Fuck men pretending to be women.

In case you missed dave aka 'steevo' the perv hamster had a freaky reaction to my letter. He claims everything he said about himself was a total lie. He just enjoyed 'the writing.' I wouldn't post this but he is one creepy dude. He taunted me that he would reappear and maybe we will meet again. The fucker intends to stalk me pretending to be someone else. He won't just exit my life like a normal man. He wants to fuck with me again. I will not be easy to fool. The problem is he has a vendetta against all other men who read my blog. I knew right away he probably contacted many people on my friend's list like the curious couple. He probably engaged them. It was weird because he told me over a hundred of my friend's sent him a request. I call bullshit. He went people shopping through my friends. I think he was afraid I would check out his profile and realize he was connecting with my friends. I don't know if he is gay or bisexual. Most of my friends are men.

Right after I posted the blog a strange person sent me a comment. I know who reads me and who doesn't. This was a new face. It was a picture of a woman with the symbol of a man. It was the way the comment was worded that was too obvious. I didn't want to check out this person's profile but I had to know. It has been active five hundred days. Whoever this man/chick is not going to be in my life. I don't like fake profiles. The profile admitted none of the pics were real they were just pictures he liked. It's a man pretending to be a woman. He/she is into every possible kink. The beginning of his profile announces he just had to retire his account but basically he has always been an active slut. Then there is the factor this person has a whole set of sex stories that just seem fucked up. Dave loves to write. I may be bashing some kind new friend. I have no choice.

The bottom line is I don't like fucking women. I truly don't like a man pretending to be a woman. I don't like people claiming to be the opposite sex. I don't like people who use fake photos. I am a nice person and I would never make these allegations if it wasn't important. I really think that dave's female alter ego stalked me in less than an hour thinking I'm that naive. I didn't block her or the comment because my male friends need to see if they accidentally added this person. You may have befriended samantha from alaska who also posed as steevo from california. He was very specific he didn't really live in california. All I know is that he is really manipulative and pretending to be a woman is not out of his comfort zone.

All I know about dave 'aka' steevo is that he is so cocky it is shocking. He would immediately switch genders to gain access to my life. He built up a really intense fascination with me. I cut him off and he had a profile already established to return. He probably does this with a lot of people. He never seems to work or sleep. He refused to set up skype in order to cam. That is a dead give away he was fundamentally flawed. He already confessed to targeting people on my friend's list. He is targeting me. If you know you leave comments regularly on my blog watch out for a man posing as a woman just to fuck with you. Please check my last blog and make sure 'samantha' isn't your friend.

