds of demeaning nonsense to find your post.

If you send me a page comment to check your message and all you say is High I will curse you like a dog. My method works as long as the men who do send valid messages don’t get overrun by the ‘nice tits’ men. I tried today to engage a man who just said hello. All I said was hello back. He said hello again. I raged out and told him he should’ve read my profile. I told him if he was ready for an adult conversation he could introduce himself or ask me any question. He asked me what I wanted to know. I don’t care if you discuss your job, your house or your damn dog.

But as god is my witness I will delete every version of hello, hey sexy, hi, hru without giving them a chance to proceed in conversation. I have about a solid month to write like a maniac. Then I will be sedated and the words just disappear. I’m sorry if you feel ignored. This is my time. Some men have discovered ‘little sls.’ I had a blast writing chapter two and three. I entered a total fugue state and those two chapters wrote themselves.

Chapter four will probably get super kinky. I don’t know it could be chapter five. I don’t know what these characters have planned and I don’t feel in control of a story that is writing itself. I also went deep about my metaphor for cooking in a social media kitchen. I was sad. Men missed the correlation between my imaginary cooking and my writing. Men wanted to eat my food. I was embarrassed. I don’t cook. I barely eat.

When I discuss my kitchen I’m talking about my fucking blog. What does your kitchen look like? Who would you feed? I left facebook because everyone ate tv dinners out of a kitchen with closed plaid curtains. That’s not me. I write about sex, v******e, d**gs, poverty, social injustice and more. This is my new kitchen and I’m proud of it.

My best friend visited tonight. I pulled out a box of memories looking for that picture of my tits hanging out of a rhinestone safari dress. I couldn’t find it. But I found a lot of old pictures dear to my heart. We took a deep trip down memory lane. I told her things she never knew about me. I told her about the hard times. It hurt me deeply. I may have blogged about it already or I may have just written dave a letter about my ordeal. It does sound like bullshit mountain.

