Cooking in my kitchen

I’ve been writing for hours. I plunged in deep to ‘bullshit mountain.’ I accidentally deleted it all. I always say things are deleted so you can write them better. I had my former friend read my newer writing and she confirmed my suspicions I became a better writer. Maybe every writer needs to write non-stop for a year to produce a bad manuscript to hone his craft. I did it.

One day when I was reading the newsfeed on facebook it hit me that everyone was fake. Facebook was like their kitchen window covered with plaid d****s. In reality they all cook tv dinners and take pictures of them and describe wine they splurged on. It is one fake façade of ugly kitchens. Trust me I was already standing out on facebook.

So I described my kitchen. The walls are red. The floor is concrete. There aint no damn d****s. There aint no damn table. Yet my kitchen is standing room only. It might be because my kitchen is hot and I’m cooking in panties and an apron. But men stay for the food. They also stay to watch me burn men and kick them out my door.

My fridge is old fashioned but my stove is top of the line. Men in my kitchen know my grandma’s roast beef has been getting tender for hours. On one burner I have my aunt’s special spaghetti sauce. The third burner is alfredo with chicken. The final burner is always filled with my never ending supply of homemade pasta. That is how you feed hungry boys. That is why they sweat in my kitchen. Your best just to come dressed in your boxers.

Now you know what I mean if I tell you I’m burning boys out of my kitchen. Littlewanker got hit with a cast iron pan for his lack of respect. Other men waiting to take his place to get my food laugh at his ignorance. I feed anyone that is hungry. The pasta fills the belly. The men in my kitchen are waiting for a paper plate of my grandma’s beef roast, mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans. Apple pie for dessert.

So I dscribed my kitchen. The walls are red. The floor is concrete. There aint no damn curtains. There aint no damn table. Yet my kitchen is standing room only. It might be because my kitchen is hot and I’m cooking in panties and an apron. But men stay for the food. They also stay to watch me burn men and kick them out my door.

My fridge is old fashioned but my stove is top of the line. Men in my kitchen know my grandma’s roast beef has been getting tender for hours. On one burner I have my aunt’s special spaghetti sauce. The third burner is alfredo with chicken. The final burner is always filled with my never ending supply of homemade pasta. That is how you feed hungry boys. That is why they sweat in my kitchen. Your best just to come dressed in your boxers.

Now you know what I mean if I tell you I’m burning boys out of my kitchen. Littlewanker got hit with a cast iron pan for his lack of respect. Other men waiting to take his place to get my food laugh at his ignorance. I feed anyone that is hungry. The pasta fills the belly. The men in my kitchen are waiting for a paper plate of my grandma’s beef roast, mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans. Apple pie for dessert.

Damn I had to edit this post. I tried to be short and sweet. I didn't explain that this is clearly a metaphor. This is an allegory. This is prose. Two damn men wished to eat my cooking. They met the actual food. My paper plates have the illusion of a full meal but I feed with words. I hate cooking. My kitchen is gorgeous we have a granite counter top my parents made. In terms of cooking a gourmet meal it's not an option. But I can make you think about what you post on this forum and your facebook. Start using your damn keyboard. Let people in. Everyone eats in my kitchen. Only special boys get pot roast. We all sit indian style on the cement and chat about bitches, men I burned and the stories I told methodically stirring gravy that is always lumpy.

Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to SassyBri : something told me you would really appreciate this metaphor. Men really thought i was describing how I cook. I burn water. This post is for people that appreciate a good metaphor about our purpose in life. Thank goodness I found this site for social media. The bullshit of facebook drove me to attack people desperate to get a reaction. They closed their windows. They always peeked in my kitchen but their lives were off limits. I do burn men in my kitchen. I swing the cast iron with a giggle and a kick off my porch steps. Like you I don't tolerate bullshit. If you say the wrong thing I will hurt with words. My younger years were quite violent. But I have a weakness. I don't save the best for my greatest meals. I see the poor, hungry and weak and I bust out the delicacies. That is why i accept all friends. I have this burning passion to help people. It has fucked me up my whole life. You would have sliced some of the fuckers i simply beat with cast iron. I am naive. And you are wrong. By commenting on each others work we do share a kitchen. It is about damn time I had a woman to share recipes with. I hope my kitchen metaphor sticks with you. I am in manic writing mode which leaves me unable to read a blog. I must write the way a junkie needs a needle. When I come down from this state I will explore your kitchen. I have a feeling your words feed the lost souls that take great pride in your amazing feedback.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to SassyBri : dear sassyBri,I wince at losing a message from you. I can easily describe you as a well-spoken articulate intelligent open-minded woman. Even though I try to shield you from my surplus of mediocre 'friends' I know many men well be dying to correspond with you. I am thrilled that you will correspond with me. I can be selfish sometimes and focus on the writing instead of the friendships I am forming. I handle criticism with high regard and any tips you pass my way are appreciated. and yes when you lose a mantra to nowhere it was only god's way of saying you can do better. If I did not adopt that philosophy I would go insane from loosing so much work.
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SassyBri 10 years ago
I typed you a long metaphoric message on this one but it disappeared into the unknown xHam land. I forgot to copy it, which is what I usually do so that it can easily be pasted again. Not this time... Perhaps your right and I should re-do it even better next time. LOL