This is more than an issue with dave. Fuck fake profiles where men pretend to be women. Fuck samantha in alaska. If you are a man pretending to be a woman stay the fuck away from me and my goddamn friends. Since I just busted him posing as samantha he may be forced to start a new profile as a newbie from day one. Don't fall for it. He is a harmless douchebag. Nonetheless I don't want him to fuck with the really small group of men I truly adore. You know who you are because you comment.
Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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I totally agree with you fuck those Bitch ass NIggas!!!!
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
i also hide my location and use a fake name. my real name is lynn by the way
reanimator11 10 years ago
So many fake profiles have in this site and not only hire all over the web ... Men pretending to be women or pretending to someone else or just stay anonymous. They are a creepy people! There are many bad people in this world...
francescofabio88 10 years ago
I agree with what you wrote and I also do not understand the reason why many people create fake profiles, what is their purpose?
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to tpatton720 : there really are. thanks for your comment
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destiny_cd 10 years ago
People should just be themselves, its a waste of time being someone else.
tpatton720 10 years ago
All I can say is there are some real creepy people in this world. Be careful.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to southernand7up : I hate that aspect of the internet. For some reason I am not able to post comment replies right now because the site is malfunctioning.
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I agree 10000%, i always get obviously fake profiles trying to add me. Its very disturbing that people are doing this, and that they think they are actually fooling anyone
southernand7up 10 years ago
The down part of the internet is anyone can pretend to be anyone they want to be for whatever reason.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : my sweet teddybear. I must sleep now but I cant wait for your pm. I'm just exhausted. I am not scared of this man posing as a woman. dave tried to say he used me just for the 'writing' I'm prepared for a confrontation. I can't wait to tell you about my dream. but i must sleep now. godnight my dearest.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to littlewanker : I totally agree. If you check out the profile it would piss you off. None of the pictures are clear. nothing makes since. It's a dude. It' not just a cross dresser. she is pretending to be a really slutty bis-sexual chick to lure in men. i bet good money it's the dave dude's alter ego and he has serious bi-sexual issues. He wasnt even smart enough to give himself a female gender. It announces a dude is running the page. You can tell from the writing it is a dude. The fact she post slutty pictures of women is a man's attempt to get both sexes to give him attention. He wants tributes for a sexy female face he pulled of the internet. None of the pictures are real and he admits it. Using this profile he wants men to think he is into chicks. He wants women to think he is into chicks. You can tell by his writing it is a dude. His list of fetishes are off the wall. He is certainly into men and women. He is bi-sexual and he wants as much attention as possible. I don't want women on my page. I'm not into chicks. I certainly dont want a dude posing as a bi-sexual woman to score attention from both sexes on my page. I don't block her just to let my friends double chick they didnt add him. My friend's are straight. They don't want to waste a lot on a gay dude using fake pics to pose as a lesbian manslut who wants rimjobs and so much more. you dont even have to see the profile to call bullshit. Your too damn smart to fall for a man pretending to be a woman. Most of my friends are. I bet money it's the dave dude stalking me so fast it's just funny. I almost hope he does try to contact me again so I can slam him for being a perv that wants a good dicking so bad he fakes being a lesbian
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snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : When it comes down to it this is your blog and profile if you dont trust someone block them and delete them so they can not bother you. I look forward to hearing what you think of the reading. If you want to double check what I have said you can get card meanings off google but you must ensure you put which way the cards were facing if they are reversed as this creates the opposite reading to how the card normally is
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to messystu : messystu im not blocking her for a reason. it is very important for my friends to make sure they did not add her on accident. Even if it isn't dave it is a perfect reminder the signs to watch out for if he does reappear as a woman to fuck with any of us. I truly don't want femmales in my life. I certainly dont want a man posing as a female in my life. It is a clear indication he has strong bisexual tendencies and my frinds are entirely straight. I dare her to fuck with me. I can protect myself. dave gave me his phone number and i will be quick to use it to torment him for stalking me like a psycopath,
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
yes it's too suspicious. she didn't defend herself when i confronted her she was the man stalking me. She didn't read this post and try to clear her name. I will not block her so friends can make sure she did not accidentally enter their lives. Most of all even if it isn't dave it is a very clear example of that type of page a man creates when he is posing as a female. That topic pisses me off. I don't want women in my life. I certainly dont want a bi-sexual man posing as a woman in my life. This person doesn't want to fuck with me. I dare them to try. I'm not scared anymore. I just don't want my friend's manipulated.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to rebz10 : reb baby it was hard to write this post because I hate to post allegations I can't confirm. I don't know if you checked out the profile for that suspicious comment. I truly think it is dave's female alter ego. It's even more suspicious she didn't try to confirm she wasn't the man stalking me. As even more proof she didn't read this post and comment trying to clear her name. It was certainly a man posing as a woman. Even if it wasn't dave it is a perfect example of the way he would portray himself if he has a female identity. Any man posing as a woman has serious homosexual tendencies. That doesn't bother me but my male friends are straight and have no interest in men. I won't block her because I want my friends to have access to her profile. He can't hurt me. I only want men in my life. I certainly don't want a man posing as a woman in my life. I don't like fake profiles that manipulate men into interacting with a man who poses as a woman so he can get attention especially since he craves bi-sexual contact. My friends aren't into that.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : my teddybear you know it hurts me to make allegations I can't confirm. I don't like to attack people who may just be trying to be nice to me. But the comment was suspicious. Checking out the man's profile rang huge alarm bells. It is certainly a man posing as a woman. Chances are it was female alter-ego. I want to protect my friends. Even if it was not dave it is precisely what to look for when you fear a man is pretending to be a woman. From the way he reacted he is on this site to get as much attention as possible. I can't help but say any man soliciting men pretending to be a woman has serious homosexual tendencies. My friends don't really need that manipulation. I'm less scared now. I believe he underestimates my ability to protect myself and my friends. There is a huge problem with men pretending to be women to manipulate men. I hear about it all the time. I don't want women in my life. I certainly don't want a man pretending to be a woman. No my love I would never ask for a picture of you because appearances don't matter to me. In many ways because you are married it is almost not safe to see your picture because I could become uncontrollably attracted to you. I don't want to disrupt your family or accidentally taint our friendship based on my high sex drive and the fact i would find you beautiful even if you were flawed because your soul is beautiful. I am playing catch-up tonight and I may not get to your pm right away. But I can't wait to describe my spiritual experience and seek your guidance.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
