Be careful what you post publically on my page I w

If you intend to attack my reputation in a public comment please have the balls to allow me the right to reply. I am tired of this whole topic. I am only posting it as a blog to clarify the issue so it can be dropped. I do hope you agree with my sentiment that all three of these people are harassing me and it isn't right. I had no intentions of discussing the matter further. I will only say dave set up a new account and proclaimed he fabricated the whole story about the curiouscouple. The irony is they threaten to report me when I withheld their true name yet they have the balls to harm my reputation with a public comment when the wise move would've been to discuss the topic in private. I don't know what happened. Dave's story was a plea to be back in my life with the alarming confession he thought I had feelings for him that were to strong. Rather than be a gentleman and simply tell me this relationship must end he decided to fabricate his encounter with the couple knowing I would do the research and be so harmed I would reject him. Yet he begged to continue engaging in conversations with me. He taunted me that he has already been included on my friends list and has every intention to keep reading my work. I can't block him because I don't know who he is. However, I am quite prepared to report the curious couple for the negative comment they chose to post in public on my page. I was blocked from a reply. I posted as a comment on my page. I sent it to their skype account and now I'm posting it in a blog. If you have an issue with me I will highly warn you to discuss the issue in private and not attempt to blast me in a comment and block me from replying. That is total bullshit. If you have the nerve to post personal attacks you should have the balls to allow me to reply.