I will usually keep this blog a fun-filled pleasure land. Yet it will also be a place for me to find therapy. Writing helps me cope. Before I can sleep this morning I must attempt prose. I can always rhyme but poetry with no rhythm is not my strongest asset. But I want to try. I don’t owe my dad a damn thing. Yet I still yearn to write prose about the memories I blocked out. Your memory will play tricks on you when you nearly break. When you learn the truth it shatters you in ways that hurt far worse than a cast iron pan to the back of the head.
Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to wolfrider2121 : wolfrider i have said it before but you my teddy bear and dave are all I need to be happy. time is valuable. Why on earth would I waste thirty minutes playing with my body for a stranger to masturbate? It is absurd to act that way. It sickens me that women do it. Cam sex should be an intimate exchange between two lovers. I have replaced cam sex with a damn good blog men are starting to read. If they want a cam girl they need to go in a room and pay a girl for her time. I am happy I did not choose that path. I am better than that. cam is a privilege that no one is getting right now. I am busy.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : my teddy bear your responses warm my heart even if they are one word long. It can be difficult to keep up with comment replies from old posts. But you know how hard I try. I do wish I could see your little man in action. In away not having children is the only reason I can write so freely and so much. It is a blessing in disguise. As we all evolve it is important for as many people as possible to keep the english language alive before it is replaced by thoughts and telepathy. I am enjoying the end of an era and I feel complete.
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wolfrider2121 10 years ago
Lynn hell with those who only want you for cam and other shit. Your loyal friends and readers we read, comment and have built friendships with you not asking for cam at least in my case , I value your friendship over sex, if I need relief there is my hand im not afraid to say it, so to hell with those that only leave single statments if they dont want to know you then that is their problem not yours dear. Please keep writing the way you are , those that are loyal readers like myself enjoy reading every syllable you write.
snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : I love the strong woman you are turning into removing the things that dont help you grow and change I wish I could write as much back as you do but I only seem to be able to keep one eye on the net the other is usually keeping a little man out of trouble but from 8 till 10 I have a little bit of me time to re-read any details I may have missed
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to wolfrider2121 : dear wolfrider, it has been such a long night. I went back to little sis chapter one and responded to all the comments I missed. At first it was fun. Then it pissed me off. you know i went missing for at least a month. i hated reading the posts i tried to write. it breaks my heart that i can't always do what I love. yet men commented on those stupid posts because they were short. You read it. The blog i mistakenly devoted to chris and bob told much of my life story. it was damn good writing. The man named chris was such a prick. He chatted with me daily. Despite my sedation i stayed in contact with only him. I finally had cam sex with him. He never contacted me again. I adore bob. He used to leave comments. We started a deep bond on skype. I am hurt he quit reading my blog. I haven't heard from him in weeks. I still care about him but he is off my radar for not reading a blog I wrote just for him. I realize I must never pour out so much of my soul in a blog again. It will not get read due to length. I must stay short and end my all night writing marathons. I just feel sad. It was not my place to edit your poem and use your name. I am proud of you for having the courage to claim it yourself. i will sleep good today knowing my mission to encourage one person to start a blog is complete. Very few men have the courage you possess. Thank You. Now I must write a post apologizing for my temper.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : my sweet teddybear it has been such a long night. I went back to little sis chapter one and addressed every comment i missed when i didn't have medicine. At first it was fun. Then it felt like homework. So many men read one blog and praise me and never read another word. That is why I am so dedicated to the men I know damn well try to read everything I post. Men think one nice comment gives them a shot at cam sex. I'm no fool. In my profile and when i answer a man's pm I make it clear the men i care about that have a shot at seeing me on cam read my blog and comment for at least a month. I re-read my posts without medicine. They had no soul. But they were short and men commented. I got pissed off and quit the hassle of responding to each comment. You know when I have medicine if you leave me a comment you get a letter and form a bond with me usually the next day. Sadly I can't do it without medicine even though when I run out I plan to try. But I have simply deleted all the 'hi' 'hru' 'nice tits' 'your sexy' I had one tonight that said 'will you please help me masturbate' Men are not reading my profile. The old me would've berated him for being pathetic. The new me just hit delete. I am growing and maturing. This morning instead of a sex story it is my duty to write a blog when I confront my temper.
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wolfrider2121 10 years ago
Lynn dear your blog makes my day it is the last thing I read before bed and first thing I read when I get home from work no matter how lafe it is. Yes you have encouraged me to start my own blog and I did not many people have read what I posted but I had the courage because of you and yes I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that and the swift kick in the ass to get me moving. Lynn its time for those that careI wrote the poem for lynn I sent it to her to repost.
snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : Its nice to have a release from the people who dont read, next time your asshole comes up it would be an honour to protect it not own it but protect it if people want to treat u like a toy put a toy infront of your ass to stop them lol, if men upset you on here they are not worth the time i no how you bond with people and how much our friendship means to me i would never want to upset u you need a vetting process step 1 an you say more than hi or nice tit's step 2 will you get over possesive over me if the answers are no then yes forget the friendship just an idea
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to coolluke530 : I just told another man that his simple comment was really letting me get to know him. i am so happy. Writing a blog is so much more rewarding than a night chatting in pm. it always ends up as a game of ten versions of how are you. This is self expression for me. It is my drug of choice. I think everyone needs a drug, hobby or passion. People without ambition are not able to handle me. I do think, speak and act very fast. I make quick decisions. I go with my gut. In so many ways I am lying my ass off about not needing feedback. I have to tell myself that lie. I wrote a year of epic tales on facebook and never had a single word of encouragement. I learned to write even if I am the only one who reads it. Things have changed. I do get feedback like what you wrote me. It gives my life a whole new agenda. I want to make a difference in the world. I want to make people think. I want to set an example. I want other people to feel the joy I feel. That has always been a major part of my life. If I find happiness I want other people to feel it as well. It is my hope that reading this blog encourages at least one person to write. If I can make one person write an honest blog then all of the struggles are worth it. I worked hard to learn this craft. It took me a year or longer to write good stories with merit. What I challenge people to do is no walk in the park. You face judgement. You face criticism. You piss people off. You almost isolate yourself because people are scared to be associated with your blog. It has happened to me over and over. But I won't stop because some days I get to read a quote like what you sent me and my isolation is not an issue. I just feel acceptance. I will leave you with a simplified quote from anais nin who is my role model. 'we write to live twice' I have had a wonderful life and I have lived it more than once. What else could make a person happier?
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coolluke530 10 years ago
We all spend a lot of time communicating with one another. But communication and self expression aren't the same thing. Your comment about not caring if others read this, suggests that this blog is more self expression than communication. (Although by sharing it and welcoming their comments, you are also communicating in a personal way. I'm not alone when I say that your posts have served as thought provoking opportunities for my own learning and growth. Thank you.) I read a quote this week that made me think of this blog and what it means to you. I wanted to share with you.