SassyBri ~
SassyBri 10 years ago
I love your metaphor for cooking in your kitchen. It comes across loud and clear. Lol. There is only one cook in this kitchen and she takes great care and preparation in her edible creations. Only the best get served her delights. Ones who are disrespectful and don't appreciate a good meal when it is served up gourmet style, well they the cast iron skillet across their noggin. Even though I'd love to cook up a meal with you sometime, I know this kitchen is designed for only one delectable cook. The menu is simply delicious, but the cook is the main course around here. I like that.

SassyBri ~
snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : You know how to make me smile when you get the blog published let me know where to get it from so I can get a copy. We have share a bond like no other and every day I cherish what we have I may not be able to write as often as I would like but I am always here for you I might need to look into word press. If a publisher asked you to remove the comments I would explain why they are there and how much they inspire you, when you write a blog you talk from the heart when you get the comments back your brain and heart work together and show a deep side of you that is a real privilege to read
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : that is something i mentioned to wolfrider. when i post these blogs on wordpress I include the comments. I erase the dick pics but your teddybear is already a major player in this book I'm writing. I think a book in blog form is due to come out soon if it hasn't already. people want a real story. I give it to them with a dose of erotica. Anais Nin was also well-known for her erotica. So my teddybear you already have a place in my book. If a publisher asked me to remove comments i would walk right out the door. you know the most fun happens when we starting blogging in comments.
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snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : I am so glad to see your flair return when you get published remember us and a little comment in the thank you section of your first book I haven't read little sister part two yet looking forward to that later
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to wolfrider2121 : I'm big on second chances. It keeps me in abusive situations but dave is really good to me. I wont blog about personal problems that embarrass me. He listened and he sent help. Nobody has helped me in a long time. His handwritten letter was so genuine. I let my mother read it. She never thought a man would right me a letter like that and help me when I am desperate. She declared him a saint. And you could tell from the letter he is not getting a sexual reward. He just helps people if he can. He deserves the chair even though all our damn feet and knees hurt after cooking in my hot kitchen. Littlewanker raged out that I drug his name through the dirt again. But I know he knows what he did showed me no decency.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
bone apple tits it is my good friend. maybe one day ill make it and i can fly in all my boys for a table set with fine linen and servers in tuxedos
wolfrider2121 10 years ago
to linmarris : True one must learn from past mistakes or doomed to repeat them again but I do like how you gave your special somone a second chance to return as an iron chef in your kitchen and at your table, but as for other wankers eat ramon noodles all empty calories just like his words empty nothing substantial
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to wolfrider2121 : i feel the same way. i have burned some serious men. One burnt me real bad and stole all my money and ill never be the same. but i wont lie when an old familiar guest who got burned if i like him I will warn him to burn him again.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to steevo27 : you are so bad. i love it you dare me to make it four girls lets see if i can do it. but i have to work the details out in my head
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
did the comment post
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
bill you just made me giggle. i am starting to embrace a more whole healthy foods diet. But I hoped you like my analogy and you see it on other social media forums. And I did my job. You had to think quite cleverly to think of that reply. I know when it counts. I might let you taste my sauce but believe me there is a shit load of garlic
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : You my dear just perfectly described my dining room. we save it for special occassions just for us. and i do sit at the head of the table. But seven days a week my dining table is for pour people to pull up a chair and eat. Lord help me if I do become famous or earn all of money I will spend it all feeding, clothing and sheltering people. That is why we eat on the cement floor. That table means troubles at your door. but it does get hot cooking for all the hungry people. People are looking for something real. Then they don't see plaid drapes and they run. My kitchen is a pretty damn fun place to be. I tell good stories and i can spend decades on burning men and women who were escorted from my kitchen. but i will encourage you to thank about your own kitchen. I know the most dedicated woman I know has been the only reason to go on facebook. It was so brilliant. It is something I would do. since birth she posted a pic of her two kids on a daily basis. you can go back in her albums and see the daily transformation. If you ever want hints on how to start your own safe secure blog it would be very good for you. it gives you an outlet to explore yourself. I have to post all these blogs on there and hope for a cult following. no luck so far. maybe it is time to push a bitch out of her seat
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to linmarris : Gotta be at least 4 girls....the more the marinarryer. :smile:
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to steevo27 : dear dave, i hereby announce there is one metal fold up chair for one man to sit on. there must always be a seat of power. When I am hot in my kitchen I slide on the cold cement with my back against the cool fridge. you can have the chair sitting in front of the fridge is good for me. You know it breaks my heart that so many men want to fuck me but they won't read a damn good blog about what you show out your window and who you offer to feed. Dave had my lumpy gravy give him scolding burns that may scar. my sauces are hot. Now, dave takes that metal folding chair to save from knee pain and he monitors my kitchen. He can be ruthless but I don't turn people away. I also give second chances. Dave brightened my heart with the phrase 'Who the hell can write more than a few lines about an empty kitchen? I can name one crazy unique chick in Florida, that's it.' It's one of those compliments I take to heart. meanwhile my skilled writing companion when are you going to hide out on wordpress and begin your own blog. you have to. I hope where I took little sis. These characters have become a part of me. I do plan to describe the sexiest prom teenage tag team fuck fest. Should I bring in another girl. or make it just the three of them? your thoughts keeper of the chair. Certain boys i let taste test my sauces and had their own flair. how do you feel about marinara. because it must be perfect.
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wolfrider2121 10 years ago
Why tempt those from your past to quote the lion king the past is past though it might hurt let it go. those that have had your back will continue to do so and the hell with those you burned in ylur kitchen let them eat ramon noodles I would rather eat pot roast at your floor table anytime for I would rather have a true conversation than just bullshitting around with meaningless dribble.
snake_500011 10 years ago
Lin I see your kitchen with a table with you at the head and your regular commenters sitting along the table with the occasional posters standing behind waiting for a seat. If some one goes behind your back push them off there chair and throw them out the kitchen
Let the men that can't appreciate bizarre and unconventional thinking and writing get burned. Get them the fuck out of your kitchen. Realize that many will not understand the craziness that rattles in your head. I've been hit by that goddamn iron skillet, but was able to return as an iron chef. Don't dwell on the non responders to your posts, let them go. Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, you must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today to make for a better tomorrow? This story is just a glimpse of what is what to come. Who the hell can write more than a few lines about an empty kitchen? I can name one crazy unique chick in Florida, that's it. The shit that floods your mind during your writing spells needs to be bottled and sold. I've told you about how impressed I am with the different styles of writing you posses. I'm sure we'll see some new and interesting material, especially in the follow-up to Lil Sis. Drapes, drapes, drapes, drapes, drapes!!! Terrible word.....
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to wolfrider2121 : Normally I'm a selfish writer. I do this for myself. But I did try to provoke old friends on facebook to use the damn keyboard. They were all scared of being judged. I say judge me motherfuckers let me see what you write. they don't write a damn thing. the cook marinara and drink wine but they barely remember how to type. You may not see it if your like me and you dropped facebook. I only stop in to talk to my cousin and post sexy pictures because im kind of a cunt that way. but social media is dying unless blogs like this stop censoring drapes and give people a chance. ps: you have to tell me if i made the right move on little sis. also think about your kitchen. we are writers. we are visual. you need to see your kitchen and find out who to share it with. you may prefer the solitary comfort from an old chair from your past.
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wolfrider2121 10 years ago
Lynn I have thought about your kitchen and yes its a good metaphor your words are pot roast to your friends and ramon noodles to those do you wrong tasty but unsatisfied wanting more but to them the kitchen is closed while you and friends get the real meal loved this post
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to wolfrider2121 : it makes me sad wolfrider, i accidentally deleted a huge manuscript. It may seem silly to others but this metaphor means a lot to me. If facebook is every one's kitchen window I wanted mine to be real. So many people lie about their success and failures. Facebook is just a brag book and a place to bitch if you spilt coffee. fuck that. i'm a real blogger. I have burned so many boys in my kitchen. I've lost count. I just wait until all the people are fed and i can sit with my real friend eating potroast on paper plates while we discuss life. But very few people get the metaphor and it makes me belligerent. I hate to cook. I imagine myself the mean cook lady from alice and wonderland. But what I do is write. You can look through my windows. My words are free. They are just very rarely appreciated. And yes drapes is censored. I just finished chapter 2 of little sis. I feel like I just gave birth. But I know this first wave of narcolepsy medicine will leave me writing until the sun comes up. thank you for always reading my work. I hope you think about my metaphor, allusion, euphomism and meaning behind my theory of the kitchen. For you my friend are also at the stove. and one day you wont be blogging on a tablet.
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wolfrider2121 10 years ago
Wtf drapes are invalid word that shows you just how fucked up this site is
weirdoboy 10 years ago
to linmarris : Ohhhhh I see okay :smile:
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to weirdoboy : my cooking is mediocre. it's my writing that keeps it standing room only
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weirdoboy 10 years ago
Ohhh the food sounds delish :smile:
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to cheredboy : no i have to do the cooking. it is my metaphor for writing
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i could cook for you... :wink:
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
drapes is an invalid word. excuse me curtains. cunt nigger slit twat asshole pussy dildo retard cum dumpster, attack, force and sleep