I have been conned and manipulated beyond your comprehension. If you have had chats with dave it is further proof that I am being stalked and tormented for his amusement. I quoted his confession word for word for a reason. I have the right to blog about personal conflict. I DID NOT USE YOUR TRUE XHAMSTER NAME. your identity was withheld and it was not affected. His allegations were serious. If you were told two people engaged your closest friend and engaged in sexual activity you would also be pissed. I would respect your right to discuss the issue. Dave is a pathological liar his story has shifted with such frequency I do not know what truly occurred. all I can say was he concocted a story that shared details about your life I hadn't told him. That is quite compelling evidence to believe what he said was true. My blog is a place to vent frustration about abuse and misconduct. I DID NOT USE YOUR REAL XHAMSTER NAME. His allegations could be complete fabrications or inappropriate activity occurred behind my back. The freedom of speech gives me the right to discuss events in my life when I do not use real names that could inflict harm. I didn't post a comment on your page. I asked you about the incident and your response would lead anyone to believe your wife and dave were acting inappropriately behind my back. I have moved on even though dave intends to stalk me. I can imagine he probably told your horrible things about me because he is quite angry I will no longer take his abuse. I ask you again to read what he said about you. Those were allegations that harmed my emotions. To discuss the event was perfectly logical. I do not know what occurred. I'll even apologize if a lunatic made up some story that discredits you both for his amusement. However, I am totally prepared to defend myself if you report me because I NEVER USED YOUR ACTUAL XHAMSTER NAME. I will also point out that I didn't post negative allegations for the public to view on your page. I WILL REPORT YOU. If you wanted to discuss what dave told you you could've contacted me through pm or skype. YOU POSTED ALLEGATIONS AGAINST ME IN A PUBLIC COMMENT ON MY PAGE. That is inappropriate. Considering I protected your identity and you chose to make public allegations against me I think I made the wiser decision. What I was told regarding inappropriate activity was my right to discuss. It was very harmful to be lead to believe a couple I trusted would target my friend an exchange in a relationship that was sexual. However, I did not harm you in anyway. You harmed me with a page comment accusing me of lies. I only respond to what I am told an I assure you he was quite convincing. I will apologize if it was all lies that make no sense. Dave is pissed at me because I won't continue a relationship with a man who can't keep his story straight. I can't overemphasize your reputation was not in jeopardy yet you made a post on my page that harms mine. The mature decision would be to contact me in private. That is how I respected your privacy. My blog was an honest reflection of allegations made against all three of us. I'm sorry your not tickled pink by my tale of abuse. You were not harmed or identified. I don't tell lies about good people. I simply discuss things I am told and how they affect me that is the purpose of a blog. you had no right to make allegations against me in a public comment since your identity was withheld. I do not know what happened. I do not care. I have simply moved on. Please leave me alone. You could've contacted me privately and we could have gotten to the bottom of the situation. Dave is the one at fault. He made serious allegations about you both. I recommend you think carefully about what stories he chooses to tell you. I had to warn all my friend he intended to stalk me and they could also be victimized. He is a very sick man. I apologize if he fabricated the story. However, it is quite suspicious how many details he knew about you both if contact never occurred. I am simply done dealing with harassment. Please leave me alone. If you intend to attack me more I highly suggest you do it in private. Your public comment was uncalled for. I did not reveal your identity or affect your lives. You did not show me the same respect. I have been victimized by all three of you. Please leave me alone. For the love of God I can't take any more lies and abuse. Whatever happened was wrong. It is my right to discuss the issue with your identity withheld and his account rendered retired. So please understand I deserve to be left alone so I can engage in less destructive conversations with people like you and your new buddy dave.
Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to SassyBri : i am doing my homework tonight and rereading old posts to respond to comments. I will be honest with you. I don't know what happened. I always give second chances. That is my weakness and my strength. Dave begged to be back in my life. We truly fell in love. Yet he told me so many strange mixed up variations of what happened no matter how much i care about him I have to keep my guard up. Dave has done more for me than any man on this site. He just fucked up real bad by not being truthful. The curiouscouple were out to get me and i don't know the rules. I almost deleted my whole page. Then it hit me i did nothing wrong. I did not reveal their identity or even discuss their fucked up living situation. Trust me i knew enough about those people to make them look like CPS were knocking on their door daily. They were not good parents or good people. The dude was gay. I cammed with him. I am usually naked. He wanted to discuss being bi-polar and i was willing to help but I warned him i was topless. All he wanted to do was talk about fucking men. Then he wanted me to watch him shower. He didn't masturbate or get hard. He was just weird. I think i know exactly what happened. His wife assumed we had cam sex and she went after the most dominant man on my page. you can't convince me dave would listen to a man talk about being gay. I just don't think he has the balls to tell me he started a relationship with the wife. he is married and we have no future. yet we talk daily and he has shown me more love than any man i've ever dated. He is not rich but he knew damn well I was penniless. My mom attempted suicide taking all my xanax which i desperately needed. He mailed me a hundred dollar bill, twelve xanax and wrote me the sweetest letter I've ever had from a man. No one has ever been that good to me. I forgave him before I got his letter. But he cares about me. Most men know I have nothing and they wouldn't send me five dollars. Dave is different. He helps people. He made a major mistake. I still have my guard up. Yet that letter was the nicest thing a man has done for me. The sad thing is i needed the medicine way more than the money.
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SassyBri 10 years ago
to linmarris : Hmmmm. I'm not sure I'm entirely with you on this whole issue Lin. It sounds like they fought down and dirty. When I get a troll like that, they get what they dish out. Only I will fight to their sheer exhaustion or retirement of their attack profile.

Not sure where you're from, but I'm from Texas. And around here we don't put up with the kind of bullshit you're describing. It was above and beyond you in utter kindness to protect their identity. I would not have been so uhhh... obliging. If a motherfucking troll posts an attack on MY page (and I get it quite often, being a woman. We are targets)I will fire back with just enough to make them wish they would have passed this one (me) by. If they persist... and often they do. I will make them want to crawl back into whatever hole they crept out of. No holds bar. No "I was polite enough not to mention your screen name" tactic, however well meaning.

The assholes need public flogging. Some trolls actually enjoy this. Yet it is necessary to stand up to these bullies for all the other women out here who are not as strong as you or I and end up retiring their pro just because an idiot fucked with them. It is rampant here at XHAMSTER. Some men just don't like us treading on their territory, some women get jealous. I've seen catfights you would cringe over. Been in a few myself.

Please continue to do what you do. I just wanted to give you my opinion on keeping these kinds of issues private. They need all the light of day so as to warn and protect other potential victims. We NEED to know who they are and how they strike so we can be prepared to fight back.

If you get a chance read my blog on BEWARE: The Troll, and RETIRED The Big Red X. I'd like to know your thoughts.