"If you celebrate your differentness, the world will, too. It believes exactly what you tell it—through the words you use to describe yourself, the actions you take to care for yourself, and the choices you make to express yourself. Tell the world you are one-of-a-kind creation who came here to experience wonder and spread joy. Expect to be accommodated.”
― Victoria Moran, Lit From Within: Tending Your Soul For Lifelong Beauty
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to southernand7up : you have a beautiful way of expressing yourself. Welcome to my blog. I write for my own needs. It gives me peace. It makes me feel like I am contributing something to the world. Usually I keep it light and playful. Every now and again I must go somewhere painful. I need to clear the clouds. I don't care if it doesn't get read. I do this for my own sanity.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to fulltimeflirt : thank you baby. i love you and your sweet words. I am a bit sad this morning. I kind of fell in love with a man who just sent me a page comment 'I can see you are a bit busy, I'm out of here' what he said was nicer but I wrote what the message basically meant. he can't handle that I flirt with other men yet he is married. My feelings are hurt. My writing is the true love of my life. Of course I flirt with men who read it. It seems like men just walk away from me like I'm disposable. I have been telling men who chase cam that the only men who have a shot are men like you who have commented on my blogs for at least a month. Demanding that kind of dedication will keep me from being harassed. thank you for just being nice to me and not expecting anything sexually. you are so special.
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southernand7up 10 years ago
writing opens the mind and clears the clouds that prevent the sun to shine through.
fulltimeflirt 10 years ago
Have a wonderful Sunday and you know you need to relax and write as the flow of the words come out so it will be always a pleasure to read and you are the best if this keeps your sanity then I will be here to help love ya baby
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : thats what infuriates me. men look at my photos and videos and they do not read the profile. I dont even bitch at them anymore. I just go on a rampage hitting the delete button. it feels good. I had a nice chat with a boy in atlanta tonight. we really hit it off. As a joke I changed my status to chase owns my asshole because as you know men keep claiming it. I just have fun with it. I probably pissed dave off and i have a page comment to deal with where he says basically I have to much going on. I assume some comment i made caused him enough jealousy to walk out on me when I've even told you how much I love him. I know I flirt with a lot of men. I'm working on building a fanbase as an author, an artist and a beautiful nude woman. I have to flirt and meet men. I have fun meeting new people. You and wolfrider don't get jealous. I plan to ream dave out for walking out on me when i considered him my best friend. I needed to rant about this issue. my feelings are hurt. He wasn't even kind enough to use his talent as a writer to comment on this manic blast of good writing. It hurts and i feel like a barbie doll some boy just got tired of playing with. I hate when I feel like an abandoned doll.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to wolfrider2121 : the first thing i do when i sign on to xhamster is check my pm box for a message from you, dave or my teddybear. dave just sent me some message about me having too much going on and giving me space. i'm pissed. I get tired of men getting jealous and having a hissy fit because I talk to other men. I am going to tear him a new asshole for walking out on me. you don't get jealous and neither does my teddybear. You understand I'm trying to become a writer and build up a fan base. That takes flirting because this is a fucking porn site. I do hope when i have collages that feature me nude men will want to buy them. If you were in my shoes wouldn't you flirt your ass off? I know you don't always have time to write me oodles but you say hello everyday. That means the world to me. As I promote myself as an author, an artist and a beautiful woman there will be flirtations. I have to make an income. I don't get to argue for disability all most a year. Don't walk out on me like dave. i can't take anymore losses.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
i already have a gallery of pictures when i was a teen. pictures are a big deal to me. my mom let all my baby pics get destroyed. my brother annually mutilated my dance class photo each year. i have one photo album my aunt who was like my mother made for me. i was fucked up after that death and i hid the album and it could be lost forever. Another reason pictures are an issue is because i have severe body dismorphia. i do not see myself as i actually look. most pictures taken in youth and high school show me with this strange facial contortion i can't control. Trust me i have been called the most unphotogenic person some people ever met. The pictures i found last night are all i have. They show my bold taste in fashion. the way my hair changed colors every season. They don't look like a teenage girl. They just look like me. my first prom wasn't even at my high school. my first official boyfriend was homeschooled and i went to his tiny prom. i can honestly say i look shockingly attractive. each picture i may post if i get a scanner has a story. part of this blog and my whole page is telling the secrets of a small town. i want people to see my drama class goofing off. it makes the story come alive. I just want to give a face to the people i will mention in future posts.
snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : I am proud of you it will free more time for your blog's if it was me and they said those things to me I would ask if they read the main blog if the answer is no I would say fuck off then lol
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wolfrider2121 10 years ago