It's nice to meet you. I don't have a perfect memory and you may have commented on other posts. It was important to warn men who do comment on my blog that they could be targeted. I sincerely believe the dave creep does pose as a man and a woman to get as much attention as possible. I don't know if you checked the profile for the man/woman who left me a comment. I really think it was him. That person didn't reply when I told her she could be the person stalking me. She didn't defend herself in a comment when I called her out for posing as a woman. I didn't block her so my friends could see what to look for when a man especially dave is posing as a woman to fuck with anyone possible. Even if it wasn't him it was the perfect example of what do expect if he does fake being a woman and targeting men who read my blog. It isn't fair for a man who truly has homosexual tendencies to target straight men posing as a woman. I like real people. I'm not scared he can fool me because I know exactly how he writes. I just feel concern my good friends could get manipulated. Even if it wasn't dave it is the perfect example to warn my friends what a profile will look like if a man is posing as a woman. I look forward to going back to my favorite hobby of writing sex stories now that this drama is over. I do hope you stay in touch. I ask for comments not to seek praise but to find out which men read me and even saying hello or good job is enough to make me happy and earn my trust. I have a full pm box but if you ever want to chat in private leaving me a page comment to check for your message. Until I get caught up it will be hard for me to use my system. But it works when I'm not busy writing about drama instead of erotica.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to xxflyguyshawnxx : Thank you shawn is a pleasure to meet you. Many of my closest friends feel very uncomfortable posting public comments. I have been writing my whole life. I was writing a blog on a forum called livejournal before myspace was an option and blog wasn't a word yet. I am very accepting of men who are uncomfortable posting in public. I encourage you to comment for many reasons. I don't seek praise and attention. I work very hard to help people build up their writing skills. It leads to a better life. I know it may sound silly but the more you write the more you will be viewed as an intelligent well-spoken man. It can further your career. It can help you impress women. If you do reach a point when you feel the courage to start your own blog I will guide you every step of the way. It is a wonderful way to make friends and discuss issues that are on your mind. It is free therapy. No one is confident when they first start writing. Do not get caught up in stupid issues like grammar, punctuation and spelling. In the world of writing proof-readers and editors do that monotonous work. I do ask for comments not to get attention. I keep track of new names and faces and bond with men who take the time to say even a few simple words. For me it is proof that they read what I wrote and I can track when a man looses interest when he stops commenting. I fight to win them back. It is a battle I always lose. I still keep trying. When I stopped writing on facebook to blog here I warned men my blog would be highly erotic and also personal. I could easily develop a fan base just pumping out sex stories. I would get burned out. I use this blog for all my writing even when it is not sexual and men won't read it. I do it for myself. For a beginner I will be honest you have true potential. My blog is a forum to discuss their own personal conflicts and get my sincere advice. You did exactly what a comment should do. You shared your own victimization by a man posing as a woman. It is a huge issue on this site and you are not alone. Your right. The way men write compared to women is a dead giveaway when they try to pull it off. It is a sick and twisted move. I hate fake people and I will fight to bust the cocksuckers who try to do it to me. I don't trust woman and don't really have them in my life. Men are more honest. A man posing as a woman grosses me out and to me it is a clear sign he has homosexual tendencies which doesn't bother me. But most men don't want a gay dude trying to get attention from men pretending to be a woman. and if i haven't mentioned this before if you want to speak in private send me a pm and then a page comment to look for your message.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to xxflyguyshawnxx : it's so weird. I really am a nice person. I go out of my way to make my friends happy and offer support. I hate being negative. But I had to write this post to protect my friends. I don't know if you checked out the profile I warned could be dave. It was important not to block him because my good friends need to know if they have been targeted. It is almost confirmation it was dave's alter ego because the man didn't defend himself. He didn't work to assure me he was not the man who was stalking me. He didn't comment on this blog that blasted him. He underestimates my intellect. He couldn't refuse popping back into my life with an identity he probably uses to fuck with lots of people. I assure you I'm a real chick. My photos are recent. My blog is real. Even my sex stories have elements that discuss my past. I'm not afraid of him. I'm concerned only about my friends. I feel guilty I was conned and he may target my real friends. I protect my friends and I would do anything for them. Even if it means bashing a suspicious comment.
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littlewanker 10 years ago
If there is one thing I hate it's men pretending to be women on X Hamster to collect tributes for their 'gay satisfaction'.....fuckin assholes......
messystu 10 years ago
Don't take chances and block anyone you don't trust xx
rebz10 10 years ago
Thanks for the warning. Block any suspicious profile Lynn
snake_500011 10 years ago
I will keep an eye out if I have already added them they haven't made contact if they do make contact I will not talk to them I have sent you a pm regarding your request of me if you ever want to see a picture of me just ask and i will provide it for you
xxflyguyshawnxx 10 years ago
i often read most of your blog but i am not very confident in my writing or blogging skills. so i suppose this is my first comment not counting the previous one. allow me to introduce my self i'm shawn, a big fan of your writing.i guess i just wanted to say hello. maybe ill comment more from now on, i don't know. i am actually really sorry to hear about this man posing as a woman in order to seek your attention. on this site i have witnessed and even fell victim to the same thing but the way these me write is usually a give away.
xxflyguyshawnxx 10 years ago
my question is who could possibly want to bother you? you are such a sweetheart.