Good luck,
SassyBri ~

I hope you don't mind but I am going to post this to my page as well, it is a challenge I've been up against time and time again, and an important issue for everyone in our community. Thank you.
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fulltimeflirt 10 years ago
He is a ass to harass you in any way I hope you have reported hi by now if you need a vent about this please do so I would never think of such a thing and it was very bad of him to do so . Take care honey and be safe love ya
I'd be glad to tell you my story via text on skype.
Some people are on xham just to give others a hard time. I think they're all in on it, and reading from the same script. It's even possible all parties except you, are the work of just one miss-guided person. Drop him like a bad strycnine habit :wink:
goketas 10 years ago
people sometimes get crazy and d not have the way to be straighten
dmyers69 10 years ago
That bastard needs to grow a pair and start acting like a real man
snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : No one deserves to be left alone but if you feel you need to be left alone take some time away from here the people that care and matter will be here when you get back all you have te do is ask for help and I will be here to help anyway I can
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to littlewanker : my little pet I have moved on. Never underestimate your mistress. Blocking is for pussies. You know better than anyone I love a good fight. If they choose to escalate the confrontation I'm ready for the fight. You have to admit my logic is strong and they look like fools. I love when pussies do a little dance for me and bring a bit of excitement into my world. I have no fear. As a blogger I learned a long time ago how much fun it is to let your enemies read what you write and wallow in defeat. Your mistress is very cruel. I will allow them to expose their weaknesses if they are that ignorant.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to rebz10 : dear reb, I know I've missed your messages. Please forgive me. I ran out of narcolepsy medicine and I have a hard time doing anything at all. even chatting with friends. I do not even know how to block people but I'm not worried about it. Let them read me if they want to. They must feel very foolish now that they exposed themselves. They can post whatever they want and I am prepared to defend myself. My logic is strong. They are behaving like children. It will honestly amuse me if they keep trying to fuck with me when I'm just a victim and so are they. Dave is the monster they need to confront. If they are wise they will leave me the fuck alone.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : My sweet teddybear, I will check for your pm. I am not well. I ran out of narcolepsy medicine and I'm highly sedated. The first days without medicine are a terrible detox when I can barely function. I truly deserve to be left alone. I have been through enough. Dave thinks I'm some kind of doll. If he can't play with me than he wants to destroy me so know one else can have his toy. It's like a sick practical joke he won't drop. Since he taunted me that he is already on my friend's list and nothing can stop him from accessing my life I guarantee he will read this reply. He has an obsession and I'm not playing his silly games anymore. So he taunts people like the couple into harassing me and they go for it. It just makes me sad. I just want solitude right now.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to xxflyguyshawnxx : thank you my dear I'm sure we will chat. I stay very close to the handful of men who choose to read my blog. People need to stop and realize this is not my first motherfucking rodeo. I have had people attack me for writing a blog since before myspace. I have been a blogger before the word blog existed. I discuss what is going on in my life but I do it in a way that no one is harmed. They could taunt to report me if I revealed their identity. Now it is on display on my page and they revealed their damn selves. I don't know what happened. Dave was truly scary. It's like he wanted to own me. This couple befriended me in support of my blog. Now they want to fight it. I will never know if dave made up his story of swapping pics with these people or it really happened. According to their inappropriate comment on my page they had a nice chat with him. Dave can't own me so he is out to fuck with me and he picked these people out to manipulate. I don't know why people tell strange lies. I tell the motherfucking truth. People can hate me for it. Yet if I withheld their identity they damn well better not attack me in public. Rules are rules. You don't post a public comment bashing someone on their page. My behavior is protected by the freedom of speech especially when identities were withheld. Their behavior is not acceptable. Coming after my reputation means you better have a goddamn weapon.
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littlewanker 10 years ago
You gotta just block those assholes and move on
rebz10 10 years ago
if they block you then block them too so that the issue doesnt go long and they cannot post crap that upset you.
snake_500011 10 years ago
Lin if you haven't read my pm I really think you should there is a bit in there on dealing with this
xxflyguyshawnxx 10 years ago
I'd love to maybe chat with you one day.I'm sorry to hear about how rough people are making one of the things you hold most dear to you difficult butyo keep on fighting