Lynn when I pm you I try to feed your mind as always you do with mine if im pressed for time like tonight I leave in comments ig is easyier for the both of us.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
Bill you truly honor me. It is way more erotic to read my writing than just to look at me. I haven't been beaten with an ugly stick but i don't get why more men don't want to read erotica and meet a fiery woman like me. if you do want a picture to go with the stories i posted a whole shitload of photos around july fourth. Then i got my dream wig which is long and whore red. It's fucking sexy. i think you would like the pics of me with my new red hair. I had to take photos because it was my mentor's recommendation to use my own image in my art. of course no one would photograph me. like most things I had to figure out how to do it myself which is hard when you have no digital camera or smart phone. I discovered the snapshot option on my skype recorder. It sucks because to take a pic i have to have both hands on the keyboard. body shots are not an option. giggle technically i am not even topless. the way my cleavage bounds over my nipples wont let me photograph them on my own. But i will be giving my mentor the pictures i took. He will use photoshop to make them look like vintage magazine clippings to match my collages. One day I will find a photographer and take full body nudes in strange places that are more artistic and not just pornography. But if you do have a favorite pic I am asking men for help deciding which pics to use in my art. Also I found a stack of old pictures of what I looked like as a teenage girl. I want to post them because I think it is fascinating to see the way my style changed and how much I was mistaken to have low confidence as a teen. I look at the pics at 32 and I see a beautiful girl.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
dear step daddy i had to take a break from our naughty chat because the pm box kept freezing. my computer hates the pm box. i can only write there for so long before i want to pull my hair out. i know you read my work. i do appreciate each comment you leave but it is never necessary. you get to know who i really am and what my fantasies are. i don't see why more men don't jump on the bandwagon. like I've said before it's not like I'm blogging about kittens and shoes
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to fulltimeflirt : love you to baby. you have been with me from the start. i only have one month to write before sedation takes away my inertia. i will be working day and night to do what i love. most of the time it will be me working on fiction. I know it takes hard work and dedication to get published. I'm putting in the work and putting my heart on the line.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to kerbilly : dear kerbilly, i just answered a pm message from you and it warms my heart to know you read my blog. It will be much easier to get a hold of me now that i instantly erase garbage comments. But you honor me with your readership and I do hope this becomes a forum for us all to exchange ideas and erotica
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : I'm taking your advice my sweet teddybear. the first thing i do now when i sign on is check my pm box for a message from you, dave or wolfrider. I am happy erasing all the 'hey' nice tits. can we cam. and more. this is a new start for me. I tried to give every man a chance to redeem himself. No longer is it an option.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to srstephen67 : my sweet koala you are too good to me. you always shower me with praise and you simply wish to be with me. so many men on this site want a one time free porn show. my whole attitude has changed. I am instantly erasing every hello, nice tits, skype? and more. I will no longer spend another useless night stuck in the pm box with men who can't communicate a full sentence. kisses all over your body.
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fulltimeflirt 10 years ago
I love your writing and I do want to see more as you are a awesome writer love ya XXOOOXXX
kerbilly 10 years ago
You are right to ignore the "hey baby...tits...cum" comments all it does is to cheapen an intelligent, thoughtful women. I hang out at hamster more than elsewhwere now because so many of the comments on videos are more often than not sincere and helpful. Not demoralizing and demeaning.
snake_500011 10 years ago
I understood the metaphor that's why I said your kitchen has a table with your regular writers siting with you and the hi and nice tits sitting around the outside I have sent you a pm but I no how full your inbox gets so I will wait. If they dont read a blog or the intro just ignore them and move onto the next
srstephen67 10 years ago
Just finished reading the third chapter, you are very talented. Anyone who scoffs at your art and writing are jealous and are talentless. You are stunningly beautiful, wish I lived closer to you, If I was yours I would feel very lucky. I would love to wake up next to you, I would give you tender morning kisses and cuddles, I would also tell you how I feel about you every day. My heart would beat fast as I woke up next to you, excited at seeing your stunning beauty. You are amazing woman and I would love to be yours. Big kisses and hugs from your koala.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to fulltimeflirt : love you too. i may be a nightmare to keep up with. i am manic and writing with a vengeance. i am so thrilled with the way 'little sis' keeps evolving into an even more dynamic story. I am letting tension build before I unleash the full erotic adventure. but the story seems to write itself. This morning was hard. I wrote about painful memories. I was going to attempt prose but i just poured out my grief in a blog. Some of it is a repeat from the first time i tried to explain what life has put me through. It doesn't matter if no one reads it. I wrote it for my therapy. I needed to go to that painful place. I know it will scare of readers who only care for erotica. But I'll say it a thousand times. Writing is a selfish act for me. I will keep it erotic and real.
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